MovieChat Forums > North Country (2005) Discussion > Americans claim to be...

Americans claim to be...

the most democratic society with the best possible laws to maintain their society stable and peaceful...and yet they have most social problems out of all developed countries - huge crime rates, growing feminist and religious fanatic groups, shootings in the schools among teenagers and etc. How is that even possible when supposedly all these citizens are living in a best place on earth, they should be celebrating each day of this heavenly life, instead we see how a daughter sues her mother for some ridiculous stuff trying to milk some money, how an emotionless teenager is shooting his classmates with a rifle, because he felt they discriminated him...I mean you don't hear such stories in other less developed countries, even if are not so "democratic" as you, maybe the case really is that you became "too democratic"?




correct me if I'm wrong but...WTF does this rant of yours have to do with critiquing the movie?


Wait.. Are you saying that feminist groups are bad? :P You are confused if you put religious fanatics and feminists on the same level. lol You need to do more research if you think that's true.


In America, people are free to discuss the ways in which their society isn't perfect, and try to correct it. In a statist nation, the same and worse problems exist but there is no mechanism for improving things. And if you don't hear about horrible things going on in other countries there's only two reasons: 1- you're not paying attention, and 2- they're not being reported because those countries aren't free.

"He married her six weeks after the... previous sequence."




"America isn't perfect and neither is its numerous inhabitants, but injustices that are common in the rest of the world are either nonexistent here or minimal"

With all due respect that is absolute crap. Yes if we are comparing the USA versus third world countries, that will be true, but relative to the industrialized, or so called developed nations, the USA has just as much, if not more injustices or social problems. In 2009, the USA is very much a divided nation and behind the times on many issues that the "the rest of the world considers "either nonexistent or minimal"

Social issues such as racism, universal health care for ALL citizens, gay rights, antiquated drug laws, antiquated gun laws, violence in schools and on the street. Yes other industrialized nations, have their own problems, but to state that "injustices that are common in the rest of the world are either nonexistent here or minimal" is just comical. Keep in mind that much of the "rest of the world" actually leads the USA on major social issues:

1. Broken a long standing sexism barrier by electing a female to the position of ultimate power, i.e president or prime minister.

2. Universal health care for all its citizens. Many people in the US still have to choose between their prescription drugs or having enough money to feed their families.

3. Improve Gay rights (the USA is getting better on such issues, but is still probably 10-20 years behind most westernized nations)

4. Tighter restrictions on gun ownership. Yes other western nations now have their own problems with increased violence, but they still have a long,long way to go before coming close to the epidemic murder rates in most US cities.

5. Drug laws that make better sense. Most rational people are all for hammering the drug traffickers hard, but 10-20 years for personal possession, or nailing some poor sap for distributing at a compassionate or medicinal level is absurd. This kind of antiquated approach just makes the "rest of the world" shake their heads in amazement and count their blessings that they live in more cultured countries.

If I ever found myself needing of the legal system, off the top of my head, I can think of at least 5-6 countries that I would have more faith in than the USA, to bring about justice and a sense of fairness.


Cheers, CCRider01. I agree.

I love America. I've been there many times and there are some amazing people, just like every country. They have the good, the bad, and the mediocre. But it does get a little sickening having to listen to how great they are all the time even with all those problems glaring them in the face.

Kristen's Mafia #8
J'entends son coeur qui bat. C'est comme du morse.




live in America, and I can't possibly deny that America is *beep* up. Americans should not get so pissed when people criticize America. It deserves all the criticism it gets.

The only reason why I get uppset when people criticize America is because they always make it seem like America is just the worst thing ever when the whole world as a whole is a f ucken tragedy. That's all people know how to do is criticize maybe if people did less criticizing and more fixing then we would all be happy.So don't just say America and Americans are messed up, so is everyone else. I love everyone we all need to shut the hell up and go plant some damn flowers or something.

Lonely chicago pie


there is a difference between criticism and bashing. you claim to live in america, but i've never heard any americans so quick to look down on their country and fellow citizens.


All due repsect CCrider...your points are non-sense. England is NOT the USA...far from it. The state of California has a larger economy that Britain and the US has 3 times the population of England... BIG DIFFERENCE.
Universal Health Care? In the countries that have it, it is a failure. Most STILL come to the US from Canada because they can't WAIT 6 months for an operation and they also don't have the right drugs or enough qualified doctors...guess why? Socialized medicine for the masses is costly and many suffer due to long waiting periods and lack of skilled professionals!
And the isuue of Gun Control??? In those countries that have no Rights to Ownership, they have the HIGHEST CRIME! Do the research! Start with France! I know that in my country, THE USA, criminals won't usually break into a home for fear the owner will shoot them!
And Gay Rights? They do have alot of rights as citizens but they can't expect to be equals to the hetero population in regards to marriage and adopting children. Some people here think of it as a morality issue.

Your argument is consistent of that of a liberal socialist or even communist. No thanks.

You are dead wrong!


Universal Health Care? In the countries that have it, it is a failure.

And the isuue of Gun Control??? In those countries that have no Rights to Ownership, they have the HIGHEST CRIME!

I know that in my country, THE USA, criminals won't usually break into a home for fear the owner will shoot them!

haha! rubbish!!

And Gay Rights? They do have alot of rights as citizens but they can't expect to be equals to the hetero population in regards to marriage and adopting children.

and why not?

in most western countries people have a fear of travelling to the US due to the high violent crime rate, the love of guns, and the lack of decent health care. how about YOU do your research! seriously, where have you been getting your statistics from?

maybe you have read some horror story about elective surgery and applied it to everything - in countries that have universal health care, if you are SICK you will be treated, unlike the good ol' USA where people can die of treatable diseases simply because they can not afford health insurance.


"in countries that have universal health care, if you are SICK you will be treated"

I will admit that wait times in both Canada and the UK are getting longer and the number of good doctors needs to be increased. Having said that though, 3 years ago in Canada I had an operation (non elective but not life threatening), the wait time was only 3 weeks and it did not cost me one "extra" cent. Yes our taxes cover the costs, but no hidden surprises or out of pocket expenses. Plus the hospital staff were all fantastic.

Going to a regular doctors office is where it gets hit and miss, some doctors are extremely good, most are average to sub par. More and better GP's is where Canada needs to improve its health care system the most. But as stated, at least with universal health care, anyone who is sick WILL be treated, whether you are rich or poor.


Let me guess, you voted for W, twice. You're a dittohead. Let us see your sources that say Universal health care is a failure. Here are some sources that refrute your claims of the US being the #1 country:

Life expectancy in the US is ranked 36th, tied with Cuba.

Infant mortality we're ranked 33rd or 46th, depending on the list. Behind Cuba.

And for this we spend more per capita than any other country.

We're 24 in murders per capita, but #1 among industrial nations.

Worldwide child poverty rates, we're #2.

And "Is our children learning?" (sic)

Some interesting reading.

And in terms of financial wealth (total net worth minus the value of one's home), the top 1% of US households has 42.7% of our country's wealth. That seems fair, doesn't it?

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.


let me assure you because you obviously think because someone has conservative GOVERNMENT IDEAS they are dittoheads? Never listen to him or the other talking heads. hate them all! And I voted for GW in 2000 because I felt he was the better choice. I am as liberal as they come. I like shemales, I get along with gays, have 2 brothers that are gay and voted for gay marriage, I hate religion and consider myself agnostic.

But I believe government controlled health care is a HUGE mistake. Ask Veterans what they think.(and I am one and have a VA card in my wallet). Most countries that have HC are awash in debt and have very high tax rates. Get this about government anything. It creates massive waste, and employees are the bottom of the barrel in terms of quality. if they weren't they would be working in the private sector for much more. Doctors are the worst and I know because I compare the ones I have used at the VA with those I see outside.

Anyway, you got me totally wrong. LMAO!


All due repsect CCrider...your points are non-sense. England is NOT the USA...far from it. The state of California has a larger economy that Britain and the US has 3 times the population of England... BIG DIFFERENCE.
Universal Health Care? In the countries that have it, it is a failure. Most STILL come to the US from Canada because they can't WAIT 6 months for an operation and they also don't have the right drugs or enough qualified doctors...guess why? Socialized medicine for the masses is costly and many suffer due to long waiting periods and lack of skilled professionals!
And the isuue of Gun Control??? In those countries that have no Rights to Ownership, they have the HIGHEST CRIME! Do the research! Start with France! I know that in my country, THE USA, criminals won't usually break into a home for fear the owner will shoot them!
And Gay Rights? They do have alot of rights as citizens but they can't expect to be equals to the hetero population in regards to marriage and adopting children. Some people here think of it as a morality issue.

Your argument is consistent of that of a liberal socialist or even communist. No thanks.

You are dead wrong!

Wow... i don't think I've read this much bull**** since last time I went on fox News website.


"Your argument is consistent of that of a liberal socialist or even communist. No thanks."

Thank you for confirming another of my "peeves", namely the black and white or simplistic view of the world that "some" Americans seem to have. I call it the Hollywood "White Hat / Black Hat" effect, good guys/bad guys, you are either one of us or one of them LOL.

I am actually right wing with regards to how to run an economy and own my own business, but lean left of center on social issues. I was not bashing the US (overall I love your country - it is has many amazing and talented people) just pointing out that it is not perfect, and yes no country is.

As someone else mentioned, it just gets annoying when "some" Americans fail to see the problems within their own society and seem to easily fall for all the media spun rubbish or hype. Stating as if fact that America is the best and freest country with the most honest legal system, when "best" is subjective (depends on your priorities in life) and a good argument could be made that America is less "free" than some other countries. The US certainly has a "pocket book" justice system where money (or lack of) can be the single largest factor in determining guilt or innocence. You do not find many rich white guys on death row.


The US is a young country. every country at its beginning is going to deal with these sort of things, even ones which are older. we are democratic, and as you can see, in the passed 200 years we've been developing, things are only getting better. sure some things get worse. but i believe we're fixing them and they can be fixed. but when some problems are fixed, more and more will arise: thats life. i dont know where you're from, but i really cannot believe you can say without lying that the social status is 100% dandy and 100% perfect with whatever sort of political profile your country has.
and sometimes i agree with you, that maybe we are "too democratic"--i too think it's ridiculous that a child can sue a parent, etc, and all those ridiculous cases, but at the same time, i really believe we will loosen the knots. in the past 200 years we have been through emancipation, slavery, civil war, world wars, social wars, etc, and all of those were hardships we have come out of stronger than before.

and dont make generalizations like "all the shootings in the schools" as if it happens everywhere at least once. it doesnt. unfortunately in this day and age we only hear the bad stuff, dont we?



That is mainly because US society doesn't raise the children, the parents raise them. Some parents don't even raise their children at all, the TV does it. The parents in the bronx don't raise their children not to get into trouble, the raise them to cause the trouble! Please, thank you, sorry, are no longer acceptable words to use for children, but Ni66er, bi7ch, douchebag are acceptable (according to these parents, that is)

You don't have students in other countries killing because of discrimination because you can only discriminate over someone different than you, Most of the kids in other countries aren't different from their peers.

What happened this week in Binghamton, NY WmCNR2HAD97F2JAG1 is a direct example. It is also an example of insanity.

Also, When you get right down to it, (at least in NY)There is a no tolerence rule when it comes to bullying. and when you get to my school in the bronx the fine print says... We have a no tolerence rule for bullying... the bullies and the administration. Okay... everyone else can't do a thing when they are being bullied relentlessly, and the teachers can't do a thing when we are being bullied by the administration. stories change, fake promises are made, incidents swept under the rug. it's all in a days' work for the administration and the bullies in the school!

You're laborers, you're supposed to be laboring! That's what you get for not having an education!!


The USA is a major *beep* along with I'd say 99% of the world due to the fact that humans are the Earth's worse virus. But America sure is a fun place to live. And they have real sports.

The weirdest thing about being criticized by non Americans, is that non Americans have the weirdest and somewhat strange fascination with America. "America thinks it's so great" .. "American's think they're so great"... Geez, get over yourself.

I <3 Emily Blunt
