I was actually impressed

I was actually impressed with this movie. I didn't know it existed until this weekend and I went out to get immediately. I had checked the reviews here at IMDB first and wasn't expecting much.

I must say, you loser-users at IMDB got it wrong again!!


Yeah, Helena and Leon looked most like their characters. Bass did, too...at least a little. Well, at least he was funny.

"It seems you still haven't realized who I truly am." - Christie (Dead or Alive 4)


I finally decided to take this out of my DVD "pile of shame" and watched it this weekend.

Surprisingly, I didn't think it was all that bad. Granted, there were a few liberties with the game - okay, A LOT (barely any mention of Jann Lee and Lei Fang - what the frak?) - but just put your brain in neutral and enjoy the ride for what it is.

Plus, you get to see Kevin Nash flex his comedic chops - sure, the Hulkster may look more like Bass, but I think Nash played him close to the character. And, a Robin Shou appearance - Liu Kang lives!

Devon Aoki needs acting lessons, though. A shame - she rocked as Miho in Sin City.



I've never played the game but I thought it would be terrible just like any other game-to-movie adaptations. It turned out to be the best one I've seen so far! Sure it's a no-brainer, so what? It's an action flick and it delivers! The fights are well shot, the screenplay is funny and crazy, the girls are sexy and charismatic and there's the Chinese touch! I really liked it.

Last watched: http://imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=7838626


ditto here... I knew some about the game but needed mindless entertainment for my daily bus commute to work. It was much better than I expected and it seemed very focused on the target market. It didn't try to be a drama or break away from what the game genre is about... mindless, eye catching, combat and bouncing... um... beachballs :) Which is another suprising aspect, they actually connected that spinoff game into everything else in a way that actually worked!


Watching it right now, and I must say, very entertaining.Lot's of action,and awesome fight scenes. I like it!


I've only ever played the xtreme beach volleyball game because I picked it up pre owned for 99p and I thought it was super fun, wanna get some more and I did want to see the movie years ago and kept thinking about buying it so when I found out ITV 4 was showing it I had to record and have to say I thought it was a fun movie. One of the best video game adaps I've seen and easily the best fighting video game one I've seen.

real human being and a real hero



The movie surprised me a litte bit as well. What comes to the games I've only played DOA5 I'm more of a Tekken person. Was expecting another Alone in the Dark, but this was actually entertainig thanks to the good looking women. It's just really dumb fun just like the game series. It's not a good movie, it's okay mindless entertainment and cause of that I gave it a 6/10.


It was a fun and sexy movie. Wasn't expecting much from it.
