Loved the characters,but very badly written film
I don't know if I'm alone in this, but I can't believe this film received so many prizes! It is appalling! I say this even though, I was touched by it. .( aren't we all touched by romantic cheesy soap stories?) I know I am and I'm not ashamed of it,; and this movie defines a whole new genre, the word cheeesy needs to be expanded for this horrible, horrible narrative structure and, I can't even say, the characters are cliches! They are not even worthy of being called cliches! But still I was a bit touched by the final line of the movie and anyone can get carried away by handsome actors, but, what was the writer thinking? I really hate criticizing any work of art, no matter how bad, because ,I value an artists work as a creation of something out of nothing. And all a critic does is demolish it and tear it down.I would just really like to know what the writer intended to convey with this movie; guaranteed financial success at the expense of any artistic quality? Again I value it very much and think the actors did a wonderful job, but, surely, the narrative,.am I really alone here or does anyone else think it was a blatantly obvious joke because it was soo cliche filled? No offense intended, just genuinely curious!