MovieChat Forums > North Country (2005) Discussion > Rape Scene (Please Mature people only)

Rape Scene (Please Mature people only)

The Rape Scene of this movie by the teacher hit my nerves so hard i just froze when i watched that i felt horror like never before that was sooo sad i dont ever wanna see that again and the rage i felt when that idiot did not do anything to help her made me wanna kick my tv what are your throughts and opinions on this scene and how did it impact you?


That's exaclty how I felt when I saw that part for the first time. It just felt so real and I don't know uncomfortable to watch.




My heart goes out to you.Reading your story really touched me.My god bless you and your son.Keep up the good work.



oh man. this whole movie touched me like that. those guys were such jerks! i sat alone in my living room watching this movie and i kept yelling obscenities at the television! i was so frustrated at that....JERK of a teacher! and that stupid boy that left her there!!


Yeah the music in the scene especially fit, and really made me freeze up.



You're an idiot. The child was traumatized over what had happened to her. She was abused by a person in a position of authority. It was her word against his. DNA testing was in its infancy at the time. What could she prove in a town that was already patriarchal? Besides, not sure if you know this or not jerkwad, but the majority of rape cases go unreported. Do you think that means that the women (or children) enjoyed what happened to them? The answer is no since you're obviously too stupid to figure that out on your own. It is fear and shame that prevents victims from reporting these incidents. Let me tell you this: it takes more courage and strength to carry a child conceived in such a manner to term and then to love that child despite its conception than you will ever have. Women may not have the anatomical strength that men do, but I have seen women exhibit emotional strength that would stagger the hardiest of men. They are willows where we are oaks. They weather storms that would break us. You are a sexist pig unworthy of the blessing that is the true love and trust of a woman.



"...And You Will Know, My Name is The Lord, When I Lay My Vengeance Upon Thee!"


The first time I ever watched this movie, it shocked the hell out of me. Rape is so *beep* up, so I felt really bad for her. It's such a horrible thing.


WTF? Dude, I just told you there's a rapist on this board, and you act like there's nothin wrong! *beep* this, I ain't helping anyone no more!

"...And You Will Know, My Name is The Lord, When I Lay My Vengeance Upon Thee!"




see leon was lying as soon as I told Him I reported him and the FBI would be able to determine if he was really a victim who was researching, or just some guy obbsessed with rape he deleated his name and post history...

We Ourselves.
Live the Life, Leave The Life



She didn't know she was pregnant until it was a bit late. If you had watched the movie you would have seen that she had a hard time deciding on whether to keep it or not, and in the end made the right decision.

Ironically, it wasn't even ironic at all.


Did they have the morning after pill in the 70s?



Dear God, you are an idiot. Obviously, you have no idea what you are talking are not a woman or a rape victim so your small minded opinion means nothing. Please stop posting on a subject you know nothing about.



[deleted] are an idiot. There..thats what I think of you. You are incredibly immature coming on this thread and saying those small minded things. Seriously, get a life and have a little sympathy. There might be people who have expirienced rape or been sexually assaulted. You have no idea what is like to be violated and to have that shame...please keep your unenlightened comments to yourself. Thank You.


I hate how intelligent topics on IMDb are always usurped and ruined by idiots and trolls, its so annoying.

"Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night!"


You have to understand that the 70s was a lifetime ago, especially in a town like that. Protection wasn't used because it was RAPE, and thus was not a consideration to the rapist. The morning after pill hadn't even been invented yet. As for abortion, it probably wasn't legal in her state at the time (pre-Roe v. Wade, I believe), and even if it was she may have held moral or religious beliefs against it. As far as a woman's choice whether to keep her baby or not, it is seldom a pregnant child's decision what will happen to the child. I think that men (and I don't mean this in any derogatory way) have a hard time really understanding "a woman's choice" and all of the moral, legal, ethical, social, and emotional ramifications wrapped up in it. There are things about being a man a woman has a hard time understanding, and this is one of those things that is almost impossible to understand, even as a woman, unless you've experienced it.


OMG, everyone ignore smokzey! He's just baiting everyone! He knows it was rape, that it was wrong, and it wasn't her decision to use or not use protection because she was being raped. He knows there was no morning after pill at this time-- and if there was it wasn't legal! If he saw the movie, he knows it wasn't a situation in which she could have gotten an abortion, and even if she wanted one I'm not sure it was legal for a teenager to make that decision at the time.

He KNOWS all of that, but he's one of those trolls who enjoys going on the threads and saying stupid things so people will call him an idiot. I have no idea why some weirdo's get enjoyment out of that. I guess when you're not gettin' any, you gotta have something to keep you busy. So sad.


Bobby Sharp was a kid when he witnessed the rape. He knew it was wrong. But, he froze, ran and he did not do the right thing. So many kids and young people don't. They are confused about what they saw. They do not trust other people to stand by them. They are in denial and tell themselves they did not see what they saw in order to live with themselves. That is whay Bobby Sharp kpet asking "What was I supposed to do?". It was after school. Maybe the principal had gone home for the day. I do not know. In the early 70's date rape and teachers raping students was not talked about. The principal may have sided with the teacher instead of admitting he hired and trusted a man to teach and he let him down.


i saw this movie last night and that part of the movie is so disturbing! :o The fact she was only 16 and was raped by her teacher is really sick and disturbing to begin with. Her teacher must be a psycho or seriously mentally disturbed to do something like that. That guy Bobby or whatever his name is, is such a coward! I am glad he finally confessed at court what really happened. I was raped a year and 9 months ago by a man and watching the rape scene made me really uncomfortable, i never heard of this movie until i watched it last night, and I didn't expect to see such a disturbing scene with someone being raped.


another way of looking at it is, if these kind of events get censored in movies it doesnt raise awareness of real life issues.

I didnt enjoy watching the scene, but it also didnt distress me and I it showed me a viewer of the kind of things that can happen to girls in schools etc.

Of course people who have been victims such as yourself, I can understand why you would be distressed so I respect your view very much.


Yes, it was very disturbing.

"Habari za subuhi?"


yeah it was. what i didn't quite understand was why didn't her bf help? i mean i get that he was scared himself but still, it'd seem a 'natural' or 'reflexive' thing would be to help - he could just open the door, grab her by her arm and run away... was it to show that he was a jerk even then or just that he was really terrified - maybe so surprised he didn't know how to react?


'just that he was really terrified - maybe so surprised he didn't know how to react? '

I think it was both.

"a tulawin"


I was glad they had the father attack him. I think he had to for realism, and it also gives the audience a little bit of satisfaction.

As to the scene itself, I saw it coming so it didn't shock me but sure, it's sickening.

"He married her six weeks after the... previous sequence."



The scene was disturbing.

But what really bothered me was how people thought she was a slut and a whore. They thought she got pregnant becuase she could not stop having random sex. It is was horrible that she kept it a secret for so long. It must have been hard to have had that secret come out the way it did. Terrible!!!

The part really turned out so differently than expected. Obviously, the movie was set up to make us think that kid who later worked with her was the father of her son.

It was unfortunate that her parents never knew the truth about what happened to his daughter. All that time, he thought the wrong thing. I loved when he went over the guy to hit him in court. Good for him!



