MovieChat Forums > Assault on Precinct 13 (2005) Discussion > Why this movie didn't work... let me cou...

Why this movie didn't work... let me count the ways...

SPOILERS of course!

1. The excuse that no one nearby will call the cops when they hear the gunshots because "they'll just think it's fireworks." Well, maybe, except there AREN'T ANY FIREWORKS GOING OFF! It's a freaking blizzard! And they certainly would have called someone after 5,000 rounds of bullets went off like it was the @#$%! Alamo.

2. When Ethan makes a run for the bus and there's a bad guy in it - A) when he runs outside he leaves the back door wide open, B) the bus door slamming on his wrist and knocking the gun away was sooo stupid and sooo Hollywood and C) they get into a fist fight??? So this bad guy is the ONLY ONE who isn't armed? His comrades are practically Navy Seals, they have so many weapons, and THIS GUY has NOTHING???

3. Nobody else has noticed that an entire precinct in the city has been completely cut off, with no communication, for an entire night??? HOURS with no communication and no one is checking it out?

4. When the girls make a run for it in the SUV and the guy jumps up from the back seat and shoots the driver - they SLAM into a pole at like 40 MPH. The guy in the back should have FLOWN THROUGH THE FREAKING WINDSHIELD! At the very lease, he's got broken ribs, broken nose, broken arm, etc., but instead he bounces out of the backseat like nothing happened. Ridiculous. The blonde chick at least had bruises on her face, but she too should have been royally messed up.

5. Basically the whole premise - there must be AT LEAST 20 bad guys, all decked out in full riot gear, weapons, night vision, with a HELICOPTER -- how in the world did they get a hold of all of that without anyone asking what they were up to? What, they just rolled up and flew off in a police helicopter, in a blizzard no less, and nobody asked them any questions?

6. More of the typical 1000 rounds get fired at a group of people only 15 feet away and NOBODY gets hit - not even a scratch - on multiple occasions.

7. We go the WHOLE MOVIE with these guys supposedly trapped inside the building, only to find out in the final 10 minutes that there JUST HAPPENS to be an underground tunnel leading outside? Are you KIDDING ME???

8. Letting Bishop out of his cell was faulty logic from the very beginning: What will the outcome be? Either they can turn him over at the beginning of the movie and no one dies, BUT HE GOES FREE, or they let him out and give him a gun and... HE STILL GOES FREE! What, is he just going to give you his gun back at the end and turn himself in?

9. Then Bishop staggers away, bullet in his gut, with Ethan Hawk telling him he'll track him down. Minutes later the cavalry arrives, police EVERYWHERE, and Hawk doesn't mention Bishop to ANYBODY! Minutes earlier he vows to find Bishop and now he can't even take a few seconds to tell the police there's a really bad guy wandering through the woods bleeding?



4. When the girls make a run for it in the SUV and the guy jumps up from the back seat and shoots the driver - they SLAM into a pole at like 40 MPH. The guy in the back should have FLOWN THROUGH THE FREAKING WINDSHIELD! At the very lease, he's got broken ribs, broken nose, broken arm, etc., but instead he bounces out of the backseat like nothing happened. Ridiculous. The blonde chick at least had bruises on her face, but she too should have been royally messed up.
ive bin in car accidents going over 40 no seat belt in the back seat and diddnt go flying anywhere
Then Bishop staggers away, bullet in his gut, with Ethan Hawk telling him he'll track him down. Minutes later the cavalry arrives, police EVERYWHERE, and Hawk doesn't mention Bishop to ANYBODY! Minutes earlier he vows to find Bishop and now he can't even take a few seconds to tell the police there's a really bad guy wandering through the woods bleeding
2 he would want to get himself let him recoperate then track him down it be like a modern day bounty hunt with no rules
Those who fail to belive fail to succed


Me too.

I was sittig in the back, no seatbelt, ran OVER a lampost - literally left the ground - and all I got was a bruised tush from the seatbelt clip.

Anyway... I always belt up now kids.


"3. It was one of the best action movies of 2005, get over it. "

That's not saying much for 2005 action flicks, then. HBO, by virtue of showing this turd 6 days a week, finally got me to watch. Another Ethan Hawke tour-de-force.

What a POS movie. The original poster is right: so many holes in this thing, it was impossible to not hate the writers/director/producers for attempting to steal good people's money.

Here's the #1 reason it didn't work: 20-40 guys in full riot gear, breached the front door but got shot at and retreated, never to mount another charge. Are you *beep* kidding me? Just storm the front door with all you got, save your chopper pilot the time, and shoot everything-- including Butterface deMatteo-- that twitches. I'm Gabriel Byrne, I'm in control within 10 minutes. Game over.



one of the problems is that it should never have been an action film


3. It was one of the best action movies of 2005, get over it.???????

Where did this comment even come from. I could list five others that blew this one out of the water.
1. Batman Begins
2. Sin City
3. Mr. and Mrs. Smith
4. King Kong
5. Crash


Not that I agree that it was a good movie, not by a long shot but the comment was the best "action" film of 2005 not the best film. Well my point is that only two of those films are action films. Sin City, King Kong, and Crash are not action films. Though the first two have action sequences they are not action films.


This movie was pretty awful. Nothing really more to it. If this is the best action of 2005, then I really don't want to see what the others were.


"7. We go the WHOLE MOVIE with these guys supposedly trapped inside the building, only to find out in the final 10 minutes that there JUST HAPPENS to be an underground tunnel leading outside? Are you KIDDING ME???"

only the old guy knew of the underground tunnel, and he was saving it until the set-up was ready


The thing that I couldn't get pass is the fact that no one had a cell phone to call for help!!! The movie is set in 2005, you are telling me NO ONE in the prinscinct has a cell phone or access to one. I would think a police prinscinct would have SOMETHING.


They DID have cell phones, but the frequencies were blocked. Watch it again. If you can stomache it.



All your points are valid. Also, why did they send the shrink out to the SUV? She's the only character in the entire movie who had probably never even held a gun in her hand. And, the assassin in the backseat would have put a bullet into each of their heads immediately. Why wait for them to hotwire the vehicle? Obviously, the scriptwriter wanted us to feel elated that they got it started, but then surprised and deflated when the guy pops up from the backseat.

It's the classic tension between trying to write something unpredictable and dramatic yet logical. In actuality, when Bishop stabs the dirty cop in the church, the cops who chase him down are probably dirty as well. So logically, they would have just gunned him down in the street so he couldn't testify at trial. This is especially true if you consider the fact that Bishop hesitated before dropping his gun, which gave them a legitimate excuse to shoot him.


They sent the shrink for just that reason - she was worthless inside because she couldn't handle a weapon.

"'Don't touch - Willie' Hmm...Good advice."


What I didn't get was how they would have killed The Bishop guy if there hadn't been a blizzard and they weren't holed up in Precinct 13 with hardly anyone there.

When they were going to another precinct, there would have been loads of Police so they couldn't kill him.

Maybe they were being opportunistic? I didn't get it.


Because the rotten cops were the ones who ordered the prison transport to stay the night at Precinct 13, I guess.


Basically the dirty cops rigged the whole events

They ordered the transfer to the state penitentiary, however made up a traffic accident on the highway and over the CB Radio ordered the transport to wait at Precinct 13.

This precinct was highly secluded and understaffed.
Here they knew the rear door to the Prison cells was not alarmed and unprotected,
snuck in to claim Bishop.


Yeah that was a lame excuse, I had to chuckle when they said that.
I guess the original didn't have the same problem.

We call this the Loom of Fate.


"why didn't anybody use a cell phone? I can't believe no one would have a cell phone."

2 people had cell phones and tried but got no signal. Brian D.'s character claimed that the guys outside were "blocking" the signal, just like they were "blocking" the police frequency radios.


Did ya miss the fact the girls' tried their cell phones and couldn't get a signal? (And one of them does say something about the guys outside having scrambled the phones, though they say it differently than that).

It's really too bad that they had so much snow (except it made it slightly plausible that they would have a difficult time getting help) because whether they think it's fireworks or not (going back to one of the OP's comment), a LOT of people shoot of fireworks and guns on New Year's Eve, and a lot of people call the cops and complain, which would make it pretty difficult to get thru with a legitimate call.


I don't want to be an apologist. The movie wasn't all that great. There were plenty of cliches and all. But your reasons smack of not paying attention.

1. Ethan says pretty early on in the assault that the station is located in an industrial district. Industrial districts rarely have people -living- there. On New Year's Eve in a blizzard it's highly unlikely anyone would even be around to notice all this going on.

2. Cheesy yeah, but not entirely unbelivable. I'd be more upset they ripped off the icicle in the face thing from Die Hard 2.

3. They said early on that the station was being shut down, for good. They only had a couple people even manning the station officially and they had already transferred most of the equipment to the new precinct. It's not entirely unbeliavble no one would be looking to hear from them that night.

4. They were hardly going 40. I'd guess it was closer to 20, if that, from the way they hit the pole. Plus, if you're ready for an impact, I'd wager you have a much better shot of not flying out the window from the backseat.

5. Gabriel Byrne's bad guy character says early on there's at least 33 people involved in this corruption. It's not just his team. They probably have people all over the department who can expedite getting equipment and whatnot, especially on a New Year's Eve when many of the officers are already offduty. Maybe the helicopter pilot is on their payroll. Maybe the weapons manager is as well.

6. Yeah, more cheesiness, but again not entirely unbelievable. Besides, it's necessary for any hero story like this anyway. At any rate, missing, even alot, can and does happen even in real life.

7. Someone else already explained the escape route. To add, it seemed like that older guy had been a cop there for many years. He may have been the only one who even knew there was a sewer grate in the basement. Plus he was setting them up. Sooo..

8. I think Ethan's character knew the risks of letting them out of their cells, which is why he didn't at first. But when he realized the bad guys had more men coming, he probably figured the reward outweighed the risk in taking a chance and trusting the criminals. The criminals probably wanted to stay alive as much as the cops in that situation. And the choice wasn't, he goes free or he goes free. Gabriel's bad guy character was there to KILL Morpheus' bad guy character. I think it was understood throughout the movie that Morpheus and Ethan were gonna have an issue with each other when it was all over.

9. Yeah, Ethan lets him go at the end. My guess would be because the guy is probably gonna die anyway from a stomach wound and even if he doesn't, it's the honorable thing to do cause the guy showed up at the end after he had already gotten away and saved Ethan's life. Ethan's character in the story was an honorable cop and thus did the honorable, not entirely lawful, thing.

Like I said, yeah the movie wasn't that great, but there has to be better reasons than not paying attention for disliking it. Ripping off scenes from other movies is a better reason, as is all the cliches.


"9. Yeah, Ethan lets him go at the end. My guess would be because the guy is probably gonna die anyway from a stomach wound and even if he doesn't, it's the honorable thing to do cause the guy showed up at the end after he had already gotten away and saved Ethan's life. Ethan's character in the story was an honorable cop and thus did the honorable, not entirely lawful, thing."

Besides that, the other possible reasons Ethan's character doesn't mention anything to the assembled cops are :

1) He swore to Bishop that he'd track him down solo, no other cops. It's an ego thing. Cheesy, but there you go.

2) He couldn't be sure noone else among the "first responders" was dirty and out to kill Bishop. He was waiting till he could communicate with the big bosses (Chief or Commissioner or whatever) who very likely wouldn't have been involved in the corruption.


> 5. Gabriel Byrne's bad guy character says early on there's at least
> 33 people involved in this corruption.

No, he said that 33 people would be affected (or lives ruined, or something like that), and then clarified that he was referring to the cops and their families, so it was probably substantially less than 33 cops.


He also says that 8 people will die if they go in. How does he know there's 8 people inside? First off of the two sherriff's deputies... only 1 was killed instantly... so how does he know the other one actually died from his wounds? Also... later on when they catch Maria Bello they ask her how many people are inside. Why do you need to ask how many people are inside if you knew how many people were inside before? Unless police can't do math, which wouldn't surprise me. 8 plus the dude that came in on his day off, minus the two chicks in the car, minus the two prisoners that tried to run. I guess that is rather complex math, can't expect a SWAT team leader to be able to do that.


1. Lots of factorys operate 24 hrs, it's not likely that the area would be COMPLETELY empty, even if it was New-Years.

2. I knew they were going to rip off the icecicle thing, but that still doesn't explain why the guy in the bus had no weapons of any kind. He's there for an assault afterall.

3. They might not notice, but if there's a precinct out there, there's probably cops out on the streets, afterall, there are probably lots of accidents due to the weather. Don't you think the street cops might notice that their radio are jammed in that area? And if the new precinct is already functional, why didn't they send the bus of criminals to the new precinct? Afterall, it would be in the same neighborhood.

4. Yeah, even if they were going 40, it's unlikely the guy would have been badly injured. But why did he wait until they got the vehicle started to shoot them? Also, I didn't know it was possible to disable the steering lock by twisting wires together. Even if they got the engine running, how'd they get around that pesky steering lock? Or did she just rip it out like she did the steering column cover?

5. Yup, that part is somewhat possible, but not very plausable, it's back to the question of how the whole damn department was so easily corrupted to that point.

6. It has happened, I once saw a parking lot shootout from about 15 feet. Probably 100 shots were fired and nobody was hurt. However they were using handguns and all ducking and weaving. Nobody had a sniper rifle with a protected vantage, and an unsuspecting target. And it doesn't happen 15 times in a row.

7. He decided to set them up later to save himself, after it seemed they would all be killed. Why didn't he come forth with the info as soon as the assault started?

8. Cheesy, but it works for the story. Why he didn't bother with the (somehow still fully loaded and functional after 60 years) "Tommy Gun", and other weapons, until after he let them out seems a mystery...

9. Were YOU paying attention? His motives weren't honorable, they were to kill the bad cop, for his own personal reasons, and there's still no explanation as to why he would let him go without saying anything. BTW to the guy who suggested the "Bounty" thing. It's illegal for cops to collect bountys.



"5. Yup, that part is somewhat possible, but not very plausible, it's back to the question of how the whole damn department was so easily corrupted to that point."

Recently, over 200 convictions based on the corrupt policework of the Rampart Division police were over turned and the convicts released from prison. Millions of dollars have been paid in restitution to innocent people convicted of crimes based on the perjured testimony and planted evidence of the Rampart Division police. There are over 9000 pending cases that the courts are looking at stemming from the crooked cops of the Rampart Division police.

The original "Assault on Precinct 13' was based on a real LA, California police station called the Rampart station which is located in the Pico district of LA. Back when the original movie was filmed, the Rampart District police were just as crooked as it is today. This is what inspired the original movie then and the latest crooked police actions is what led to a 'poor' remake of that film.

You state that it is not plausible for a whole police department to become corrupt. In reality, it is very easy for the police to slide into corruption, in fact, they have to work hard not to become corrupt. There are several things that contribute to the downward slide of any policeman that you may see. They do it to themselves and many police will deny it ever happens. The first thing is their code of silence. When a cop knows of another that has done something wrong, that cop will keep his mouth shut and sometimes even help in a cover-up. His thinking is that he is helping the department's public appearance by making it look like there are no 'bad' cops in the district when, in, reality, he, by not getting rid of the so called 'bad cop' has become one himself. Eventually, other cops become aware of the situation and join in on the silence and the corruption begins to grow deeper. Management gains knowledge of the situation and has Internal Affairs investigate and turn over their conclusions. If things get bad enough, the offending cop/cops are asked to leave the force. Those leaving are usually given 'glowing' resumes in order for them to seek police employment in some other city or state. Now the corruption has not only worked it's way to the top, the police have pushed the problem onto some other community. The self policing by internal affairs is another problem. Any organization wants to make itself look good and what better way to do this than to have a department that has the power to to do just that..... How many times have you ever heard some group or police department say "We have done a thorough investigation of ourselves and have found nothing wrong....' only to have it come out several months later that things were worse than it originally appeared. When one gains near absolute power and authority, there will always be bad seeds and others will cover it up just to look good. Code of silence and the thin blue line is always working....


1. Where in the United States do a lot of factories operate 24/7? Regardless, let us consider these operating factories, would anyone be able to hear gun fire over the noise of the factories? Also, mainly industrial areas have aplenty of abandon factories, I'd venture to guess a lot more than 24/7 ones.

2. I don't think they were trying to kill everyone in the precinct at this point, this is before Ethan Hawke's character discover they were police, there was no reason to. The fact that the conversation with Marcus when he is asked "if he really wants to do this" occurs after this fight.

3. It's already been mentioned several times, this is a very wide spread case of corruption, it's very possible they had set-up the bus of criminals go to the old precinct because it'd be much easier to achieve their goal than had it gone to the new one.

4. He waited until the vehicle was started because if he hadn't and he killed them before they even started driving, you can bet he would have been shot to hell by the people inside the precinct who weren't all that far away.

5. Again, this has been mentioned many times, but real life corruption stories have been on a much larger scale than this. Also, they had quite a few hours to prepare for the raid. Also, keep in mind these are desperate men who fear getting caught, it's unlikely they went through all the official channels to get the gear and vehicles, a slap on the wrist for breaking protocol is much better than the alternative they faced.

6. I can't believe no one has mentioned the weather yet. I can barely put my key in my door to unlock it in snow cold weather, it'd be silly to assumed that even trained snipers wouldn't miss when they are freezing... and quite possibly loaded being it was New Years.

7. He set them up from the beginning, which is why he tried getting Ethan to back off and hand him over from the very beginning.

8. Why wouldn't a Tommy Gun still be fully functional if untouched in evidence for 60 years? They aren't as complex as todays guns, the more simplistic the less room for error is true for all technology. And he didn't bother with the other weapons because he's a police officer, what weapons do you think he had the most experience with and was the most comfortable for him.

9. Ethan wasn't sure how far the corruption went, he probably didn't want to hand Bishop over the the very people he's been fighting the whole movie. Also let's not forget the guy did save his life, I'm sure for some people that at least merits a head start.

It's funny how critical people can be without paying much attention, or using common sense - script writers (good ones at least) take time of day, weather, the character personal experiences, etc all in consideration when writing if you're trying to critique them you should do the same.


I am not expert on screenplays/making movies, but do know something about shooting related topics, and, this movie shows that a lot, which gives me an opportunity to comment.
I also assume you are good with guns/tactics as I am with screenplays/directing.
1. Yes, anyone would be quite able to hear gunfire over the noise of the factories, especially snipers and shotguns.
2. At the point when one of “bad guys” got killed in the basement and that assault failed, the only feasible option for the “bad guys” was to kill them all.
3. No, those guys wouldn’t have missed in real life.
4. Guns, as Tommy Gun were more complicated than today guns (don’t get fooled by accessories); their inner workings were more complicated. Also, the drum, 60 years old, could’ve been quite unreliable.
More importantly, though, where did they get all that .45 ammo for the gun? If that was old ammo….say, 60 years old, stored in police station, reliability could’ve been poor.
As for not bothering with other weapons, well, there is only one rule in a firefight->you use the most firepower you can get, regardless how adept you are. For “civilians” around, if you have an assault rifle, and a gunner on .50 Cal got whacked, trust me, you WILL get on the “fifty” and keep firing that weapon.
Funny, that principle worked well with the girl with Tommy Gun, but couldn’t with a police officer.
But, all those points aren’t really important for this movie, let’s use a bit of common sense, as advised.
Using proper SWAT tactics (dynamic entry and clearing), 2 minutes.
Using proper MOUT tactics (satchel charges) , less than 2 minutes.
Both scenarios, all good guys are dead…….not more than 2 minutes.


So SWAT teams never miss and never mess up?
They didn't have a plan, and even though they had specialist equipement they were not a SWAT team and were being led by a lieutenant. That changed when the team in the helicopter arrived, but then it was all over in two minutes.


(Responding to the OP)

I'll add:

5a. And with all that firepower and a police chopper, Duvall still thinks people are going to believe it was Bishop's crew? Right.


1. Someone mentioned that the precinct was in an industrial area. I can buy that no one would hear all the commotion. However, I'm not familiar with the practice of planting large forests in industrial areas.

7. Jasper, the one who knew about the tunnel, was a dirty cop.

8. I can buy letting Bishop out, if that's the only way to survive.

9. Roenick told Bishop that he was going to find him himself, no one else.

But yeah -- major, gaping, glaring, sucking plot holes. The real shame is, those holes could have *easily* been plugged. A little extra thought, a little less laziness and "Eh, the stupid moviegoers won't notice," and it could have been a really good (if a bit formulaic) movie.



"POS movie.How the hell did this get a 6 on the imdb rating!?"

Your opinion. I still don't see why you morons have to make such a big deal out of a movie. Do you not have lives? Say you whether or not you like the movie, a few things on why and then move on. Nothing more. Your just gonna piss people off. Also if you have that much time to think through every little tiny problem with the movie (like the original poster), you REALLY don't have a life.


Okay, its really lame when people come to movie boards and try to act like they’re too cool for the movie board. Especially if that person is a constant poster himself. This is what it was made for, YOU get over it.



THANK you.

This is more of a general observation than a comment on leon's post, but it's like, of course our posts are our opinions. And whether that opinion is fond of or hateful towards the movie in question is no more valid than anyone else's. Often, I am less likely to read the fanboy posts because it's not really objective after a point and there's a lot of drooling, whereas the anti-fans can sometimes suggest weaknesses I hadn't thought of before. Obviously there are trolls around, and that's not what I'm talking about, but the idea that people shouldn't post if they don't like a movie is ludicrous. It's a total bypass of anything they may have said and an immediate attempt to discredit the poster. Oh, they misspelled a word or two... geez, they didn't like a revered film, for shame... hey, I looked up your posting history and it seems that you're a right moron... so many stupid things. Who the hell cares. Just post, debate, celebrate, and shut up. You gotta take the boards for what they are and stop worrying about making yourself feel better. Too many folks do that and it's a shame because they are missing out on some good conversation, I think. Different opinions are not wrong opinions.



A major problem I had with this movie is that all of the bad guys are supposed to be cops right? So if they are getting shot and killed and set on fire and such, what the hell is going to be their excuses at work on Monday? "Uhh, where are Smith, Martinez, and Jenkins?" "New Years party that got totally out of control. Dont ask any questions."

Also, they are also using rounds supplied by the police department. Isnt someone in forensics going to ask the question, "say, how come Bishop's crew got a hold of 20,000 rounds of police ammo?"


I'm gonna have to agree on 1,4,5,6, and 7. The rest no b/c they are either excusable or just part of the plot. You're right, I think the real thing you're trying to get out is, that this felt like a horror movie a bit. I'll tell ya why...

Because everthing so happened randomly, accidently, ironically, unexpectedly, lucky, and it kept you thinking that maybe there WAS some way they did this. Not for one second was I on the edge of my seat in this movie, it felt like Dawn of the Dead w/humans and guns instead of dumb zombies.

You're reasoning is everything to prove that this felt like a horror movie, and wasn't! If this WAS a horror movie, everything you said would still make sense. Because in horror/tense movies, there is always some unexplainable ridiculous action every 10 minutes. That's what you're saying in these 9 things.

Why do people only depend on each other... because in the end, we're alone


A horror movie without the monster/gore horror elements is called a thriller. So you're right in that respect - this tried to be an action thriller. Possibly this is because it is a remake of a John Carpenter film - and what is John Carpenter best known for? Horror/thriller films.

Having said that, I think 'milath' has already answered why all the points in the OP were actually explainable - and indeed, some of those points weren't problems of the movie - they were due to lack of attention on the part of the viewer in the OP.

"A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary." - Thomas Carruthers


OP you're a f ucking troll. First of all, most guns had SILENCERS. Only the pistols used by the good cops had no silencers. Who would check out the precinct if THEY ARE CLOSING DOWN? Jasper was working with the bad guys, if you didn't know that because you're slow. He's been working with them probably a little while after Bishop was freed. Plus, everyone was SCARED SH!TLESS so all they though about was their F UCKING LIVES! At least some of the things you said are true Mr. Troll.



"Only fags liked this movie more then the original."

Those are bold words, stonerforever50, especially coming from someone who watches "professional" wrestling.
