MovieChat Forums > Breach (2007) Discussion > Sorry to ppl who liked it but i was SO B...

Sorry to ppl who liked it but i was SO BORED!

Seriously he only reason I watched it from beginning to end was because I was after hearing so much hype about it "its unbelievably good""its amazing!" but it didnt get any better I stayed bored out of my mind.
I was really really bored with it, I dont know about anyone else but I was pretty dissapointed.


I just watched it. Very surprised the critics gave it such positive reviews. Not a BAD film, but not at all inspired, rather predictable, and ultimatly not recommendable. Philippe wasn't very good felt like the film was made by people just trying to walk well trodden, safe paths. There's a ton of tired cliches here which are insulting to the viewer. Repeated scenes of luring him away, and: oh my god, he's gonna get caught. "is it worth it...?" c'mon... Really? Maybe I'm just not into thrillers. So formulaic. Please, dare to create new styles and ideas.


Sounds like the movie was simply crushed by the weight of expectation you heaped on it.

Not the first time it's happened, and won't be the last.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


The film is interesting with Cooper and Phillipe.
However,the disgusting lines written for the female co-star,concerning sexual deviation ad nauseum..insult the viewer.
"Hollywood" and independents have been doing this for decades.
T.V./Film/Radio/Newspapers are powerful and could help Americans of all ages.
I give the movie an 8 due to the aforementioned actors dedication to their individual


I'm watching it now for the first time. I LOVE spy movies, including the more cerebral types such as Le Carre adaptations & those slow-as-molasses British films. (Smiley, etc)

- But this one is a snooze fest. Something significant had better happen in the next ten minutes, or I'm done.

I could be washing the dishes, or mowing the lawn, or doing my taxes... All much more interesting & exciting.


I know you all think it was bored, but this is true in real life. Spying on Robert Hansen is never pleasant until you arrest him immediately before it gets too late.

But whatever is boring than this movie are these: The Hours, August: The Osage County and Affliction. Affliction is most worse boring that I ever seen, IMO.


It's playing in the background as I type this. 25 minutes to go and I can't wait for it to be over. Talk about DREARY and unrealistic. "Based on a true story"? Yea! VERY loosely!


