Couldn't understand it...

I watched about 45 minutes of this and then I had to turn it off because I could barely make out what they were saying. Theres was always background noise and Sean Penn sounded muddy. Anyone agree?


I highly recommend the book. There are some convolutions that are a little hard to understand but it's great.


I couldn't hear hardly anything anyone was saying. The sound was way off and then you had in the Sean Penn's mumbling. I think I could have liked the movie had I been able to hear it.


The dvd I rented was just fine. I could hear everything, but I always turn on the subtitles because I don't want to miss anything.


Thank god, I thought something was wrong with me!!!! I am so glad to see other people had trouble understanding what they were saying. Jesus thats frustrating. Its one of the things I think filmamkers take for granted because they know what the lines are going to be so when they hear them they understand them. It reminds me of The Davinci Code where I had to keep replaying Audreys parts to understand wht she was saying.

There is NO Gene for the Human Spirit.


I don't know what it is but the last years the big fad seems to be MUTTERING. If you watch a movie on TV you have to turn it up to make out what they are saying, then of course the machine guns and explosions start. This trend sucks. That's something I hated about Orson Wells in 'Touch of Evil'.


Also, that's not in keeping with the character at all. Willie Stark was a carbon copy of Huey Long who knew how to make himself heard and understood by everybody.


I spent 30 minutes thinking that there was something wrong with my DVD player. Even with the sound on full, the sound was just crap. When Jude Law is talking to Kate Winslet I just could not make out what they were saying...even after i gave up. The entire film was like that. So, if the director wondered why people did not go in their droves to see the film, maybe this is why.
Also the trnasformation of Sean penn the good guy to a major bad guy wnet from one single speech he gave then all of a sudden he was a crook. They should have explained why. Never mind saying people know the book...People don't know the book and besides if your going to write a screenplay....write it.


I can’t believe I had to scroll down so far through the posts to get to to this topic. I was beginning to think I was the only one struggling to understand the dialogue and over cooked southern American accents. Like others I needed to keep turning the volume up and down all the time. I just watched a HD recording from free to air TV and unfortunately subtitles weren’t available. You can imagine how bad that was.
