MovieChat Forums > DOA: Dead or Alive (2007) Discussion > Which girl was the hottest?

Which girl was the hottest?

Who do you think was the hottest girl in this movie? For me it was between Kasumi and Christie.



Sarah Carter hands down. Followed closely by Holly Valance.


ALL of them


Tina,Christie AND Helena


Helena by far.


Kasumi wasn't attractive at all to me. Her body looks like a little boy's and there's just something wrong about her eyes and mouth. Maybe if she smiled once she'd look a little better.

Tina on the other hand is a knockout.


I loved Tina and Christie. They were both by far the hottest. And they were just the best characters personality wise. Kasumi was just not cute at all. Helena was eh.

"Boom Kitty!!"


After watching the movie, playing the games and playing the spinoff Xtreme-II..

I have to ask one question, why oh why did they not include Lei-Fang and Kokoro in this. Those two are the prettiest characters in the DOA world..

Imagine Kokoro played by a matched Actress..

Imagine this in real life: mp;biw=1600&bih=755&tbm=isch&tbnid=5N3pm3c4pL_fwM:&img refurl=; amp;docid=6Bf3b3sIXr47zM&imgurl= __cb20100812100036/deadoralive/images/b/bf/DOAX2_Kokoro_Jungle.jpg&amp ;w=720&h=1280&ei=oO6sTonLNqbeiALEwpDqCg&zoom=1&iact=hc &vpx=963&vpy=267&dur=973&hovh=300&hovw=168&tx= 102&ty=164&sig=112300454509527561409&page=1&tbnh=173&a mp;tbnw=99&start=0&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:0


Christie. No contest.


Guess I'd go with Tina Armstrong.


1) Christie (by a hair...really tough call)
2) Helena

3) Ayane

4) Kasumi (almost sexless, but might do in a pinch)

5) Tina (WT, gross)


They could've done so much more with that Movie.

You didn't like Devon Aoki's take on Kasumi?
I thought she was adorable.

Then again, you have 30 - 40 year old actresses (less maybe Helena) portraying mid 20 year old girls.. what can one expect.

Plus, what happened to Leifang, Hitomi and Koko?
What about Lisa.


I think Jaime Pressly, Holly Valance and Sarah Carter in no particular order were SMOKING. Even if their characters do pale in comparison to their video game counterparts.


Christie for sure.. but Jamie Presley definitely got RIPPED for this movie. That was pretty crazy to see.
