1. The excuse that no one nearby will call the cops when they hear the gunshots because "they'll just think it's fireworks." Well, maybe, except there AREN'T ANY FIREWORKS GOING OFF! It's a freaking blizzard! And they certainly would have called someone after 5,000 rounds of bullets went off like it was the @#$%! Alamo.
2. When Ethan makes a run for the bus and there's a bad guy in it - A) when he runs outside he leaves the back door wide open, B) the bus door slamming on his wrist and knocking the gun away was sooo stupid and sooo Hollywood and C) they get into a fist fight??? So this bad guy is the ONLY ONE who isn't armed? His comrades are practically Navy Seals, they have so many weapons, and THIS GUY has NOTHING???
3. Nobody else has noticed that an entire precinct in the city has been completely cut off, with no communication, for an entire night??? HOURS with no communication and no one is checking it out?
4. When the girls make a run for it in the SUV and the guy jumps up from the back seat and shoots the driver - they SLAM into a pole at like 40 MPH. The guy in the back should have FLOWN THROUGH THE FREAKING WINDSHIELD! At the very lease, he's got broken ribs, broken nose, broken arm, etc., but instead he bounces out of the backseat like nothing happened. Ridiculous. The blonde chick at least had bruises on her face, but she too should have been royally messed up.
5. Basically the whole premise - there must be AT LEAST 20 bad guys, all decked out in full riot gear, weapons, night vision, with a HELICOPTER -- how in the world did they get a hold of all of that without anyone asking what they were up to? What, they just rolled up and flew off in a police helicopter, in a blizzard no less, and nobody asked them any questions?
6. More of the typical 1000 rounds get fired at a group of people only 15 feet away and NOBODY gets hit - not even a scratch - on multiple occasions.
7. We go the WHOLE MOVIE with these guys supposedly trapped inside the building, only to find out in the final 10 minutes that there JUST HAPPENS to be an underground tunnel leading outside? Are you KIDDING ME???
8. Letting Bishop out of his cell was faulty logic from the very beginning: What will the outcome be? Either they can turn him over at the beginning of the movie and no one dies, BUT HE GOES FREE, or they let him out and give him a gun and... HE STILL GOES FREE! What, is he just going to give you his gun back at the end and turn himself in?
9. Then Bishop staggers away, bullet in his gut, with Ethan Hawk telling him he'll track him down. Minutes later the cavalry arrives, police EVERYWHERE, and Hawk doesn't mention Bishop to ANYBODY! Minutes earlier he vows to find Bishop and now he can't even take a few seconds to tell the police there's a really bad guy wandering through the woods bleeding?
11. They somehow manage to kill several guys who are armed to the teeth with body armor, night vision, helmets, etc. They didn't bother to take any of that silly stuff though.
12. Why is it that they needed a chopper to get on the roof to get into the vents? They're keeping the folks inside pinned down, yet they can't manage to get an extention ladder up there? Did they forget to pack it?
13. If you were going on a rogue mission to kill cops, and keep a huge corruption scandal under wraps, you'd be sure to put your badge in your front pocket right? Me too.
14. How do they all see so well with no lights, in the middle of the night, with a blizzard going on outside?
15. Flash bangs temporarily blind and deafen anybody who is near them, ya throw a bunch of them in immediately before entering a building with overwhelming force. You don't just throw one inside the building every 15 min. and hope it manages to kill somebody by startling them to death. They have flash-bangs, but no fragmentation grenades? They don't know how to use flash-bangs, even though they're trained officers?
16. Why was the main bad-guy cop, Duvall I think was his name, running around in the woods with no rifle, no body armor, no night vision, and only one of his grossly incompotent officers with him?
17. Why did they have a "secretary" in the precinct with no police training whatsoever? And why was it necessary for a secretary to be there all night?
18. The shrink says "the complex problems keep me distracted". How does repeating multiples of nine, or doubling numbers seem to use up all of the brain power of someone with a doctrate degree? 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54. OWWWWWWW my head is killing me! Obviously these problems would be considered complex by anybody simple-minded enough to enjoy the movie. 2-4-6-8 who do we appreciate? The suckers who paid 8 bucks to go see this movie!!!!
19. The sword seems to easily penetrate the kevlar vest when the two druggies jump in and save the shrink. Maybe it was a magic sword.
20. If the bad cops are jamming all police frequencies, how do they manage to use their own radios? Or are they using the special walkie-talkies they picked up from Toys 'R Us.
I dont know what you're all talking about. I loved this movie its one of my fav's. Great action sequences although I do admit some of the storyline is a bit dodgy and needs some work.
If my life was a movie, I tihnk I'd probably watch it.
What's truly funny is how everyone is overanalyzing this movie. It's an action movie its point is to entertain you...that's all. If your going to get technical about the problem with this movie, it's that any of this would have taken place. Why would 20 or so respected cops go to all the trouble of killing this gangster and risk getting caught after the ballistics test on all the shells that were left allover. I'm not a lawyer but I think 20 cops word in court over 1 known gangster would probably hold some serious weight with a jury. They were also undercover cops so that kind of gives them an excuse for any illegal *beep* they did, I mean if in real life you sell drugs to an undercover cop he doesn't get arrested to for buying them.
I'll be brave and admit I did enjoy the movie. This is only because I'm the kind of person who enjoys watching some mindless action here and there. I also don't analyze every little thing about a movie as I watch it. It takes me a good few watches to realize all the little problems because at that point, I know the movie well enough to look deeper into it.
I'm not saying this movie was horrible but I'm also not saying it was amazing. I just liked it plain and simple, that's it.
One gripe I had with it, however, is when Ethan is pulling the corpse of the cop back behind the bus. You see the crosshairs of the other rifleman are clearly on him and you then see that his shot clearly hits Ethan in the shoulder. I mean clearly, plain-as-day hits him in the shoulder. Yet all that happens is we see a small spark and he gets knocked over. No injury, no penetration, not even of the jacket. Now I understand it was one of those heavy-type jackets and silencers can weaken the power of gun as well as can subsonic rounds meant for silence, but c'mon already. It didn't even scave the damn jacket. That was the one thing that really drives me nuts everytime I see it.
Otherwise, everything else that's said about the weapons aquisition and ballistics also bothered me. You're gunna fire hundreds if not thousands of rounds into and around a police precinct using specially modified assault rifles. Call me crazy, but are M4s and 552's available on the black market nowadays? I wasn't aware. Otherwise how the hell would "Bishop's men", common gangsters, have access to such weapons, with every possible rifle modification and accessory mounted?
And hey, let me smash the front door with my bullet-proof riot shield and then just back out when someone starts firing at me. Let's not bother to just stick the barrel of my Beretta or SIG around the side of the shield and try to fend them back off of you.
Yeah I had some more gripes as you can see, but I still enjoyed watching the movie here and there. It's just kind of annoying when I think about it.
21. How is it they transport a "cop killer" in the middle of a snowstorm with two measly guards, one of whom is driving. Not only are there only two guards, but one of them is simply standing up with the protective gate wide open while the driver skids around on the road. And none of these criminals, including the underworld mastermind and all-around bad guy, is chained to their seats. They are just in handcuffs.
Cop killers are not treated as casual drug busts by the police. They would have been all over this guy. They wouldn't have just stuck him on a bus with the other riff-raff and two guards who just want to punch out for the night.
I agree with one point. How is it that a handful of people made up of petty crooks, 2 able bodies police, a secretary and a phychyatrist (only two of which have any experience with guns and in a certain light hostage siutations) hold back a bunch of S.W.A.T members with full riot gear, snipers and presumably access to equipment which is even more lethal?
Also why did they transport such a high profile crook like Bishop in a bus with a bunch of petty criminals?
I agree with previous posters. I understand its supposed to be a movie and what not, but come on. Despite all of the excellent points made by people on here, the biggest deal breaker for me was how lame they made the "bad cops" out to be. You expect me to believe a police sniper can't hit Ethan Hawke's skinny a$$ walking around outside? To become a police sniper, one is trained to make quick, accurate shots, because often an opportunity to make a shot happens once and only for a second.
Also, if anybody has ever seen a real SWAT team operate, this seige would have lasted about 2 minutes. Toss in a few flashbang grenades or tear gas, and go ape shi*. The guys had shields, nightvision, M-4A1 rifles, and night vision. You mean to tell me an old police building with no power, open windows in the middle of a blizzard full of cops who had been drinking for hours, armed only with standard issue 9mm bullets would stop them? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE. Class III and IV Kevlar can stop rifle rounds, and any Kevlar with ceramic plating can stop armor piercing bullets. The true SWAT technique would have been to surround the building, all exists then storm the roof, thus when the building is set on fire, guys waiting on the outside pick off the escaping members from inside. Totally unrealistic.
Anybody else find it humorous that when Ethan Hawke goes outside to check on the bus, he only take a pistol? I mean the station had shotguns, a tommy gun, etc. Also I agree, they killed several SWAT officers. Why did nobody take their kevlar, or night vision? Also, Smiley was a counterfitter and the female gangbanger never committed a crime, yet she is familiar and accurate with a Tommy Gun? What a waste of time and money this piece of garbage was.
Also, if anybody has ever seen a real SWAT team operate, this seige would have lasted about 2 minutes. Toss in a few flashbang grenades or tear gas, and go ape shi*. The true SWAT technique would have been to surround the building, all exists then storm the roof, thus when the building is set on fire, guys waiting on the outside pick off the escaping members from inside
I’d like to offer a more, say, military approach to the problem. Satchel charges. Strong base of fire, small delivery team, cut of pair(s). Base of fire to suppress the defender, cut of pair(s) to prevent escape/pick off escaping “good guys”, delivery team (4 men) with two good satchel charges (err on a bigger side….hehe). Suppress….bullets and CS gas. Assault up the windows, toss in a couple of flashbangs, drop in the charges, both in the basement and on the ground floor, retreat fast. Keep suppressing until... BOOOOOOOOOMMM……. About 2 minutes, a bit noisier, but keeps your men safer...hehe. Drive away……… reply share
13. If you were going on a rogue mission to kill cops, and keep a huge corruption scandal under wraps, you'd be sure to put your badge in your front pocket right? Me too.
Firstly, I agree this movie has faults but I think that overall it was an entertaining action film. Secondly, every movie has goofs no matter how careful the production team are, and most films also suspend disbelief to some extent. I've seen dozens of films where a small number of characters manage to survive or overcome when they are hugely outnumbered, and seen films where people are shot at from a close range and yet they don't get hit. I'd imagine that in real life this is possible but unlikely. And as far as suspending disbelief I don't think this film asked us to do that to the same extent that a lot of films do.
1. The sound of the blizzard probably would have softened the sounds of gunshots or explosions. Also, my impression of the precinct from the film was that it was located on the outskirts of Detroit, in a rundown industrial type area near a forest. It is likely that most lot of the nearby buildings were empty factories and such.
3. I do think that it's quite possible, but again you may have to suspend belief a little in order to enjoy the film. The whole premise relies upon the action being set in one isolated place, with the characters being attacked by an outside force and not having any reinforcements. I don't think it's a huge leap of logic to understand that the phone lines and power have been cut and cell phone and radio frequencies blocked.
The fact that it's an old, rundown and soon-to-be-closed precinct, and that it's New Year's Eve, would suggest that no one would have any reason to try to contact the station. I do think it is possible that someone might have tried to contact someone in the station, Alex for example who was due to attend a party, and that someone might have tried to find them.
But the one biggest flaw I thought of was the fact that Bishop, a highly intelligent and dangerous criminal, was given such a minimal police escort, and that the police force would have wanted to maintain constant communication with the escorts to ensure that everything was okay. However it is possible that Duvall had the power or influence to make decisions about how this kind of protocol was to be carried out. It would have been more realistic if the Bishop character had still had a similar role in that he knew about Duvall's corruption, but that he was only a minor criminal and thus wouldn't have been considered as big a threat. Thus the lack of checking up on him and such a small escort would be more conceivable, although I think that the character probably would have been less interesting.
4. I think this one is really up to circumstance. I'm sure there have been instances where someone has been walking along and been hit by a car and died instantly, and instances where someone has been hit at exactly the same speed but been unhurt. If the man hiding in the back of the SUV was lying on the ground or backseat he may have been perfectly fine.
5. Perhaps Duvall slowly acquired weapons and such over time and stockpiled them for such an event. As a presumably rich and successful cop he may have been able to convince people to turn a blind eye whilst he acquired some of his equipment, not to mention his position in the crime world. But again, this is such a big part of the film that I think it's okay to suspend belief slightly or else the film would be stupid- how else could they attack the precinct?
6. Of course this is unrealistic- but again I refer you to almost any action film.
7. From what we learn in the film it seems that Jasper was the only one who had any idea about the tunnels, and he says that he had forgotten. It's perhaps impluasible, but possible. In such an extreme life or death situation you might be too concerned with survival to think about another method of escape. However, his betrayal provides many more explanations. Perhaps he remembered about the tunnels right from the start but decided to withhold that information in case it could be helpful or so he could escape on his own. Maybe he didn't even know about them at all, but when he took the handcuffs off the door (and was seen by Bishop) he may have been instructed to lead the others through the tunnels, right to Duvall, which would explain why they were caught as soon as they left the tunnel.
8. You could look at it that way. I think at the start Roenick didn't want to let Bishop free as it was his duty not to. Plus they didn't have a full idea of Bishop's information and the strength of the assault they would be facing. As for arming him, definitely not the most safe decision in the world, but I think by then they realised that Duvall wanted to kill all of them lest his corruption be revealed, and that there was strength in numbers. And by then I think most of them just wanted to survive rather than caring about whether Bishop escaped or not. And again, the main concept of the film is that in a deserted, isolated police station, the cops and forced to release and arm the prisoners in order to survive an outside attack, so you would lose a lot of the tension and purpose of the film if that didn't happen.
9. The whole point of the last few scenes was that Roenick wanted to track down Bishop himself. It is likely Bishop probably went off to recuperate and would have resumed his position in the underworld, and Roenick wanted to take him down personally. It may be a bizarre choice for most of us but it's much too obvious to be a goof.
Well, first of all. You watch this kind of movie for entertainment.
And some plot-holes you gotta take.
The most obvious things that bugged me.
Hardcore policesnipers missing 10 shots at a target wich isn`t in motion. It would have taken 3-4 flashbangs/gas into each window. Storm the maingate with shields in front. (But remember, they were armed to the teeth. But they weren`t SWAT, I think) They would probably lost one, two or three men. But still better then sending in two man squads with a half an hour in between.
And they could have just spotted through the windows. I mean, the guys inside were looking out every 5 minutes with really no coverage.
When it comes to the car and the guy in it. Maybe he wanted to wait until they got further away so that he wouldn`t be so exposed when running of from the truck with the shrink?
And most importantly. They were there to kill Bishop, and everyone else. Why not just torch the whole building. Either they come running out (duckshoot) or they burn. Easy as that.
Other things are just details and *beep* Some are lame, but it`s an actionmovie.
Hmm, good point. I was also going to say that the most effective method of ensuring everyone was dead would be to have stormed the building with every single available man they had, not only would the people in the precinct been surprised and caught off guard, but they would have been vastly outnumbered and lose any advantage that they had from being inside the building.
However I do think that you could assume that Duvall thought it would be more effective to just send in two people to take out Bishop quietly, that way meaning that they wouldn't have had to kill anyone else and they wouldn't have risked many of their own men. Of course we know that didn't work. But then it does beg the question why they didn't just storm the place once they had tipped the precinct off to their presence, or burn the place down.
there were a lot of holes in this movie, including that a huge snowstorm causes this notorious criminal to be held in a hole in the wall precinct, manned by about three people... now where was this HUGE storm? everyone outside seems to be sitting pretty.
before trying to shoot up the place and get in to kill bishop, why didnt they just walk in nicely and come up with another plan to kill him, the guy is like a head cop afterall
just curious why no one assumed that the people that broke in werent bishops crew trying to free him? thats what i thought at first, but maybe thats just me
but about hawke let bishop walk away without telling the cops, he did that because he said he and only he would catch him right before he leaves.
oh and also... ja rules character smiley says that he probably wont be released from jail for about 20 years right before he tries to make a getaway. who gets 20 years for selling fake watches?
1) Not all versions of kevlar vests can stop a bladed weapon, however some of the more recent ones can and so some cops have to wear both a ballistic vest and a stab vest.. It had something to do with the texture of the kevlar would not be as effective against bullets if it were made to also stop bladed weapons.
2) The prisoner bus had at least one Wayne County Sheriff patrol car escorting it; look carefully as they pull out of the Detroit PD headquarters parking lot.
8. At teh beginning when the first cops come through the window near the cells and try to kill Bishop, everyone else thinks that they are coming to rescue Bishop. However, later on after Ethan Hawk fights that guy on the bus and sees his nametag, the attacking cops realize that they have to kill every single person in the precinct, because they know who they are. That is when Bishop is let free. So they could not give Bishop to the cops in hope of them leaving at this point because the cops now want to kill every one of them