MovieChat Forums > Idiocracy (2007) Discussion > Why low score on IMDB?

Why low score on IMDB?

As of October 10, 2014, the movie only has a 6.5 on IMDB. This is way too low. Idiocracy is such a unique funny movie, should at least have averaged into the 7.0s!


I gave it a 5 because it's TOO stupid. I also hate pretty much everything Judge did before and has done after Office Space.


Because Brawndo's got electrolytes.

Due to the lack of moderators, trolls can ruin the IMDB message boards. Don't feed them.


The world and the main idea is very good, and its very funny from time to time.

But the main problem is that 80% of the movie is basically filler, in form of the stupid police/fugitive-chase. They waste a good idea and world by using most of the time with that police "story/plot" that doesnt have anything to do with anything, and could have been from any generic movie. I understand its a way to show all the world and stuff, but it doesnt feel like a good way of doing it, and it gets too much of the same very fast.

Its a shame really. Could have been great.


For sure, but the real Idiots, that make the most of this world got offended from being mocked.., it's obvious...



Oh, please tell me where to look for the article...😟😐


Because the satire of this movie is lost on many. More importantly, of those that "get it", many feel offended because deep down they know they aren't the brightest either. This movies probolem is that it hit the nail too perfectly and is thus insulting it's own audience. And since most of us aren't able to laugh about themselves, most of us downvote Idiocracy.

See, this movie may be exaggerated and most of us certainly aren't as dumb as the characters of Idiocracy, however, there are a lot of elements in this where you recognize "holy shiat, I am doing something similar, too!". For example we are occasionally using words we heard in advertisements without knowing what it actually means. Or the way how we cast a vote.



Why the low score? Because there are too many "Fritos" on here.



And the same idiots blather on about how The Hangover is a comedy masterpiece.

Satire is dead in this country.


Maybe they just didn't like it.
