The scene shocked and disgusted me, and was painful to watch. In my artistic opinion, it was well-acted, well-directed.
I think someone else already mentioned this, but I was thinking that, as angry as I was with Bobby's cowardice, I have to admit that he was just a kid. While there are certainly some teens out there who are outspoken, majority of teenagers think they're word isn't worth much against an adult's... especially in those days. Yes he was a coward. In a perfect world all teenage boys and men would know rape when they see it and do something to stop it, but the truth is I know grown men who still choose to look the other way when they see a woman being mistreated by another man - "it's none of my business" they say. Whereas I (a woman) have had to be pulled back from intercepting violent domestic disputes. Of course I also know some men's men who wouldn't hesitate to protect a woman from harm and deliver a beating to a violent man. We live in such an imperfect world.
"the whole world's on fire, isn't it?"