the truth

I don't understand why these women wanted to work in a place that was dominated by men and then have the nerve to complain about being harassed! They knew full well what they were walking into and they should have expected it. I don't feel sorry for them at all! Those women wanted to be harassed just so they could scream "SEXUAL HARASSMENT" and try to get some easy money ($3.5 million).I can't believe people talk about how brave and courageous these women were. All they did was pave the way for more women to share their sad stories and try and get their share of harassment money. If things keep going this way a man won't even be able to look at a woman! Those women didn't deserve one cent of the money they got. From my point of view I would love to work at a place where women sexually harassed me all day! You sure wouldn't hear me complaining.



Either your a typical troll...

Or you are EXTREMELY ignorant on a number of things!

Take about 40% of that "easy money" figure you discussed...for attorney & legal fees...

Divide the rest with about 25 other people (not divided equally, but by monetary damages per person, by the way).

Pay off your medical expenses....

Lost the form of back pay....

Lost wages & benefits...from lost work for whatever period of time (different for different people, based on each person's situation)...

A few were unable to work at all...even to this day...

Some, who were not impacted as much, continued to work at the mine (now owned & managed by a different company).

Not to mention the ten years of litigation. Having your entire private life published, questioned, viewed by defense attorneys in every possible negative light.

Why did the women work at the mines?

Because they wanted to put food on the table, and keep a roof over their heads, and their children's. The mines were the only real well-paying jobs in the area. It was that, or welfare.

The case went on for 10 years, but it revealed twenty years of illegal harassment. Most of the harrassment was not revealed until well into litigation. They thought they had to put up with it. They were used to most of it, thought it was "normal."

You obviously don't have any idea what harassment is, based on your last statement.

Harassment isn't flirting.
It's bullying, for the purpose of discouraging an individual from work, harming their economics.

When the reason for the harassment is based on race, sex, religion, disability, national origion, ethnic background, or age it is illegal.


No z01, I'm not a troll. This is the first thread I have started and only the second post I've made. I was just stating my opinion, one which you have not changed. You stated that some of the women still can't work even to this day. Why not? I can't believe that they were harassed so bad that they're afraid to get another job. Is it because they fear all men now? They sure didn't seem to fear men before they started at the mine. Maybe that's how they got in the situation where they "had" to get high paying jobs. Or maybe they still can't work even to this day simply because they just don't need the money so bad. If they were tough enough to work in the mines then they should have been tough enough to take the harassment. You said that the reason why they applied for the job was so they could provide for their families and put food on the table. Well it seems to me that other women in this country make it alright without complaining. Maybe that's because they have the good sense not to apply for a job where they have no business being. Men and women are not the same so there's jobs for men and jobs for women. That's just a fact of life and always has been.


You're an idiot.



alot of this movie is remember taking place in the 1980's where there is a completely different cultral dynamic. I happen to be writing an essay for my intro to film class on this and im using this movie for the basic purpose of the psychology behind the story.

im not sayin i excuse the females for not working but i would just like to point out that this led the ground-work for somewhat more equal treatment and more respect for woman at work.

had the sexual harrasment case not succedded i highly doubt that many of the females in this age would work, they would just be typical housewives subserveant to the men....

i just figured i'd like to voice my opinon on this matter....and hopefully help you out coal if it didnt then sorry i just hope this doesnt spike up more debate


hey i am also writing about this film...for my film class! where do you go to school?


UPDATE: Fixed some spelling errors.

"If they were tough enough to work in the mines then they should have been tough enough to take the harassment."
Geez, so if I work anywhere besides a convent, then by golly, it's ok for a man to grope me, verbally harass me (and my family), stalk me, and do unspeakable things to my clothing.

"Well it seems to me that other women in this country make it alright without complaining"
Where I work, I see a lot of single mothers who complain every day about the fact that they work just as hard as their male counterparts, plus raise a family, while only getting paid $.70 to every dollar a male makes for the same job.

Have you, yourself, ever been sexually harassed? I'd say a large portion of adult women have been sexually harassed at some point in their life, and you do start to get a bit nervous around men after it occurs. If someone were struck repeatedly, would they not cringe at an open hand? I imagine that if one were to be harassed to the degree that these women were then, yes, it would permanently affect male relationships.

"Maybe that's because they have the good sense not to apply for a job where they have no business being. Men and women are not the same so there's jobs for men and jobs for women. That's just a fact of life and always has been."

Marc Lepine, is that you? Google that guy to see what I mean.
Lemme take a guess here, you've prolly seen a raped woman on tv, turned to someone and said "well, she was probably asking for it".
And who, pray tell, decides what are men's jobs and women's jobs?
Women have always worked in factory/industrial settings (since the Venetian Arsenal-built in the 1100's), and women have always been allowed employment, but hatred towards these women (usually amongst poorer, less educated males-not dissing them, just stating a sociological fact) emerges in what are called "backlashes". If you look at the time period in which the movie takes place, we see an economic depression as well as massive layoffs and a large number of American jobs being shipped overseas. While this was occurring (sp?) Reagan (in another of his, "who, me?" moments) blamed women for the loss of jobs, and I quote: "Part of the unemployment is not as much recession as it is the great increase of the people going into the job and-ladies, I'm not picking on anyone but...-because of the increase in women who are working today." These "jobs" that women were supposedly taking were in "$2 an hour sweatshop labor, home-based work with subminimum wages, the salesclerk and fast-food career track of no security and no benefits" (Susan Faludi, "Backlash: The Undeclared war Aginst American Women", 68)
However, there were some men in the workforce that took Reagan's message, removed from proper context (i.e. the neglect to mention which jobs were being occupied by women), and ran with it, thinking that they had carte blanche to be pigs.

I sincerely hope that you are truly a troll because it would be horrifying, in this day and age, to find someone as ignorant as you.


I know you wrote this AGES ago, but I just wanna say thank you for posting such a well thought out and also enlightening reply. The OP obviously wants a reaction, why else post his perverted opinion on here. No sane person could watch this film and think the women diserved the treatment. Its barbarick and at times extremely difficult to watch. So thanks :)

"The best way to keep a guy at least ten feet away? Dry heave. Vomit is the new mace." Veronica


your not a troll, you're a typical cousin *beep* thinkin women are below you, if it wasnt for a woman you would'nt be here. You should think about that, that one woman suffered so you could talk your nonsense about women looking for easy money. You know why you wouldnt complain if women sexually harassed you all day, because either one - you dont get any that often, and 2 - your a fat vile disgusting pig. Case closed


It's people like you HowJoeyGotHisGrooveBack that will wake up someday and say, "What happened to this country?". Women that apply for this kind of work cry out for equal opportunity but when they do get the job, they are given light duty work simply because of their physical limitations (I'm sure this is not true in all cases, but the majority). These light duty jobs are usually reserved for men that otherwise have to take sick leave because of an illness or injury. When a woman occupies these jobs full time this leaves an injured man nowhere to go so he is forced to take a leave. This is not right. If a woman truly was able to do everything a man could do this would not be a problem.


"physical limitations"?
Whoa, haven't you (coal) been saying that if one (i.e. a woman) can't physically do the job, then they shouldn't have it? How dare you cry that women are getting special treatment! When a man can't do his job, in your eyes, he gets special treatment and still gets to keep said job/salary. An how can you say that women aren't as physically tough as a man? I have played soccer and hockey against men for over a decade, still play in fact, and I know that I am stronger than quite a few men that I play against (or that are on my team). Plus, women only get six weeks maternity leave in our country. Women have to forcibly squeeze something the size of a watermelon through an orifice the size of a lemon, and yet have only a month to recover. I guarantee that if you were to get a kidney stone, you'd go on sick leave for months. Filthy hypocrite.


If your saying ''I'm gonna wake up'' and wonder what happened to this country, when a woman applies for a mans job you're more retarded than i thought, look at everything going on around us in this country, phones are tapped...theres no privacy anymore.


Mandar730 I think you're starting to grasp at straws here trying to make your point. When men apply for these types of jobs they know they can handle them, a woman knows better. That's why I can't understand why they even apply. Is it because they hope they will get the easy jobs? If they don't they figure they can always just say they are being treated unfairly because they are a woman. Sounds like a win-win situation to me. Women just don't have the strength that a man has. That's the way we were designed and you know this is true. Are you really trying to say that men and women are equal in physical strength? Oh by the way, I can tell your loosing this argument because your already resorting to name calling.


I'm not grasping at straws, I was initially trying to steer the conversation back towards the movie (mentioning Reagan and Lepine). I still thought you were just a troll, so I tried to keep the post light, but after you started to say that men deserve special treatment, I had to post again. Then again, since you only recently started an IMDb account and your first post is an inflammatory one, all signs do point to troll.

"When men apply for these types of jobs they know they can handle them, a woman knows better."
Oh, so you speak for all people, do you? Both men and women of all ages, regions, etc...

"That's why I can't understand why they even apply. Is it because they hope they will get the easy jobs? If they don't they figure they can always just say they are being treated unfairly because they are a woman. Sounds like a win-win situation to me."

If someone can do a job, then they should get the job, not be delegated to tasks considered more "appropriate" for their gender/race/etc...

"Women just don't have the strength that a man has. That's the way we were designed and you know this is true. Are you really trying to say that men and women are equal in physical strength? "

Again, women have been working in factory settings since factories have been invented. Women ran the factories during WWII in both America and England (nod to my grams!), but once the men came back from war they tried to justify kicking these women out of the workforce by stating that women were "not strong enough." If you read men and women's popular literature (magazines, etc...) of the 1930's, women are portrayed as strong and independent, while the literature of the fifties portray women as weak and incompetant, indicating a massive shift in ideology in less than two decades. While the 1950's were a period of intense conservatism after the 1930's/1940's, then we can see the 1980's as a response to the actions of women in the 1960's/1970's. The movie thusly demonstrates the male insecurities ("weak" women trying to take their jobs) present during the 1980's. Strong women were discouraged any woman that was strong and competant was portrayed as unhinged ("Fatal Attraction" anyone?)

In regards to women's abilities in the industrial workplace, studies have proven that women have better multi-tasking capabilities; ergo, they provide more efficiency to workplaces. Studies have also shown that women also handle physical stress better (less sick leave!) and have higher pain tolerances.

Not all men are stronger than women, and stop trying to bring religion ("designed") into it. Whenever someone calls upon religious elements to win an argument, they turn into zealots, using an ominiscient boogeyman to force their opinion upon others. Not being anti-religious here, just anti-nutcase.

Your arguments can apply to men too, every time you say "woman," just substitute it with "scrawny man" and it works. Why? Because you rely too much upon hyperbole and generalizations, indicating that you possess neither the education, nor the mental capacity, to formulate a concise and clean argument. It also show that you rely too much upon unfounded assumptions ("inherent weakness of women"), and you know what they say about those who assume...

"Oh by the way, I can tell your loosing this argument because your already resorting to name calling. "

It's "losing", not "loosing",and "you're" (you are) not "your". Not picking on you, but those two words always drive me insane when they're misspelled. Also, it's not childish name calling when I call you a filthy hypocrite or a moron, it's just the REAL truth.


I still don't understand why you keep calling me a troll just because you don't agree with my opinion. If everyone on here that had an opinion was a troll then I guess we're all trolls including you. If you think I'm a troll just based on the number of post I've made then your wrong again. Even you had to start with just one post. I never said that a woman that qualifies for a job shouldn't get it (go back and read my third post). I'm talking about the ones that don't like Lois Jenson. The book "Class Action" describes her as feminine and ladylike, 5'2", 105 pounds and delicate. Does this sound like a woman that qualifies for a mining job? I chose the word designed carefully in my last post because it can apply to anyones beliefs from evolution to God. I wish you would have thought about that one first before you posted. In fact I was avoiding bringing religion into this topic. I do believe in God, just in case you were wondering. Anyway back to the movie/book. Do you think Lois Jenson would have eventually quit even if she wasn't harassed? I think she would have because she couldn't handle the work. Maybe the harassment thing was just a way out for her. Or an early retirement!


No, I thought you were a troll because your very first post was inflammatory and argumentive, which usually points towards troll-dom (i.e. creating a post for the sole purpose of starting arguments) not because I didn't agree w/ your opinion. If I recall, I think my very first post was a response to a question about "Open City."
I don't like generalizations. If you had started this topic specifically addressing this "Lois Jenson" case, then I wouldn't have even given it a second thought. However, you decided that Ms. Jenson was representative of all women seeking employment, which I found to be a generalization.
"Designed" is NOT an all-encompassing word; it insinuates a "designer," rather than evolution.

I have never read the book "Class Action" so I can't respond properly to this post. I could google the case, but I can't until after the weekend. Anyone read the book coal is talking about?


Well Mandar730 at least we both agree that this topic needs to be more focused because it was starting to drift way off. The book "Class Action" was the basis for the movie North Country. The book was based upon the Jenson vs. Eveleth Taconite Co. case. They changed her name from Lois Jenson to Josey Aimes in the movie (she was played by Charlize Theron). In the real story even some the women she worked with started to harass her, not sexually, but by putting a hangman's noose over her workplace because they was tired of the trouble she was causing.


Ah, I see. I'll have to read the book. Well, I will not be able to reply for a while seeing as I am leaving town tomorrow. Have a good weekend everyone!


Hi Mander730, I've read the book, and while I feel it would be good to read it, I would not bother replying to coal-country1960's comments any further.

The statement:

'' Those women wanted to be harassed just so they could scream "SEXUAL HARASSMENT" and try to get some easy money ($3.5 million). ''

is simply ridiculous. Remarks like this from a user shows that they have no actual experience in any such situation, and they obviously have not taken the time to properly investigate sexual harassment and what it is or means in this country and how it effects people in the workplace. To me that's the real tragedy...


Yeah, that's why I stopped replying. I still think he's a troll.


Hello again Mandar730. There are other people on here that qualify to be a troll far more than I ever have. If you haven't already, go back and read some of the responses other people have posted. I wonder why you have never called them trolls? I think it's just because you agree with their point of view. You may not have realized that you were doing this so please think about it before you call me a troll again. Like I told you before, if everybody on here that has an opinion was a troll then I guess we're all trolls. Including you.


Coal, the reason I surmised that you were a troll is that you demonstrated troll-like behavior. One, you have a limited post history, which in and of itself does not qualify you as a troll. What does raise suspicion (and criterion the second) is that your posts are inflammatory. When initial posts are deliberately inflammatory, it usually signifies a troll. Although you may not consider yourself a troll, your post(s) suggested otherwise. I've noticed that you mellowed out occasionally in posts, which has alleviated my suspicions a bit (although not by much).

The only reason I haven't called anyone else out on troll-dom is because I have not been perusing this board as eagerly as you, Coal. Tho, I do agree that it turned into a shrill chaotic state.

Most importantly, I never denied you a right to an opinion, but I do deny you the right to determine my lifestyle or my choice of work. If I can do a job and do it well, I should be able to do that job w/out harassment. End of story.

Plus, Coal, if being called a troll gets under your skin, perhaps you are not "strong" enough for the job of IMDb debator.


You calling me a troll doesn't bother me one bit Mandar. I just wanted you to know that I don't think your claims can be justified and nobody takes a troll serious and I am dead serious on the points I am trying to make here. Anyway that's way besides the point. All of the statements I have made are just common knowledge in the region of the country (U.S.) where I live. It's just common sense. I never said that a woman that was qualified for a job shouldn't get it. I'm saying that most (not all) women are not built like a man and simply don't have the same strength. I'm not one of these modern day thinkers that think men and women are made the same. The simple fact is we are not and never will be (or at least I hope not because what would be the fun in that). I don't like to hear a woman use the old line "I can do anything a man can" because it's not true. I don't go around saying that I can do anything a woman can because there are things that women do that I sure wouldn't want to do. Oh and by the way, my post are only inflammatory if somebody doesn't agree with them. This all comes down to a few simple questions - Are men and women really the same? The answer is no. Should men and women behave the same? The answer is no. Should women act like men or should men act like woman just because society has grown tolerant of such behavior and accepts it as normal? The answer there is a big NO. Please feel free to answer these questions yourself Mandar. I look forward to reading your response.


This is what you said in November---->
1. "Those women wanted to be harassed just so they could scream "SEXUAL HARASSMENT" and try to get some easy money ($3.5 million).I can't believe people talk about how brave and courageous these women were. All they did was pave the way for more women to share their sad stories and try and get their share of harassment money. If things keep going this way a man won't even be able to look at a woman! Those women didn't deserve one cent of the money they got. From my point of view I would love to work at a place where women sexually harassed me all day! You sure wouldn't hear me complaining."

My primary problem with this passage is that it's rather inflammatory, and insinuates that women have an ulterior motive to attain free money from men under the guise of sexual harrassment lawsuits. You basically dismissed the dehumanization and humiliation of individuals through sexual harrassment as merely "part of a job." How on earth would you expect a woman (and any normal male) to take that passage? "Wanted to be harassed"? C'mon now, what BS!

Fast forward two months:

"I never said that a woman that was qualified for a job shouldn't get it."

Yes, you did. (Friday, November 17-"Well it seems to me that other women in this country make it alright without complaining. Maybe that's because they have the good sense not to apply for a job where they have no business being") You assert that there are "men's jobs" and "women's jobs. Who determines which jobs are appropriate for each gender? You claim that even if a woman can do a job, if it's deemed "men's work", then she should not get it.

From November 18-----> "Women that apply for this kind of work cry out for equal opportunity but when they do get the job, they are given light duty work simply because of their physical limitations (I'm sure this is not true in all cases, but the majority). These light duty jobs are usually reserved for men that otherwise have to take sick leave because of an illness or injury. When a woman occupies these jobs full time this leaves an injured man nowhere to go so he is forced to take a leave. This is not right. If a woman truly was able to do everything a man could do this would not be a problem."

To reiterate my previous reply to this post, you claim that women should not get special treatment if they can't do the job, but if a man can't do the job, then special treatment abound! Plus, I find it hard to believe that any person (man or woman) would apply to a job as a roundabout way to pull light duty.

"I'm not one of these modern day thinkers that think men and women are made the same."

Well, you're obviously a tool that has yet to leave the nineteenth century. I'm sure the Victorians miss you.

Article from

"Are men really the stronger sex?

If research is to be believed then the answer is no! A study published in the British Medical Journal states that men are "fragile", and have this trait even before they are born. The study acts as a follow up to the many studies conducted earlier that state that boys are biologically weaker than girls in the first few years of life.

"The human male, on most measures, is weaker than the female", the study quotes. Though the biological weakness of the male child is fairly well recorded, it is not that well known. Most people still think that the male child is tougher than the female and thus treat him as such. Research on the other hand shows the opposite. Medically, the ratio of conception of a male foetus to a female foetus is almost 120:100. However, at the time of birth, it is seen that the ratio drops down to 105:100. This means that more boys die before being born than girls. And this fact does not stop at birth; male mortality is more than female mortality throughout life. Developmentally also boys lag behind. "A newborn girl is physiologically equivalent to a 4-6 week old boy".

But the study says that all can't be blamed on biology. What compounds the problem is the society and culture. Most societies treat boys differently than girls. It is seen that parents and other care givers are more likely to cuddle and hold a crying baby girl than an infant boy. The reason cited for this is that boys, right from infancy, are expected to be stronger and less expressive than girls. Parents often may be embarrassed about cuddling a baby boy, whereas in reality, he probably needs it more than his sister.

This difference spills into a boy's later life as well. Boys are more likely to have learning disabilities in school, suffer from hyperactivity, autism and speech disorders. During adolescence, more boys are likely to commit suicide and get into violent episodes than girls. Emotionally, boys who do not express themselves are weaker than others. Since most cultures discourage male expression of feeling, boys are more at risk for emotional upheaval than women.

According to the study, men die earlier than women all over the world. Maybe the time has come to throw the adage "boys will be boys", out of the window and alter the meaning of the 'weaker sex'."


"The simple fact is we are not and never will be (or at least I hope not because what would be the fun in that)."
Hence individuality. Do you think all men are exactly the same and all women exactly the same?

"Are men and women really the same? The answer is no. Should men and women behave the same? The answer is no. Should women act like men or should men act like woman just because society has grown tolerant of such behavior and accepts it as normal? The answer there is a big NO."

Where did I say we should all choose to identify ourselves with the opposite gender? Or become carbon copies of each other? You make it sound like I was calling for us all to merge society into an asexual mass. Again, who determines what are "male characteristics" and what is "female characteristics?"

My main problem with your arguments, coal, is that I find it a bit odd that you spew out the BS in the first passage in November and by January, you start claiming that this was all merely a civil discussion concerning sexual dimorphism. The definition of physical strength is all relative and dependent upon age, physical condition, height, weight, etc. and is also reliant upon cultural mores. American media and society throughout history has dictated that women are to starve themselves into scrawny sticks (corsets, girdles, diet fads) and that "womanhood" is inherently weak. Our culture praises male strength above female strength, and while men in our present culture are likely to be stronger, statistically, they are also more likely to complete physically demanding tasks as set forth by society. What if we (assuming you are American) preferred physically large women and shunned physically large men? I believe if human history had been charted that way, then men would be considered "sweetness and light" and women the dominant gender. In short, biology and society are linked.
My conclusion, as a feminist, is that neither gender is the physically/mentally/emotionally stronger, but rather each person's strengths and weaknesses should be evaluated individually.

I apologize for any wacky spelling/grammatical errors, but I just got in for the nite and am going to sleep after I post this.


The movie was told from her point of view but there is more to the story. That's usually the case though, when a movie is based on true events. Movies can lead you into seeing only one point of view.


coal just to let you know i am glad that i am not the only one to have the same view point as you do. I think that these women are being to hard on you. probably because they wish that they could have got some of that money for themself. I am glad you say what a lot of us men think. Here to suport you.



Of course, men and women are not the same. Biologically, that is. But EVERYTHING that relates to roles or "typical" behaviour of men and women, etc. is nothing that is naturally so, but it's all a cultural thing, created by society. That's scientifically proven. So please face the facts.

Coal, just a tiny question: If you happened to be in a place that in your opinion is "female space", it would be okay for a woman to call you names, hurt you physically and smear excrement all over you, just because you are somewhere you don't belong? Also, in your world "female space" probably includes places like a kitchen... Think about it.

No one asks for harassment. Not ever. What is so hard to understand about that?


Update: fixed some wacky syntax

"Actually if a guy can't do his job, he's fired and someone else gets it, unless he's releated to the boss. Furthermore it's the truth that generally women are physically weaker then men. Because of this, women get special treatment and have easier physical tests to take. On the plus side, many feminists are seeing this as negative, so it's possible this will change and that sterotype will start to go away."

In response to your assertion, I was attacking Coal's logic in which he says:
"These light duty jobs are usually reserved for men that otherwise have to take sick leave because of an illness or injury. When a woman occupies these jobs full time this leaves an injured man nowhere to go so he is forced to take a leave."

In response to the rest of your post, please read my other posts as well as some others on this board. I still don't think this board is an appropriate forum for sexual dimorphism.

"And not all jobs only give six weaks, some including teachers and police get a year to a year and a half off for maturnity leave, so your example is invalid"
Depends on where you live, Full Blooded Italian. I have lived in the "Rust Belt", the South, and Europe and maternity leaves in America are rarely, if ever, over 6 weeks. The teachers I know usually took "leaves of absence" after their six weeks, (including my own mother). I have yet to see a maternity leave over 2 months. I don't know the regulatory maternity leave for female cops since where I live there are very few female cops. In fact, I've only met one in my entire life.
BTW, are you from Italy? Beautiful country, especially the Amalfi coast.


In response to the rest of your post, please read my other posts as well as some others on this board. I still don't think this board is an appropriate forum for sexual dimorphism.

Can you quote? This thread is full of flamming and I don't feel like shifting through it.

If you ment this.

In regards to women's abilities in the industrial workplace, studies have proven that women have better multi-tasking capabilities; ergo, they provide more efficiency to workplaces. Studies have also shown that women also handle physical stress better (less sick leave!) and have higher pain tolerances.

While I can believe the multitasking, I can't believe the rest, since usually (Due to the reasons I stated last post) they are given the lighter work load which is left on the male workers which would lead to stress which would lead to sickdays. Infact if all of that was true hardly any men would be highered.

As for the scrawney man comments, scrawney men who don't fit the requirements and who aren't releated to the boss won't get in, so that's a invalid comarrision because usually men are stronger physically then women, that is a scientific fact and is part of biology. Are there exceptions? Sure, but generally women are physically weaker. The USA government has used that to give advantages to women when they apply to jobs, including lighter tests. Even "scrawney" women have a good shot now since their requirement is much lower then a average built man. This of course does little but perpetuate the sterotypes, but untill women tell the government not to give them different qualifications, it dosn't matter if a woman proves herself to be just as strong, the sterotype will exist as long as the free ride does.

Depends on where you live, Full Blooded Italian. I have lived in the "Rust Belt", the South, and Europe and maternity leaves in America are rarely, if ever, over 6 weeks. The teachers I know usually took "leaves of absence" after their six weeks, (including my own mother). I have yet to see a maternity leave over 2 months. I don't know the regulatory maternity leave for about female cops and maternity leave since where I live there are very few female cops. In fact, I've only met one im my entire life.
BTW, are you from Italy? Beautiful country, especially the Amalfi coast.

No, but my family came over on the boat several generations ago. I'm in Jersey, I guess they actually give ample if not more then enough time for mothers in this state. Staying in the hospital is a different story, but leave for work in at least those two jobs is a year around here if not a year and a half.


"Can you quote? This thread is full of flamming and I don't feel like shifting through it."
No. because I'm not repeating everything I said over 6 months ago. I have a full-time job, plus volunteer work, plus a family, I simply do not have time to sift through each of my posts as well as the posts that I responded to. I'm only replying to you as a polite courtesy, please extend the same by reading all of the posts by everyone (as I did) before responding solely to mine.

I believe I mentioned some months ago that the role of "weaker" women is not solely due to biology, but rather due to a societal aversion against women as the equal/stronger sex. Society in America has primarily favored smaller women, thus leading to dominant continuance of these favored traits. If stronger women were societally favored, as well as weaker men, then a role reversal would occur. Society thus dictates biological trait continuance. Case in point, the usage of biology to limit women's roles in the academic world.
In certain societies, especially American tribal, women have primarily engaged in the more physically demanding professions, such as farming and manufacture, while men primarily engaged in lighter work.

Again, I don't feel that a movie board is the place for a discussion on sexual dimorphism and neither you, nor I, are qualified as experts.


No. because I'm not repeating everything I said over 6 months ago. I have a full-time job, plus volunteer work, plus a family, I simply do not have time to sift through each of my posts as well as the posts that I responded to. I'm only replying to you as a polite courtesy, please extend the same by reading all of the posts by everyone (as I did) before responding solely to mine.

If it wasn't all flamming, I would.

I believe I mentioned some months ago that the role of "weaker" women is not solely due to biology, but rather due to a societal aversion against women as the equal/stronger sex. Society in America has primarily favored smaller women, thus leading to dominant continuance of these favored traits. If stronger women were societally favored, as well as weaker men, then a role reversal would occur. Society thus dictates biological trait continuance. Case in point, the usage of biology to limit women's roles in the academic world.

I don't believe that to be true, since biology makes men generally physically stronger. Your average male will be stronger then your average woman, women tend to be more flexable. You would literally have to get rid of the majority of the country if you were to try to reverse that. Since very few women are physically stronger hten their male counterpart. WOmen aren't inferior where they can't handle themselves. And I don't think there's much of an adversion to stronger women, mentally strong women due hold alot of strong positions in this country without much issue, it's just the way we are made, women being body builders are a rare site (Ignoring steroids), even amoung the feminist groups.

In certain societies, especially American tribal, women have primarily engaged in the more physically demanding professions, such as farming and manufacture, while men primarily engaged in lighter work.

males went hunting in American Tribal and often had to fight bears, wolves, coyotes, bobcats, etc. That's hardly "Lighter work", and they didn't start farming untill after trading with europe/ being conquered by europe. As for other socieities, your going to have to give me evidence that the male counterparts weren't able to do any heavy lifting and were physically inferior to women. The amazon's are a myth. If your refering to Spartan women, if they were truly equal in every way even biological, they would have been in the army, they weren't. While they were more built then their athenian incubator counterpart, biology still made them physically weaker then their male counterparts.

Again, I don't feel that a movie board is the place for a discussion on sexual dimorphism and neither you, nor I, are qualified as experts.

This is a board about a movie about sexism, it qualifies. Furthermore your making claims that men aren't usually physically stronger and that biologists made all that up. I take it then your highly against the afirmative action pratices that make the physical requirment easier for women.


Update: Fixed some wacky spelling errors

"they didn't start farming untill after trading with europe/ being conquered by europe."
-See: Aztecs, the vast empire of the Powhatan (Algonquin) Charles C. Mann's "1491" and accompanying article:

"As for other socieities, your going to have to give me evidence that the male counterparts weren't able to do any heavy lifting and were physically inferior to women."
Whoa, now. If you have gotten any of the "all men are inferior to women vibe" from me, then I apologize because I've never stated one sex as the unequivocal and indisputable superior. I believe that I mentioned that I was stronger than certain men I play co-ed soccer/hockey with, but I never said I was stronger than all men, or vice versa. In regards to my arguments with coal-the-troll, I posed the question of what qualifies as "men's" work, or "women's" work. If someone can do a job, they should get it, regardless of gender, race, age, etc...Look up stuff on nomadic cultures such as the Maasai, in which both men and women complete physically demanding work.

"The amazon's are a myth. If your refering to Spartan women, if they were truly equal in every way even biological, they would have been in the army, they weren't. While they were more built then their athenian incubator counterpart, biology still made them physically weaker then their male counterparts."
See: the Sarmatians, French Revolution, Crusades, Boudica (Boudicca),Vishpla, Aahhotep I, Zabibi, Samsi, Tomyris, Himoko, Jingo Kogo, Mavia, Saimei, Dihya al-Kahina, Hittite women warriors, Joan of Arc, female gladiators, Queen Aethelburgh, etc, etc, etc... Women have fought as soldiers since the beginning of civilization. After reading about these women, check out edicts and papal bulls that were written to force women back into the home. As for the Amazons, I thought that they were still under debate. I personally think such a popular myth (that appeared in both Homer and Herodotus), probably has some foundation in fact. Many people thought Troy was a myth, but a German treasure hunter found it.

"Furthermore your making claims that men aren't usually physically stronger and that biologists made all that up."
I said society dictates biological continuance, not that biology was a myth.
From a New York Times Article:

"What emerges when one studies male biology in a truly evenhanded way is the realization that from the moment of conception on, men are less likely to survive than women. It's not just that men take on greater risks and pursue more hazardous vocations than women. There are poorly understood — and underappreciated — vulnerabilities inherent in men's genetic and hormonal makeup. This Father's Day, we need to rededicate ourselves to deepening our knowledge of male physiology.
Men's troubles begin during the earliest days in the womb. Even though there are more male than female embryos, there are more miscarriages of male fetuses. Industrial countries are also witnessing a decline in male to female birth ratios, and we don't know why.
Some scientists have argued that the probability of a male child declines as parents (especially fathers) age. Still others have cited the prevalence of pesticides, which produce more birth defects in male children.
Even when a boy manages to be born, he's still behind the survival eight ball: he is three to four times more likely than girls to have developmental disorders like autism and dyslexia; girls learn language earlier, develop richer vocabularies and even hear better than boys. Girls demonstrate insight and judgment earlier in adolescence than boys, who are more impulsive and take more risks than their sisters. Teenage boys are more likely to commit suicide than girls and are more likely to die violent deaths before adulthood...
As adults, too, men die earlier than women. Twice as many men as women die of coronary artery disease, which manifests itself a decade earlier in men than women; when it comes to cancer, the news for men is almost as bad. Women also have more vigorous immune systems than men: of the 10 most common infections, men are more likely to have serious encounters with seven of them...
Considering the relative fragility of men, it's clearly counterintuitive for us to urge them, from boyhood on, to cope bravely with adversity, to ignore discomfort, to persevere in spite of pain and to accept without question the most dangerous jobs and tasks we have to offer. Perhaps the reason many societies offer boys nutritional, educational and vocational advantages over girls is not because of chauvinism — it's because we're trying to ensure their survival."


If someone can do a job, they should get it, regardless of gender, race, age, etc.

Well that's something we can agree on. I do however, feminist groups and the government seems to feel that women need a leg up on the physical tests, so untill that's changed or at least the attitude is changed, I don't want to hear "But I"m a lady" if they do get the job that's physcally taxing or requires them to fight.

See: the Sarmatians, French Revolution, Crusades, Boudica (Boudicca),Vishpla, Aahhotep I, Zabibi, Samsi, Tomyris, Himoko, Jingo Kogo, Mavia, Saimei, Dihya al-Kahina, Hittite women warriors, Joan of Arc, female gladiators, Queen Aethelburgh, etc, etc, etc... Women have fought as soldiers since the beginning of civilization.

The french revolution was more a angry mob overthrow, Joan was an exception to the rule. You forgot to list the celts (who the amazons may have been based on), however that still dosn't change biology. Even families with big strong people don't always bear strong offspring. (physically anyway). I didn't mean to imply no females fought, I did mean to imply that as I had misinterprted you, if females were greater theyw ould have been the ones fighting. (You've cleared that up though).
I personally think such a popular myth (that appeared in both Homer and Herodotus), probably has some foundation in fact. Many people thought Troy was a myth, but a German treasure hunter found it.

Well the city of troy was found during the ROman Empire and was a resort there. I think Augustus used to go there alot, it was rebuilt over the ruins though.

I said society dictates biological continuance, not that biology was a myth.

Ok and again, I still don't agree with that because many physically strong people have kids and they don't necessarily end up just like their parents.


Can we agree to disagree on certain points?
I didn't mean to sound argumentative, if I came off that way.
Personally, I don't mind debating with you since you haven't resorted to hyperbole and insults.


[quote]Can we agree to disagree on certain points?

Don't see why not. There's nothing wrong with different oppinions.

I'm just getting over the whole Benoit Incident (His character was a idol of mine) so maby I took your arguments argumentative.

Thanks for the kind words.

I would like this question answered if you can, and I don't care if your oppinion differs from mine. what's your oppinion on the afirmative action programs that give bonus's to women in the fitness type tests?


Not a big fan, really. As long as someone can do a job, they should get it, and with no special privileges or easier testing.


Well it was nice debating with you.

Please check your pm's.



get out of the 1950's man...



Thanks for the support fellas. Use to be when a man said something inappropriate to a woman she would slap him and let him know she didn't like it. Now they just slap you with a lawsuit and say it destroyed their life (I don't mean all women Mandar730). I think (or I hope) the court system is picking up on this because I read that they might put a law into effect that says it takes more than just a man touching a woman to constitute harassment. I don't mean a man touching a woman in a private area but just the ones who touch a woman by accident. Some women were/are filing harassment claims just because a man touched them and it didn't matter where. There was even a court in California that said that just a well intentioned compliment could be sexual harassment. A man might just say, "You look nice today" and all a woman had to do was say she was sexually harassed. This is the flood gate that the Jenson Vs. Eveleth Taconite case opened up. I'm sure there are some legitimate sexual harassment cases out there and I wish them nothing but luck but some women go overboard.


Neaderthal-country1960 says: "I don't mean a man touching a woman in a private area but just the ones who touch a woman by accident. Some women were/are filing harassment claims just because a man touched them and it didn't matter where. There was even a court in California that said that just a well intentioned compliment could be sexual harassment. A man might just say, "You look nice today" and all a woman had to do was say she was sexually harassed."

Do you have any actual cases you can reference to prove this? Or are you just repeating the ridiculous claims conservative pundits like Rush "drug addict" Limbaugh or Bill "loofa harrasser" O'Rielly are so fond of spouting? Your point -- that the Unites States is in danger because women are standing up and demanding to be considered equals, deserving of decent treatment by the men they work along side -- is absurd! Where's the danger? What are you afraid of? Why don't you join the rest of civilization here in the 21st Century?

You're a sad, angry, frightened man. Pathetic.


No BeaArthur5-49 I'm not saying that this country is in danger because women are getting equal rights. I'm saying that when people can get away with all these petty law suits then we're in trouble. Just like these people who sue fast food restaraunts for making them fat. Do you agree with them? You sound like the type that might. And please don't give me a lecture about how I shouldn't judge you because I don't even know you. Seems like your quick to judge. You need to read more carefully next time before you post. I don't have a problem with women working if they can do the job. I have seen first hand women who couldn't do the jobs they thought they could do. These women put thier co-workers lives in danger. Would you like to work around somebody like that?


Gullible-country1960 says: "I'm saying that when people can get away with all these petty law suits then we're in trouble. Just like these people who sue fast food restaraunts for making them fat."

Again with the AM radio scare stories and fairy tales! Those lawsuits -- the VERY ones you claim endanger this country -- were banned by the House of Representatives in March of 2004. Your fears are, once again, unfounded. I suggest you try to see if there's any truth behind the claims of conservative pundits before you start to repeat their absurd assertions. Next thing, you'll be trying to tell us that all welfare mothers are crack addicts!

Illiterate-country1960 says: "And please don't give me a lecture about how I shouldn't judge you because I don't even know you. Seems like your quick to judge."

You shouldn't judge me because you don't know the difference between "your" (personal pronoun) and "YOU'RE" (contraction of "you" and "are"). Soon as you've mastered basic written grammar, then we can start in on more complicated issues.




if you haven't seen the movie, what are you doing commenting in the first place... watch the movie, read up on the case... it probably won't change your opinion... but at least learn about something before you decide to throw words around...


I haven't commented on this board for quite a while but I just have to this time. You're right only to the point they knew they'd have to put up with some comments or even light harassment. That's part of working in an atmosphere dominated by men.

What these men did was wayyyyy beyond acceptable. It was like a snowball effect. It started out little, then they all slowly added more and more until those women literally had to be afraid to go to work. I can't imagine you NOT complaining if you couldn't go to the bathroom in 8 hours. How about being driven to the farthest and darkest part of the mine then told 'put out or get out'!

This was just a handful of men that brought shame to the whole mine. Most of the other guys didn't care if there were women working, as long as they did their jobs. Once the lawsuit kicked in, even most of those nice guys turned silent for fear they'd start getting their tires slashed and worse.

Those women lived thru hell during the entire lawsuit and deserved every penny they got. They worked there because it was good money instead of being a cashier somewhere. They had the right to work in a mine, like any man as long as they did their work.

I also have to agree that there are alot of women that are in it for the bucks and should be ashamed of themselves.

I want you honestly to think of how you'd feel if one of those women was your mom or sister. Then would you wonder why they complained?


i'm not going to even entertain that adolescent tirade.

was your FATHER born in 1960? you don't sound like someone with the intelligence of 46 years old...


I'm sorry that you don't have two kids to raise and have to put up with a horrible job with a horrible boss and horrible employees that you hate just to put food in your children's mouths and pay rent.

Maybe once you experience that, you'll change your mind.


That is just about the dummest thing I've ever read. I agree some women look for an excuse but there's a difference between "hey baby" and the crap they pulled. Can you say abuse? Can you spell it? Look it up, honey.


All people have a right to earn a living without being harassed by their co-workers. While I am sure that some of the women's injuries were somewhat exaggerated, that does not make what those men did any less wrong. And by the way, what about the men taking time away from their jobs just to do stupid, offensive things to other people? Even if management resented the women for being there, the men should have been called out on that alone.
Also, the OP stated that there are jobs for men and there are jobs for women. Just what, exactly, were the women doing that they are physically unable to do? Drive and operate a mining truck? Hose sediment off a wall? Aren't these skills that one can learn with training, or are all men just born with the inate knowledge of how to do them? In truth, SOME women, just like some MEN, are not suited to certain kinds of work.


I agree with you on some points alomba1328. Some men do commit real sexual harassment and in those cases a woman has every right to try and do something about it. There is a line that most men have the common sense not to cross. I think most people posting on here know what real sexual harassment is and what it is not. You have to admit that there are alot of women that take advantage of this. If men and women really are the same then why are there so many women filing sexual harassment and very, very few men? Is it because women don't harass? Or maybe it could be that men and women do look at things different. This is what it all really comes down to. When you try to blur those well defined lines between men and women in our society there is bound to be some trouble. Trouble that some are sure to take advantage of. Thanks for posting your views alomba1328 in a respectful way.


There are overly sensitive people in every line of work, and gender does not have anything to do with it. A dildo in a luch box? OK, get a grip, go over to the guy who you know did it and make a big show of returning it to him. Maybe say something along the lines of, "How many times to I have to tell you to stop leaving your gay sex toys in my locker?" However, much of what the men did was way over the line and the company should have penalized them, if not for the harassment then at least for goofing off on the job, creating an unsafe environment for others, and putting the company at risk of a lawsuit. For example, women were refused a bathroom break while the men were not even reprimanded for taking time off work in order to overturn a port-a-potty. What if the woman had been seriously injured and then sued the company? Also, precisely where in the job description of iron miner does it list smearing human feces on the wall or ejaculating on a co-worker's sweater as part of the job? How can one be focused on work if he is engrossed in planning the next prank that he will play on the female employees? This is even more serious in a mining environment where danger is lurking everywhere. Besides, the numerous incidents involving bodily exrections created a health hazard for everyone who worked at that mine. Just because they resented having women on the job does not condone turning an iron mine full of hazardous conditions and dangerous machinery into a frat party. Maintaining a serious, respectful, and congenial workplace environment free of intimidation and harassment benefits everyone. Finally, if the men were so concerned that the women could not properly perform the work and, therefore, were putting others in danger, why didn't they spend the time they spent on harassment on helping them and teaching them instead?


These women put thier co-workers lives in danger. Would you like to work around somebody like that? - CoalCountry-1960 .... WOW WOW WOW, have you ever even seen this movie, how dare you even say that, those women put their jobs at risk for physical and emotional abuse done to them, paybacks a bitch, women can work where ever they want and if it gets to tough for them they quit, tough meaning - heavy lifting or whatever else there is, NOT GETTING TIPPED OVER IN A PORTO-JOHN, NOT HAVING YOUR CLOTHES OR VALUABLES JERKED OFF ON OR BEING CHOKED AND BEATEN, and any man who does that to a woman should have the *beep* kicked out of him, i knew a guy who punched a girl in the face and you know what happened to him he got beaten even worse BY A MAN and he couldnt defend himself, what those workers did to the women is as good as rape not for pleasure, but to make yourself feel better about yourself coalcountry sucks


Please read my post more carefully HowJoeyGotHisGrooveBack. Maybe you should read the whole post next time and not just pick out certain things. I never said the women in the movie put their co-workers lives in danger. I'm talking about things I've seen with my own eyes, not in some movie. Go back and read it again. I don't think sexual harassment is right. I agree that any man that commits real sexual harassment should be punished. I'm just saying that some women go overboard and take advantage. This is just as bad as a man that actually does harass a woman.


Coal I really think you are taking alot of abuse by people (trolls) who don't take the time to read the whole post. If you have something to say then take the time to read the whole post it may change your mind or answer your question/comment. If you choose not to read the whole post then you are the one who looks dumb when coal repeats himself and then says "Go back and read the post." Sorry coal you have to keep repeating yourself. For the rest of you people READ THE WHOLE POST!!!!!!!!


BeaArthur5-49, your intelligence is beyond comprehension! You should go over to the "A Beautiful Mind" or the "Good Will Hunting" boards. I think your super intelligence would be more appreciated there. I'm truly sorry that I wasted so much of you brain power and time when it could have been used for so much more. Please feel free to spell check all of my future posts.


It's not super intelligence to use your BRAIN!

"From my point of view I would love to work at a place where women sexually harassed me all day! You sure wouldn't hear me complaining."

I don't doubt that for a second. And it's because you're a pig! A disgusting pig! ..And probably would have a very hard time getting it elsewhere.

"If men and women really are the same then why are there so many women filing sexual harassment and very, very few men? Is it because women don't harass? Or maybe it could be that men and women do look at things different."

Some men and some women look at things different. Some men (pigs) would LIKE it. Are women SUPPOSED to like it?! Is any normal person SUPPOSED to like it? Should they? No. And if they do something about it, man or woman, they are just out for the money... riiight. If some pig grabs my ass, am I blowing it out of proportion to complain about it? To get him in trouble about it? To get him fired? To file a lawsuit if he is continuously harassing me? Even if he hasn't grabbed my ass! If he continuously makes disgusting remarks at me, is it WRONG to get him in trouble? Should I just "take it?" No. You're just not worthy of breathing.

Oh, yeah! And in some places, there are VERY few jobs. If a single mother has to choose between taking a tough job, or living on the streets and starving her children.. Come on, really. Should her main concern be the poor, poor men who can't get a job because of the women "stealing" jobs in the workplace? No, her family. Does she "have it coming" because she wants to do her best as a mother? Seriously.. it's time to grow up now.

It's obvious you've forgotten how to use your brain. You should add to your original post: "CAUTION: Reading this, and any of my following posts, will cause your IQ to drop by a significant amount!"

I know that a life without love is no life at all.



A hateful bitter sexist feminist because I don't think sexual harassment is okay? You are way out of line, and you don't know a thing about me. Read my post again, sweetheart. It's not feminism. It's knowing right from wrong.

A) I'm not trying to make males out to be evil. At least half my friends are male, my fiance is a male.. get over yourself. Natural instincts my ass! Being sexually inappropriate makes anyone (penis or vagina) a pig. Is being a pervert natural instinct? Because that is basically what you just said. So wait.. you think all men are perverts? Is that it? You hate men! You must be homosexual. Well, maybe not. Maybe you are just a sad excuse for a human being. It's obvious you think sexual harassment is OKAY.

B) He welcomes sexual harassment. He must want it THAT bad. Plus, what woman would want such an ignorant man?

C) It has nothing to do with agreeing with me. It has to do with not knowing right from wrong. Sexual harassment.. is.. ready? ..big word! WRONG. Get it? I sure hope so. Everyone should know that. I can't believe some of you don't! How old are you here? Twelve? And yes, he is an uneducated neandERthal retard. As are you. But that has nothing to do with feminism. Do you own a dictionary? No? Oh, okay. I understand. :)

I know that a life without love is no life at all.



I think you have a few issues going on. I don't mean that to be rude, I swear I don't, but I think you are suffering from paranoia. And labeling every female that believes women deserve rights as a feminist makes it clear you have some problem with women. I am guessing this has something to do with your childhood.. Maybe your mother/female "role model" wasn't there or treated you badly? I don't know, but you definitely do have some problems with the female sex. You assume all women, including myself, hate men, when I said nothing of the sort! Is it because women being equal to men is threatening for men/you? Not that I believe that, but I really am not understanding what is going on with you. I don't understand feminists, and I don't understand you either. People are people. Just because a man is a man doesn't make him a pervert (basically what you said earlier), and just because a woman is a woman does not mean she is a man-hating feminist. I am starting to see that you are the sexist here. And you have many, many unresolved issues. I don't know how old you are, or how far into life you are, but therapy is an option no matter how young or old. Please consider it. You are a very angry, confused, and sexist man, but I am sure there is help out there and you can resolve these issues. I'm sorry for any bad experiences you may have gone through before, but not every woman hates the male population. Please learn to accept that, and don't throw "feminism" out there as your defense.

Honestly, none of that was meant to sound bitter and I was being truly sincere with every word.

"I don't like the color blue."

It's not the solution to every problem!

I'm sorry, but I really don't have the time to come on the boards often enough to debate with you or anyone here. This month has been particularly busy for me, especially with the holidays coming up and all. I hope you understand and know that I am not simply avoiding debate (it's what I do :P), but with December coming it is not the time.

Happy Holidays if you'll be celebrating.

I know that a life without love is no life at all.



I wasn't even talking about equal rights! I was talking about sexual harassment.. Please re-read all posts, I don't know what is wrong with your reading comprehension! And yes, I called him a pig (twice), because he talks about sexual harassment as if there is nothing wrong with it, and as if people should just be allowed to do that. And he wants it.. How twisted is that? To want to be sexually harassed. Finding out someone would welcome sexual harassment, rape, or something of the sort disgusts me. So yes, I called him a pig. Because of equal rights? No.. Because I think he is repulsive. I would think the same of a woman who welcomes sexual harassment. It's just disturbing.

You are a sad, sad young man who has a lot to learn in life. I'm sorry that mommy beat you, but that is no excuse for the way you live your life.

I know that a life without love is no life at all.




"And yes, I called him a pig (twice),"

And that is why I called you a feminist.

I'm sorry, but you're truly an idiot if you think someone 'calling a man a pig' = a feminist.

You display an egregious (but sadly not rare) ignorance.

Here's a quick read that should educate you on what the essence of 'Feminism' is:


"I don't understand feminists, and I don't understand you either."

You don't understand Feminists because.........?

Do you believe in equality between the sexes?

If you do, you're a Feminist.
It's as simple as that.

The essence of Feminism has nothing to do with 'man-hating', it's simply about equality.

Don't let the radical fringe groups or misogynists or Rush Limbaugh turn you against the concept.



"Well can you name another group notorious for calling all men pigs? No didn't think so."

Soooo, do you have any actual quotes to back that up? Gloria Steinem or Betty Friedan or Germaine Greer (the biggest names in the movement) saying that "all men are pigs"?
No? didn't think so.

You're simply perpetuating the same erroneous over-generalization that many misogynists do in order to try to make young women distance themselves from the concept of Feminism.

Those that have wanted to discredit the movement constantly point to the few extremist figures who espouse more 'radical' ideas ~ are there women out there who think that 'all men are pigs'? Sure. I don't doubt that. But to suggest that THEY represent the majority or the 'essence' of the Feminist movement is either mind-numbingly dumb or purposely misleading.

"And contrary to what you believe feminists (note that I speak as in the majority of) don't want equal rights, they want EVERYTHING and they want men to have nothing."

Oooh, i can't wait to see the quotes/links/surveys you provide to back up THAT generalization.
No? didn't think so.

The 'majority of Feminists'? *giggling* You really need to: a)get out and meet more people and/or b) make yourself a little more well-read before you start spouting such cliche nonsense.

There are plenty of us women who feel no hesitation to call ourselves Feminists (because the simple essence of the movement was/is about EQUALITY) and we don't hate men or think that 'all men are pigs'. Every female friend I have would answer 'yes' if asked if they were a Feminist, and NONE of them 'wants everything and men to have nothing'. And if I read that phrase to them, they'd probably say "who believes that? is this person 12yrs old or something??"

Read those URLs/pages I posted for you earlier. You're exactly the kind of person who needs to read them:)



"You'd be shocked at all the sexism you'd read, along with ridiculous rants."

Well then it should be easy for you to produce a quote by Steinem, Friedan or Greer saying "all men are pigs" shouldn't it? :)

*still waiting*



ALL of these extreme feminist leaders are mad at the whole world because they wasn't born with a penis and they're trying to make all of us that were as miserable as possible. Maybe someday they will realize that they should be happy with what they got and learn to live like real women. I'm tired of hearing them whine about how they are dominated by men. It's not my fault that they can't stand up while taking a p##s!


"First off I meant MODERN feminist Leaders, and Secondly I didn't say all."

Look, backtrack all you like, the fact of the matter is that you've tried to associate 'all men are pigs' with the Feminist movement and have FAILED to provide any specific quotes from the most important figures in the movement that would substantiate your specious assertion.


And if you didn't notice it, the link you provided is called 'RADICAL feminist quotes'. 'Radical' does NOT equal 'mainstream', get it?

People could provide quotes from 'radical Muslims' until the cows come home, but that doesn't mean that those quotes represent the true/essential attitude of mainstream Muslims who don't espouse violence at all.

Seriously, check out the original URLs I posted.......THAT is the essence of Feminism, like it or not.


by the way, you still haven't produced any surveys or reputable stats to substantiate that "the majority" of Feminists believe this.......

"And contrary to what you believe feminists (note that I speak as in the majority of) don't want equal rights, they want EVERYTHING and they want men to have nothing."

I understand why you've failed to deliver's because you can't.

Stop making ridiculous over-generalizations and I'll stop calling you on them:)



Still struggling with English, C-C1960? Making unsubstantiated generalizations -- the same thing Mr. Magoo is so eloquently taking you apart for like I did a few weeks ago -- sounds better when you don't say things like: "...leaders are mad at the whole world because they wasn't (sic) born with a penis..."

No one is trying to make anybody miserable, same way no one's suing men for looking at them, or suing McDonald's for being fat! You're a paranoid little man who's scared of something which does not exist. And you're illiteracy is just getting worse. Which form of grunting and cave wall scartching *IS* your first language, anyway?


"Actually I did a pretty good job of associating it with the feminist movement by providing quotes of this nature, from people OF that group."

No you didn't....I AM a part of "that group" of which you speak, and for the most part feminists only want equality between the sexes. They don't want everything and for men to have nothing as you mentioned before. The basis of feminism focused in the beginning on securing equal rights for women and minorities, such as voting rights, equal pay, etc. From there, feminism grew into the powerhouse that it is today. I am not saying there are not those few who take it over the top and actually do want EVERYTHING, but that's a very few. Even more so, it's disheartening for those of us who really believe we are feminists, or in my case obtain a degree in Women's Studies/Feminism to sit and see these few claim to be feminists only to come to find out, they are really power hungry succubus'. It doesn't do much for the cloak of feminism that we live under.

Anyways, that's my 2 cents worth of information for ultimate. Not all feminists are bad. I don't consider myself a bad woman. I work hard, I take care of my son and my husband, I enjoy life, etc. I do wish however things could be more equal for women. There are female physicians that I work with who are tenured here on campus, making an average of $30,000 less a year then newly hired Fellows in the same practice. Where and how is that fair?

As for coal-country.....I don't want to say "You're an idiot!" even though that is what I think when I go back and read your posts. For the most part, you have not shown any real relevance as to how your little mind thinks regarding why these women deserved the treatment they got at the hands of their male counterparts. Even if a female were hired in to do a particular job and failed miserably, that doesn't give anyone the right to harass someone to the point of what they were. Let me give you an example: I was a firefighter and Paramedic for 8 years in my home town. I COULD do the job and I did quite well, especially the firefighting aspect, which even for a man it can be hard. You take a 150 pound woman, put 50 pounds of gear on her and then a 75 pound airpack and tell her to crawl through a small space and many expected it to not happen. But I did it, day in and day out, without complaint or problem. I performed well, above average as my fire chief told me one time. And yet, even though I was CLEARLY pulling my weight, my boots were often pissed/crapped in, my pants and coat were often strung up on the flagpole, and I even believe a few times my tires were flattened during the night only for me to find out the next morning when my shift was over. I did my job, never complaining except the one time that I was called a *beep* to my face because I refused to clean the toilets in the MENS restroom. That was the final straw actually, and nothing came of it. I stayed a year after that incident, and then quit because my husband and I moved to another city. But if I had filed a lawsuit or went to the board about it, would you be saying the same thing about me? That I was in a "man's world" and should have expected it and therefore because I am the weaker sex, I couldn't possibly do the job and in turn deserved all I got from these men? Because that is it what it seems to me that you're saying. Any woman that "tries to do a man's job" and fails (even though I didn't fail) deserves to be sexually harrassed. Is this true?

I pity you if that is your way of thinking.



I am a male, age 21.

Coal-Country, Why shouldn't a woman be able to get the only high paying job in town? If she is the only one to bring in an income, why shouldn't she have the right to work for a higher wage?

Women can do the same job a man can do. No two humans are the same. You can't compare any two humans and expect them to be the same. Are you only going to start hiring people who can bench 200+ or can run 2 miles+ ??? There are alot of men who can't do that and alot of women who can. Every woman should have the same oppertunity to "pursue happiness" as any man. That includes earning a wage however one wants, without being verbally or physically abused while doing that job. Do you believe women should have the same right to vote and have the same rights and protections under the law???

If you don't believe that than you are disagreeing with the US Constituition.

How can you deny an American a job if they are qualified?

Do you believe being a woman is a physical disability???




chriscraft1944 said:
"If she is the only one to bring in an income, why shouldn't she have the right to work for a higher wage? "

Why does she have to be the "only" one bringing in the income?
Are you saying that a woman only has the right to a higher wage if she has a family and/or is single? Where's the equality in that?



Looks like you're the one that needs spelling lessons buddy. Look how you used the contraction "you're" in your last post. Please keep your spelling lessons to yourself from now on. They only make you look like a bigger fool when you make a mistake.


Nice. So what's that...12 errors of yours to ONE of mine? Well, I guess you showed me, moron.


Tzogas, she doesn't have to be the "only" one, I was just using the example from the movie.


chriscraft, although you didn't make that clear in your post, it still doesn't make sense as a statement regarding the movie or real life. Sole bread-winner or not, ALL are entitled to equal wage for equal work. Just stating a fact.



chriscraft, although you didn't make that clear in your post, it still doesn't make sense as a statement regarding the movie or real life. Sole bread-winner or not, ALL are entitled to equal wage for equal work. Just stating a fact.



I'm sorry if I wasn't clear about it the first time, but I agree with you 100%.


Okay :)



coalcountry sounds like he was procreated by incestrous parents.
