Anti-male propaganda

Just look at the other movies Jane Anderson directed if you have any doubt.


More like anti-child propaganda.

That family had some of the stupidest kids I've ever seen in a movie.


Well you can only consider it anti-male if you consider yourself to be as male as the *beep* in the movie. In that case it's anti-male, but then again men like that deserve to get bad publicity.
What a great, strong cheerful woman she was, I really wished she was my mother.


I don't see it like that, she was saddled by a lot of children, she could have had a career other than that.. It's what society expected of a woman back then is that you can either have the large family or the career, the family came first for her.


Yeah, look how the milkman is portrayed as a creep for not giving her milk for free, and backwards for suggesting she do laundry to pay off her bill. Of course the book this movie is based on was written by a hardcore lesbian, who no doubt made up most of it because she envied her dad

