Men are vile

Sickening to know that this actually happened.

Even worse, millions of women still facing discrimination in the 21st century, and there are men who think that it's ok to treat women like that.


yes tha men in this movie are disgusting but women can be just as disgusting
them haterz can't tell me nothin


...particularly those single 45 and older and ALONE.
They have swallowed SO MUCH Feminist Bilge like the start of this tread....and there is no going back.

Get a Cat ladies.


They have swallowed SO MUCH Feminist Bilge like the start of this tread....and there is no going back.

Yes, how dreadful posters uphold salient views affording sophisticated debate about a social disease retarding modern day society *snort*

But to suggest I concur with you about "there is no going back" demanding understatement classification need not be encouraged enough.

-We're not resurrecting an era where female work was undervalued to the extent that her husband received her salary

-Never shall the days of limited timelines for filing pay discrimination suits return again

-Don't anticipate an overturn of the SCOTUS case "Reed v. Reed", applying a race favoring 14th Amendment to gender issues (i.e. women's constitutional right in overseeing an estate via probate hearings)

-Nowhere ought a near universal trend persist shepherding women back into kitchens, barefoot and pregnant, lacking choices over seeking employment. The message of feminism resonates in easily understood tone: facing zero chance at balancing public happiness with private fiscal sense (including for housewives. Despite my mother being a stay at home mom for many years, she involved herself in community prospects to aid in job skills, plus oversaw our household's finances)

-The American Medical Association and American Bar Association's long standing exclusion of qualified women from membership cedes the present context, i.e. rigid placement of women before these key economical groups

-Our nation and others don't benefit in the long run once viewing females entering male centric fields like law, medicine, business, politics, higher education, engineering as either anomalies or unwanted. As of now, women outnumber men in academic settings, leading to ambition that warrants celebration as opposed to derision (primarily by people like you)...this includes graduate programs like law school where female enrollment supersedes male

And last but not least

-We won't reverse progress on sexual harassment policies both in the workplace and under statutory, case laws just because others dissent from robust remedies towards actions amounting to emotional terrorism.

(All the aforementioned bullets are provided by a staunch male feminist. Don't even consider asking me to revoke that honor since it's realistic to afford equal protection, opportunity and security to all, irrespective of gender. This other nonsense about the criminal justice system being "anti-male"...what balderdash! For starters, that framework was authored by MEN without a morsel of female input, plus look how fearful women tend to be in turning in rape suspects. Why is that the case? Low possibility in a successful prosecution, assuming one takes place. A community of ignorant naysayers sometimes promulgate every imaginable, predictable apologist crud for the deviant attacker rather than vilify a twisted criminal...whereas I understand not every rape accusation's valid as well as there's never been reverse discrimination, let's not utilize those two rare instances in denying our sisters respect in every regard: economical, social, legal, political)

When God made Tom Cruise, he was only joking.


Now that he/she/it has regurgitated he term paper for feminist studies...I'd bet a fat man.... she has a dismal artifice of a life . Searching for male villains and all.
I would be horrified if i ever found you teaching my daughter as a student.
I understand this type of illness is all the rage for Girl Scouts. With lectures by Planned Parenthood.
I noticed you made no mention of the suffragettes and gaining the vote. Was that because Susan B. Anthony was pro-life? I know Leftist academics work 24/7 at rewriting history of many things and flipping her history is one..but not so sucessful.

But in your deep expertise...please explain one thing. I have asked 3 or 4 times to "smart post-modern" lefties and just never get a straight answer. I'm sure you can help.

Why do lesbians... so often want to speak for all women?
Gay men don't try to speak for all men. What's the deal.
...In less than 3 paragraphs.


People are vile.

If anyone notice, women especially young girls today are always beefing jobs. They always talk about one on another, always competing, one girl gets more attention from male co-workers while the others start hating and plot something, etc.


The same can be said about females being vile. I personally could careless about females being discriminated against in any form whether it be in the workplace, educational institutions, or the criminal justice system (which is strongly anti-male, unfortunately).


stfu whore


Sexual harassment and even violence is a two-way path.
Difference is men often accept sexual harassment as flattering as an opportunity while women correctly reject it.
Since our society will always favour men and women are physically weaker, we have that awful scenario as described in that movie.


@ midsomer_murderer I'm a man and it repulsed me a great deal to know that men treat women like that...yes men are vile...not all of us but a lot of us.


Yeah, it is very sickening to know that even in this Twenty-First Century, there is still discrimination based on race, skin color, (  ) religion, (  ) gender and/or sex. Ignorance did not completely die out after the Year 2001.


Not all men, you imbecile!
