What are you talking about leetron?
Firstly, the OP, to his credit, was not blaming anyone for his circumstances.
Okay, I can't, admittedly, sympathise and endorse his desire to 'score and get laid'. Perhaps if he didn't look at women as potential sex partners, and instead focused on building friendships and relationships, irrespective of sexual intercourse, he might, inadvertently, end up with a better sex life.
But that said, he doesn't appear to be blaming women for his single status (which would be deeply problematic and make him come across as a stereotypically misogynist 'incel'). At worst, all he's asking for is a bit of sympathy. And unless he's been abusive, either verbally or physically, to women, or spoken of women in a misogynist and sexually entitled manner, I don't think extending a modicum of sympathy to him is completely unreasonable.
As to your advice, I am tall, slim, fairly muscular, have a normal BMI, am well-dressed and well-groomed, exercise daily, eat a very healthy diet (no meat, no dairy, no drugs and very little alcohol), I don't play video games and watch only a minimum of TV, and I am regularly complimented by women and men, have various female friends, and yet I am still single. Sometimes it just comes down to personality. You can be the best-looking and dressed guy in the world, and still be incredibly shy, insecure, and worried about annoying women by asking for their phone numbers.
Ultimately, the OP has a point. Involuntarily celibate women and men shouldn't be demonised (unless they are misogynist and acting in a hostile manner), and although NO-ONE is entitled to sex, we can still sympathise with those people who aren't getting any.