MovieChat Forums > North Country (2005) Discussion > Americans claim to be...

Americans claim to be...

the most democratic society with the best possible laws to maintain their society stable and peaceful...and yet they have most social problems out of all developed countries - huge crime rates, growing feminist and religious fanatic groups, shootings in the schools among teenagers and etc. How is that even possible when supposedly all these citizens are living in a best place on earth, they should be celebrating each day of this heavenly life, instead we see how a daughter sues her mother for some ridiculous stuff trying to milk some money, how an emotionless teenager is shooting his classmates with a rifle, because he felt they discriminated him...I mean you don't hear such stories in other less developed countries, even if are not so "democratic" as you, maybe the case really is that you became "too democratic"?


"yet they have most social problems out of all developed countries"

I stopped reading right there. Another ruddy-poo wanting to "correct" something they have barely a clue about.


For sure, the americans that make these kinds of claims tend to believe in the many established myths about the country. Its amazing how many myths there are that define the country and how far they vary from the truth. (Like this movie - justice never comes so easy - the real settlement took 20+ years to conclude). You may have heard them say this is the land of freedom too. For one thing, they're clearly ignorant of how watered down their freedom is. There are countless local city codes that dictate how limited their liberties are. There are many existing laws that are anti-democratic and some even unconstitutional, but are only enforced when they need to deny someone's freedom as a special case basis - like when a politician feels a need to silence or harass someone who they believe is a problem to them. There is more basic freedom in mexico and canada, for sure. But, I dont mind giving up some freedoms to live here - i just wont be making silly claims about it, like the myth-believing right wing here does for their core beliefs.

And however spotty democracy is from city to city in the USA, the least democratic areas will Still be too democratic to the more conservative countries that favor sharia law, just as it is with many conservative christian communities here. Both groups share the belief that too much freedom is a "devil's playground". While i dont believe there is a supernatural devil to worry about, i think they're just understanding the essence that too much freedom is not optimal, given the different kinds of people living in this system. The happy mediums are elusive. (I'll always prefer the areas that are labeled 'too democratic').

Given all these imperfections, the US is Still a good place to live - as long as you're not rocking the boat or a political target of some kind. The bad things you hear in the news can be very hard to find on the street. Is your area any better?

PS - i wont expect a decrease in the near future for mass shootings here and blame that on a lame copy-cat mentality fueled by our media giving these events way-way too much publicity. So much so, that too much attention convinces many lamebrain shooter wannabees that their post legacy or grievance has an excellent chance for recognition (and an almost guaranteed route to immortality?). Who can know how many daydream about that as a way out of their miserable lives? Meanwhile, the rest of us have a better chance of being struck by lightning than we do of even hearing a gunshot from a mass shooting. The '84 mcdonald's massacre was closeby (40 shot, 21 dead) , as was one school shooting. Both out of earshot.

"Death, has a tendency to encourage a depressing view of war".Donald Rumsfeld


Per a study just done in the UK, the UK is #1 among developed countries for acts of violence. In the UK, you are more than 4 times more likely to be the victim of a violent crime than in the U.S. Heck, even our "peaceful" neighbor to the north, in Canada you are more than twice as likely to be a victim of violent crime than in the U.S.

So, careful, when talking about how violent the U.S. is or all the crime here. The stats apparently would surprise you. Per capita, the U.S. is one of the least violent countries in the world.

People should keep in mind that there are over 300 million people in the U.S., and our population is continuing to grow while virtually every other population in the developed world shrinks. This makes ranking the U.S. with countries vastly smaller and less populated a useless practice. If you want to compare apples to apples, then compare the U.S. to the likes of Brazil and Malaysia. You'll find the U.S. compares pretty damn well.

I find it comical how countries are considered more civilized if their governments GIVE you things. You are aware that the government has to TAKE something away before it can then GIVE anything.

Universal healthcare is a grand idea, but the government has to take money from its people's pockets in order to offer it. Of course, the majority of countries that offer it are not taking ENOUGH money from their people and thus austerity follows.

A government not entrusting its citizens with guns does not make that country MORE free. It is obviously LESS free. And if you rely on your government for healthcare or anything else, then you are also LESS free, as then your government has the right to demand things in return.


It's really enlightening to see the USA arse holes expose themselves, you people are the rot of the country, blinded by patriotism, yet none of you have traveled to a foreign country, your opinions are your facts and your opinions are dead wrong.

The real problem with the united states is people like you, things will never change when you scream about your right to bear arms and glorifying privatized medicine, in the most *beep* up country in the world.

How about what the industrialists have done to the environment, got any idiotic comments on that, the Colorado River is drying up, real winners us americans.

Thank you for showing the world what true idiots are really like.


Hahahahahahahah You're a simpleton

Do you really pay attention to other countries???? Doubtful

You Hate America and no doubt live here you're still a POS and so is your Family


The U.S. has a huge population, and is more racially, culturally, and religiously diverse than most other countries. It's no surprise that we have some of the problems we have. This probably is the most democratic society; unfortunately, it has gone too far to the left, become too tolerant and permissive. Law and order are no longer valued by those in power and the useful idiots who put them there.
