Mameha- may be older, but aged beautifully. Hatsumomo- strikingly pretty. Sayuri- In a close tie with Hatsumomo. Young but still gorgeous. However her eye color slightly bothered me.
"Oh you don't need a picture. Just look up the word handsome in the dictionary."-Big Fish
Mameha has an elegance to her; she's beautiful and holds this pride and power and modest confidence with her beauty.
Hatsumomo...well, see she's pretty, but she's just...she lacks something. that's all she is, pretty...she's missing an element to unique beauty though, and what makes someone really beautiful is something special, something different from others. I just feel she maybe tries too hard with her beauty or takes it for granted while Mameha is more appreciative of her beauty or more accepting of it, just allowing it to be as it is, not letting it take over her too much.
Sayuri just seem a bit too gentle. nothing wrong with it; she's pretty too, but she just seems a tad bit plain or expected. Mameha and Hatsumomo have more character in their beauty.
I don't know if I'm taking into consideration their character too much, though.
I've always thought Mameha was pretty, followed by Hatsumomo and Sayuri. In my opinion, I don't think Gong Li looked as gorgeous when she had all that geisha makeup on, Zhang Ziyi looked ten times better when she wore it!
Hatsumomo....*shudders* I used to respect Gong Li but her recent appearances in American films (all in whore-ish roles) has some how cheapened her beauty.
Mameha, I agree, carries herself like a proper woman and has a beauty that shines through her outward a glow of some sort....
A tie between Hatsumomo (Gong Li) and Mameha (Michelle Yeoh). This is one of the few things I really am undecided about. There are days when you'd like to look at the other more...