Better than The Descent
How does this have 4.9 stars, where as The Descent has 7.3!
Can someone please explain?
How does this have 4.9 stars, where as The Descent has 7.3!
Can someone please explain?
Just watched it. It looks very good with few interesting actors I know of but thats it. For me it was very boring and sometimes I felt they didnt know how to do this movie.
The Descent is way better and one of my favorite horror movies. Still need to watch part 2 though...
For me "The Cave" has some well-shot stuff. Some action sequences and 2-3 second shots are very kinetic. Some elements and the group dynamic was well-balanced and not overly squeezed for dramatic effect.
However "The Cave" is not at all as polished and focused as The "Descent". There are several moments in the The Cave where things happen abruptly, to the point where I felt they cut connective tissue, or didn't film it at all. The "parasite" angle a la "The Thing" wasn't necessary at all, it seemed to me to be there only to fill out a bit of time and to allow for the out-of-left-field ending, which seemed rushed and completely cliched to me, like they didn't trust their film enough to not end with a twist revelation.
The Descent doesn't have as many implausible aspects, and it's easier to believe the main characters are real humans in a *beep* situation. I also think The Descent is marginally better shot, has much better editing and visual structure, exploring the surroundings, where "The Cave" spends the majority of time on medium or closeups of the main actors.
I think there is a good 1-hour movie in The Cave, but some other elements and shortcomings drag down the overall impression for me.
Because this was absolutely awful while Descent was fantastic.
Death Awaits (Horror forum)
A tribute to the western philosophical tradition if ever there was one. Thankfully we don't waste public money educating the ineducable any more. It's wasted on tax-breaks for 'movie' companies instead. Some things change for the better eh?
shareBrainwashing lets us claim ownership of thoughts and feelings implanted by others. That means no-one states the obvious because no-one sees it. The ratings question can be answered simply - technical considerations aside such as pacing, characters, dialogue an so forth - when we observe that women are really great and, erm, you know, men aren't.
Watch 'Descent 2'. The connection is inescapable [and hilarious; actually The Cave might have furnished a subterranean companion-piece to the Dublin-Hollywood mafia's 'Grey Wolf' had they but used the mind-numbingly unoriginal expedient of giving everyone an 'Oirish' identity to go with their surnames]. Descent is a 'buddy movie'. It's a 'buddy-movie' for girls though. Whereas the Cave is a testosterone-fuelled fist-fight with 'bros' whose only real interest in 'hard science' is the women who deliver it - 'Charlie' is introduced to us on a boat fixing something up aloft to prove how really great women are but, these endeavours notwithstanding, it remains true that women professionals are little more than ciphers for male decision-making in this picture - Descent casts aside 'oppressive stereotypes' [ways of seeing the world globalists don't like] to push a few of its own [ways they do].
Descent, like any cultural artefact, is a product of its time, but it isn't true, and never was, that messages 'are for Western Union', and if sport is 'war by other means' so is mass entertainment. It was never true either that 'brothers always get it in the first reel'. This remark aired by a black character in one film I recall ['Deep Blue Sea'?] that demonstrates my point admirably by showing how complaint is so often used as a mask for privilege. In fact black characters in film die heroically [saving others] or not at all, and where they survive it's often with the sole white woman in tow [e.g. 'House on Haunted Hill'], the semiotics of which needn't concern us.
The point about the The Cave sacrificing 'Charlie' is that she goes down fighting like a man, not like a woman. Alex too is killed but not as impressively [Korean-Americans are less likely to complain and are not as politically useful]. Lena Headey survives of course, and as the [latterly infected] scientist describes the creature's wish to 'break out' of its confinement in a way that could easily be as much political metaphor as it is a prediction of zoological Armageddon designed to set the scene for a sequel that never happened.
Just my two-pennyworth.
You need help.
shareGreat response. Very well thought out and some excellent points made.
Now rewrite it so us plebs can understand. ;)
You mentioned boobs at some point, right?
Because THE DESCENT is the far better (and scarier) film,flat-out---there's no contest.