I was going to start a thread touching on this. I don't think there was anything subtle about Dutch anti-semitism at all. It made me realize how very ignorant I am of the full details about this period of history: the rise and fall of Hitler and Nazism.
The Story of Anne Frank I think erroneously contributed to a misconception that the Dutch were these altruistic people helping the Jews to escape the terror of the Nazi's. I understand now that I didn't educate myself about the details. There's a lot more info I need about this period in history.
Although, I agree with the description the OP made about the Nazi's. I also agree that their behavior is not unique to them and that ALL human beings are capable of this kind of savagery. Excuse me, but why do people always so summarily dismiss and forget slavery, the African Slave Trade and the HORRORS of the Middle Passage? Africans were captured like animals, tossed in the belly of a ship by the hundreds, chained side-by-side in a dank, dark, hole, and expected to survive the journey from Africa to the New World for several long months, lying in their own vomit and excrement. And for those who survived(only God knows how), the terror continued in the form of slavery, which lasted 600 hundred years (the latter part of the 19th century), followed by the terror of racism, segregation, lynchings, etc., right up to and beyond the halfway point of the 20th century. And this is just one stain on the character of humanity. Humans torturing, slaughtering each other, all of these acts of genocide apparently are well within our human nature. It's nothing new. Tragically....
ALL human beings are capable of committing really disgusting, insane atrocities against their fellow man. Look no further than some of the horrors being spawned by the Iraq War.
It's a mistake, and one that we are making even today, to think that we are above the behavior of the Nazi's. We need to focus on how not to recreate the same environment and to make sure that humans never sink to this level again.
This movie was intricate and well-done on many levels. It was a bit too long and I agree that telling it in flashback killed the suspense. I also wish that one of the Dutch Resistance characters had had some kind of dialogue that explained what was really at the heart of the Dutch Resistance. Clearly, it was more a function of a stronger anti-German sentiment.
IMO, the point of movies like this is not to detach ourselves and look down on the barbaric behavior, but to make us STOP and THINK so that we won't do the same thing.