MovieChat Forums > Derailed (2005) Discussion > 'Everybody cheats.' True or false??

'Everybody cheats.' True or false??

Remember the scene where Clive Owen, feeling haunted and regretful, tells his boss that he cheated on his wife, but before he can even finish the sentence, the boss tells him everybody cheats and treats his revelation like it's nothing?

Over the last few years (since I entered the workforce), I've seen firsthand that this, at least from taking note of the people I work with, is not at all a farfetched thing. True, it's more common among certain ethnicities than others (I mean no offense by this point; I've had many Hispanic men themselves tell me it's common in their culture, expected even), but I've seen it among every race and religion I've come across so far, and I live in New York City, so that's saying something.

But that's just my life and my experiences. I'm starting this post to ask the people on this board if they find it to be true for them as well. How common do you find cheating to be?

I'm talking about marriages, not dating. Neither are morally acceptable, but I consider cheating on a married spouse to be significantly worse than cheating on a boyfriend or a girlfriend.




In my experiences, I can not think of anyone who hasn't cheated on some level- this includes dozens of co-workers, family, friends etc.

However, I refuse to believe that EVERYONE cheats- I believe there are people that are 100% faithful on every level, I just don't know any!

But that said, it really depends on your definition of cheating.

Do guys like "the thing"?
They like it better than no thing.


That's exactly why I started the post; I always assumed specific people were faithful, but over the years, I've seen how the most innocent seeming people are stone cold cheaters, so it's really something one can never know. Sad.


Immorality is being preached everywhere in society and the media has a lot to do with this. The youth of today are being corrupted by the depravity that passes for tv and feature films. It seems this is a deliberate plan - to corrupt rhe young and lead them down a path of misery.

I have strong moral values myself and I'm constantly sickened and repulsed by what I see around me. Nobody has any self respect or sincerity anymore. I often feel I was born in the wrong century as I have a different set of values than most people.

Society is sick and rotten. It just keeps getting worse.


No, everybody does not cheat. I think most people are capable of cheating given the right (or wrong) situation however. Most people who want to be faithful avoid those situations. I have known many people who you would assume from outward appearances would never cheat.

Marriage can be a hard slog at times and if someone new comes along and tells you what you want to hear you can be seduced by it. You get that thrill that you had when you first met your significant other and it can be very powerful even if you know what you are doing is wrong.

The most fertile ground for cheating I have seen is the workplace. You spend 8-10 hours per day in mixed company and you get to know people. You begin to learn what makes them tick without even trying really. Some people use that information to get close to someone and one thing leads to another.

I think nowadays it might be less common because most companies really go out of there way to create a real politically correct environment. Back in the 80's and even into the early 90's I worked at places where affairs were occurring constantly between co-workers. Sometimes under the noses of spouses who also worked at the company.

I knew people who were cheating while their spouse was also cheating on them with someone else. Neither knew what the other was doing. Crazy times. Oddly I think most of those people ended up staying with their spouses for the long haul. Sometimes even when the affairs are revealed people can get over it which is good. A few people did split up but they probably would have anyway.


Interesting analysis. It changes perceptions of both men and women, when you know these things. I agree: the workplace is the major problem area for this issue. And I'll never understand how people can forgive cheating, either.


80% of people cheat in America, the rest go overseas

Wife to husband: How come you cheated on me?
Husband: If you gave me some once in a while, I wouldn't have to cheat

A father and son are in a drug store
Son, upon seeing condoms for the first time says "Dad what are they for?"
Dad "They are for having sex."
Son "Why are there 3 in that pack?
Dad "Those are for the high school kids, 1 for Friday, 1 for Saturday and 1 for
Son "Why are there 6 in that pack?"
Dad "Those are for the college kids, 2 for Friday, 2 for Saturday and 2 for
Son "Why are there 12 in that pack?"
Dad "Those are for the married guy 1 for January, 1 for February, 1 for March..."

Marriage is grand, divorce is a hundred grand

Why is divorce so expensive? Because it's worth it.

3 rings for marriage
1 The engagement ring
2 The wedding ring
3 The suffering

Wife: Do these pants make my ass look fat?
Husband" No, your ass makes your ass look fat.

Husband and wife watching Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
Husband: Do you want to have sex?
Wife: No
Husband: Is that your final answer?
Wife: Yes
Husband: I'd like to call a friend.

Wife to husband: If you want sex, grab my left t*t and if you don't want sex, grab my right t*t
Husband to wife: If you want sex, pull my d**k and if you don't want sex, pull my d**k 100 times

I was married, on her days off she drank a bottle of brandy and would accuse me of sleeping with her daughter and friends. I asked for a divorce so that I could sleep with her daughter and friends. Before we were married we had sex 1 or 2 times a day, after we got married, I was lucky to get it once a week. She caught me "spanking the monkey" (For the kids out there, I have a pet monkey)
and asked me "Why do I need a woman" I said "I like to eat p***y"

If a person with multiple personality s threatens to commit suicide, is that a hostage situation


With regards to marriage in modern times, then yes, I do. People don't want to or don't fully comprehend what a life-time with one person really means. So will seek someone else as soon as they get bored or things aren't working. I personally would never cheat. The moment I feel things can't go on as they are, i'll end it and move on. No need to cheat.
