What to watch after Dark Place?

I'm an absolute sucker for British comedy, but living in Denmark I miss out on a lot of the gems being produced in the UK. So can any of you recommend some shows worth watching? I've included a list of my favourite British shows as to give you a sense of the kind of humour I enjoy.

The Office
Red Dwarf
Little Britain
The Fast Show
The IT Crowd
Garth Marenghi's Dark Place
Man to Man with Dean Learner
The Mighty Boosh
Peep Show

Hit me!



The Young Ones I have seen, and I've seen an episode or two of "Look Around You", but I might just check that one out again.

If you like the characters from Dark Place aka Garth and Dean, I'll bet you'll enjoy Man to Man with Dean Learner. Go for the last one you wont be disappointed.


You also might enjoy the following;

Dr. Terrible's House of Horrible
Broken News
The Day Today
Brass Eye
No Heroics

http://bloodyhell.i-conoclastic.com/forum/index.php A Demons message board.


Thanks a lot mate - I'll check them out, and see if they strike a chord on my British humour bone.


Snuff box starring matt berry[darkplace,the mighty boosh etc]and rich fulcher[the mighty boosh]and the league of gentlemen,two of my favourites.

I`m a ghost and you`re not


You could try:

Father Ted


I'm Alan Partridge(Try 'Knowing Me,Knowing You With Alan Partridge' first to introduce you to the character)


'Give me the whip'.


I'd also give 'Spaced' a look, particularly if you enjoyed 'Shaun of the Dead'

Well that's the way it crumbles.....cookie-wise....


Look Around You

"Ihe media monkies and their junky junkies will invite you to their plastic pantomime..."


snuff box
armando iannucci shows


Although not British, I would definitely recommend Summer Heights High it is one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. Chris Lilley is a comedic genius.


"armando iannucci shows"

The Thick Of It! Absolutely fantastic show.

Oooh, also Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister come to mind as definite inspiration for Iannucci's more contemporary political satire.


The League of Gentlemen.

Poets are made by fools like me, but only God can make STD.




As for something that hasn't been mentioned before, I'd check out Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. It's not British and it's really not a show (think of it more as a very short stage play on film) but it was made for the web and is really a masterpiece in musical tragicomedy. I literally laughed for ten minutes at one joke. And then twenty minutes later I was sobbing. And the songs are really damn catchy.

"We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave. . .”


If you like The Young Ones, check out Bottom, starring Rik Mayall and Ade Edmondson (and their movie Guest House Paradiso). Black Adder, Father Ted, Fawlty Towers, Red Dwarf, Spaced, Allo! Allo!, A Bit of Frye & Laurie, and Not the 9 O'Clock News were all great shows. I also liked the League of Gentlemen and Little Britain.
The IT Crowd and Snuff Box are great too! The "Boyfriend" skit from Snuff Box was classic! So much great comedy coming out of the UK... The sad thing is that I couldn't name even one American show on right now that's even nearly as clever or entertaining as any of these shows. And I live in the states...

"Good Mid-nite to ya!"


Try Black Books. The first series was written by Graham Linehan who stars in the second and sixth episodes of GMD


Yeah, Black Books is probably my favorite brit-com besides Spaced. You should really watch that.

Green Wing is really good too. It also takes place in a hospital, but it's really mental I tell you. Kind of like the Office but way more sick.

''Cake or death?''
''Cake, please.''
