Her choice of swimsuit

It told a lot about why her husband probably turned to "Slutty Kay" for sexual fulfillment. When she flipped through a catalog to a page dog-eared, there were two pictures of women in swimsuits. One was of a woman in a one piece and the other a bikini. She ordered the one piece. That apparently is what she thought of as sexy and ordered to wear to the pool for the guy she was interested in. No wonder her husband seemed to lose interest. He probably thought she was boring sexually; always seemed to dress kind of dumpy, never did anything with her hair or make-up and probably didn't think of herself as pretty so didn't bother to do anything about it. If she was just a tiny bit like "slutty Kay" and tried to spice things up a little, he probably would have paid much more attention to her which is what she wanted in the first place. She should have gotten the clue when she saw him with the panties he ordered from "Slutty Kay". I'll bet if she wore something like that for him every once in awhile there wouldn't have been a problem.

If you recall when she caught her husband, she told him that they needed to talk. When she returned later, he asked her if she wanted to talk and all she did was shun him. She should have realized that if he was looking elsewhere for fulfillment, then there was something he needed that was lacking in their relationship. He was willing to talk about it but she just shut him down.


Yes, cause her husband dressed so sexy and hip, had such a cool haircut...i mean he was a such a sexy hunk who put so much effort in his looks.

If you love Jesus Lizard and are 100% proud of it, copy this and make it your signature!



She looks great!



I think its the line down her center that leads your eyes.
