MovieChat Forums > Transporter 2 (2005) Discussion > Most Ridiculous Movie Scene EVER!

Most Ridiculous Movie Scene EVER!

At around 35 mins into the films there is a scene where Frank Martin realises there is a bomb attached to the bottom of his car, he is forced to drive off from the baddies at gunpoint. He accelerates at this crane dangling in the air and then manages to drive up a ramp rolling the car as it flies through the air. He perfectly judges everything and the hook at the bottom of the crane just knocks the bomb off the underside of the car. The car finishes its spin perfectly landing back on its wheels and speeds off.


Has anyone got a more ridiculous movie scene than this one?


SleepTime, when I saw this movie anybody listening would have thought I was watching Chris Rock, or some other comedian!

That scene you describe was so silly it was FUNNY! I had tears in my eyes, and could hardly breath from the laughing I did. Me and a friend of mine actually do enjoy watching movies that push stunts from the sublime into the ridiculous, just for the comedy.

My friend has been telling me about an Indian actor called Rajni Kant.. a superstar by all accounts. Invariably the 'good' character in his good vs evil movies, there is apparently a scene where a goon is escaping and manages somehow to scale a wall. Kant, unable to scale the wall himself and out of options, improvises. He realises he has two guns so he throws one high into the air, and with the gun he is still holding he shoots the trigger of the gun that is in the air, which fires a bullet that kills the criminal (that he can't even see) on the other side of the wall!! Lmao. I love silly movies.


Of course it's completely ridiculous, but by that point, the movie was working for me, so I could go with it.

Besides, it reminded me of this scene from "The Man with the Golden Gun":

Of course, the Bond guys actually had to hire a team of engineers to build both sides of the bridge with exactly the right specifications, modify the car so that it wouldn't plunge into the water, and find a stunt driver insane enough to attempt it! Pity about the slide whistle, though.

'It's a mess, ain't it, sheriff?'
'If it ain't, it'll do till the mess gets here.'


This movie is badass for what it is: A fast-paced cool action flick. Frank Martin is like a suave Rambo with crazy driving skills, and I really like that.

Most things get better when I kick them.


How about in the doctor's office? Frank and the boy jump into the elevator just before the door closes and bullets from the female goon's machine pistol rip through the door. However, just before that, Franks life is saved by jerking an office door in front of him just before her machine pistol slugs tear into it. That thin door stopped bullets that the metal elevator door let pass through like a knife through butter. How about when Frank drove the limo from one parking building to the other... judging it just so he'd slip into the parking level of the other building just perfect.
Mountain Man



At around 35 mins into the films there is a scene where Frank Martin realises there is a bomb attached to the bottom of his car, he is forced to drive off from the baddies at gunpoint. He accelerates at this crane dangling in the air and then manages to drive up a ramp rolling the car as it flies through the air. He perfectly judges everything and the hook at the bottom of the crane just knocks the bomb off the underside of the car. The car finishes its spin perfectly landing back on its wheels and speeds off.

I have seen close to 1,000 films and I must say that the crane removing the bomb from under the car whilst doing a perfect flip in mid air was the most far fetched scene in a movie I have ever seen. The film though was complete fun and I enjoyed every moment of it but it was just so ridiculous you had to laugh.

Fantastic 'Futurama' Forum!!


What a load of crap. That's like saying Superman being able to carry an airplane and fly it to safety is a ridiculous scene—it's not, because we know he's meant to be able to do it. Frank isn't meant to be a superhero, but he's not meant to be a normal person either. We know it's acceptable for him to be able to pull incredible stunts the likes of which you described, simply because he's been doing them throughout the series. Because he's badass. It's no different than most James Bond action scenes, yet the franchise is still a cult classic.


in case it hasn't been mentioned before:
The "shootout"/fight with Lola...

Basicly they hug, fire their respective guns behind the other ones head for some unexplainable reason then she manages to swing around in some beads hanging from the ceiling before he tosses her into some kind of spike-math or something...

Oh and then there's the truck that makes a complete stop in less than 5 meters stopping just before Franks hand, impressive.


Hey, Frank is badass. He can do that type of isht.

Take your pinche color-coordinated sponsored chingada and take a flying fck
