MovieChat Forums > Transporter 2 (2005) Discussion > Did Kate Nauta look good to anyone? Ever...

Did Kate Nauta look good to anyone? Ever?

Doesn't she look terrible in this film! Running around like an anorexic panda.

What were they thinking?!


not threatening at all, it is obvious she could not do most of those stunts

The stupid have one thing in common.They alter the facts to fit their views not the other way


Best female villian. Ripped, torn n' sexy.

This has to be a joke.

This character is both the least convincing assassin ever committed to film and one of the most embarrassing characters full stop.

The utterly preposterous "stunts" and terrible CGI were bad enough, but that character made this one of the most cringeworthy pieces of garbage I've ever seen.


She was the only good part of this dog shit excuse for a film.
