I loved the ending, it is very satisfying and I'm incredibly happy the film was close to being true to the book (they disappointingly left out when he was creating scents to smell human - made from piss, sour cheese etc - which people reacted positively to instead of not noticing him or being afraid or hateful towards him). It's a great story but when you reach the end of the book the protagonist has achieved his goal, he has peaked. His life was nothing until he considered the possibility of creating that one heavenly scent. He spent 7 (give or take) years crawled into a ball at the end of a long tunnel inside of a mountain, in which he couldn't lay flat or even sit up in (this is by memory so he might have had a little more height). He was so far from civilization that not one person ventured even miles away (his nose would have smelt them) from his location. He only ventured out for bugs to eat and he would have stayed there if it wasn't for the possibility of creating that magical scent. It would have been extremely out of character for the protagonist to take advantage of his new found power, he hated people and didn't want to be around them, he didn't feel affinity to power or the love of people. At the end of the story depressed and suicidal as there are no greater scents to be discovered - his only reason for living.
His perfume created a reaction in which everybody felt extreme paradise and expressed their love in a massive orgy to show the power/paradise of the perfume he created and that he could have been a God, king etc. with it. When he pours the perfume on himself and the mob eat him it is shown as a true act of love, I cried reading the ending in the book. It's the perfect ending and I'm happy the ending didn't turn into something stupid that wouldn't have had any sense, the ending was 10/10. The protagonist couldn't live any other way, he was really only going through motions living apart from his search for the scent of paradise. He felt nothing and didn't care about anything such as how he was treated e.g. the tannery where he was treated as a slave that was expected to die within a year because of the deadly environment. So once the protagonist found the greatest scent, the only other foreseeable option that would have made any sense would have been for him to either die another way or to go back to the cave and live out the rest of his life crawled into a ball, both ways would have been disappointing.