Comment about the orgy...

... read the novel for a class, so I knew that it was coming. But my partner and I were apparently both thinking the same thing. There's girl on guy going on during the orgy, and girl on girl. But no male on male?
We just thought it was funny.



I agree with some of the posters, maybe it was more of an asthetic thing that they didn't include male on face action in the movie, though it was there just not as obvious, anyway i thought the scence was pretty awesome, quite unexpected and i havn't seen anything quite like it.


I think you all need a nice cup of tea and then a long cold shower.


Actually there was guy on guy action in the scene. Just not center-screen like the f/f kiss.

One of them is during the shot in which the camera moves over forward from above. At the right is a guy lying on his back enjoying well.. er... a bee jay. He's pretty noticeable, as I think he's the only one in the entire orgy shown doing so. The hair on the person doing it is long, so at first I thought it was a woman. When the camera gets closer (about the time you witness a full frontal from above of another guy which probably distracts your attention), the person kisses the stomach of the guy on his back, and the obvious beard he was sporting pretty much gives it away. They were both guys.

During the shots where Laure's father approaches Grenouille, there are also two guys with obvious beards and chest hair kissing in the distance. Not too clear though.


well because it is essentially made of women, maybe it only makes you attracted to women?

"I like stuff."


I noticed the same thing. I thought the whole film was very desperate to show some naked women to be honest. The end really sealed it for me because so many nude women and long shots of breasts is to an extent understandable (only just) all the way up until the orgy. Then it really revealed its motive of making a teenage boy wet dream with lots of girl on girl foregrounded, lot of guy on girl, and no guy on guy at all. It really took away from the (already awful) ending because it was meant to be everyone on everyone, pure lust having no bounds but instead of really portraying the full extent of what that meant they played it safe with their demographics, pushed no boundaries, and the scene became just an excuse to give some straight guys hard-ons.


If u look closely u can see it and man on goat at the back and sheep on pig near the front and christian on jew and even pigeon on cat if u use slow mo and a zoom with a multi angle function :?

“What we have here is a failure to communicate”, Captain


I missed the pigeon on cat. I will have to slo-mo it.


I did see some M/Ms in the background, but for sure it was only F/M & F/F close up. That's the sexualisation of women for you.
