I remember when it came out I was pretty interested in the plot, and the advertising I saw for it was pretty neat too. But it's mediocre reviews it got back then and the mediocre rating it has now always put me off. This movie was my "movie you keep eying at the video store but never rent" deal. so... is it any good at all?
I'm reading the book, and I really like it although it took me ages to start it. My son's girlfriend left it for me to read, I just kept eyeing it from a distance, finally out of desperation I read the forward (yes I have to do it in the right order lol), started the first chapter and thought hmm this is ok, packed it in my luggage, took a 17-day trip to Australia NEVER opened the book. But once I started it, I am dragging it from room to room, putting it in a cookbook holder to read while I'm in the kitchen. Give it a try :)
Insanity is: repeating the same action - over and over - yet expecting a different result.
I disagree. If you like reading books and watching movies that tell the stories of a person's life then yes you will like this. I enjoyed the movie and the book very much :)
The movie alone was beautifully done, they actors, costumes, scenery, etc, were breathtaking at times IMO.
idk what jowel is thinking, but I thought the film was worth watching. It touched me very much. It's a story of true love. Go see it. John Williams composed this film, and I'm in love with it.
It is mediocre with some pretty visuals, but I personally find that if I keep wondering and wondering about a movie or book, it's better to just get it over with and watch or read it. ^_^ It will still be there, and you will still wonder, until you see it, and it's only a couple hours.
The book is great, but the movie is lacking detail. The movie has great visuals, but a lot of narrative is missing in places I feel are important. The pace is WAY too fast. This movie would have probably been better as a 3 hour film instead of rushing everything in 145 minutes.
Yes and No. I liked the ending, the visual imagery, the music, the choreography, and the information about the lives of geishas. I thought the pacing was WAY too slow. At several points I almost stopped watching it, it was so tedious; it was like watching a formal Japanese tea ceremony in slow motion. I gave it a 5 because of that.