MovieChat Forums > Everything Is Illuminated (2005) Discussion > The grasshopper bit bothered me..

The grasshopper bit bothered me..

I know, I know, you're going to say "Get over it!" or call me a "pussy" or over sensitive, but the scene in which Jonathan placed the grass hopper inside the plastic bag bothered me. I mean..couldn't he had just taken some dirt to remember that specific visit to the lady in trachimbrod? Or perhaps even a sunflower petal?

I just couldn't find it in myself to take a grass hopper, or any living thing and just willingly suffocate it in a bag and keep it as a momentum. Also, it seems out of character for Jonathan, too. He seems so sensitive and caring himself, as well as considerate. Especially when he says "Hey, don't do that!" when Alex hits the dog.

Now, I didn't cry over this, or get extremely upset, when I saw it I simply said out loud "What? Why would he do that???" I mean a grass hopper you can find in many places, but the sunflower would stand out more anyways. That was the most memorable aspect about that entire scene, was the enormous, never ending rows of sunflowers.

Eh, anyways. Yes you read that write, a three paragraph post about a grass hopper suffocating. I personally just couldn't find it in myself to do that to anything. And then someone trolling will say "But a sunflower is a living thing too!" Heh..


It was weird for me too. I thought vegetarians could not hurt animals so deliberately.


Exactly. Like I said before, he just seems like such a sensitive character, in general. Look at the way he reacted when Alex hits the dog a few scenes before that, and even though he himself dislikes dogs, he scolded Alex for doing so "Hey, don't do that!"

Even if people judge cruelty based on animals' size, it just seems out of place to me that Jonathan did that.


Well, I doubt Jonathan was a gardener, but at some point a lot of us get to where killing insects is just a reality. Grasshoppers are pests and bird food, so I feel nothing for them. I wouldn't torture them and I hate the crunching sound, but I also hate them destroying my crops.




Not generally, but last year I grew so much (3 bushes bigger than me in height and a few times as wide) I was giving it away all over the place. Still have half a pound - enough for a freakin lifetime, but I guess it doesn't retain quality that long.
