Takes place in the Carpathian mountains. A bite infects the victim. changes into a bat-like creature. Remains in the dark away from the sunlight? This caused heated discussion within my family, was wondering what other people thought.
Making the monsters bat-like certainly was suggestive of vampires. But the reason the movie takes place in Romania is because there are over 1200 documented caves in Romania, and in the 1980s some scientists found dozens of new species of creatures and insects in these caves. The screen-writers wondered "what if" the scientists found something dangerous down there.
------------------------------------------------------------------- Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. - Mark Twain.
Vampire legends pre-date the Bram Stoker novel by hundreds of years, and there were vampire legends all over the world, not just in Romania. Your knowledge of vampire legends is very limited if you think that every bat in every cave in Romania MUST be a vampire!
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. - Mark Twain.
Vampires, in one form or another, have been around since Ancient Eqypt (or at least their stories/myths/legends of them), but in film, Romanian Dracula types has been prevalent. Movie-makers don't seem to go past the Dracula aspect.
He who lives by the sword will be shot by those who can't
You make a good point. Film-makers almost always stay within the confines of the Dracula type of vampire, when there are actually many types of vampires in various legends and stories who don't even hunt for blood.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. - Mark Twain.