Terrible movie

I apologize to the fanatics out there, but I really hated the movie. The story, the characterizations, the dialogue, and the directing were too awkward, too slow and tedious and just annoying. The plot built up a sense of mystery and suspense, but concluded in a predictable manner, which was a letdown. The dialogue was frequently too drawnout and excessive, and put me into a half stupor (Ralph Fiennes' gentle voice didn't help at all). The frequent camera movements and bright atmosphere left a throbbing sensation in my head.
Plus Rachel Weisz's character was despicable, and I could not summon up any amount of sympathy or compassion for her. She sacrificed her own marriage, her own child and dignity for her unpractical and exaggerated ideals.
I just don't see why some thought this was a brilliant movie. It just seemed like a movie that tried too hard to make some sort of political and social point. And I usually pride myself for enjoying movies that are not mainstream.



I don't know what to say. It's well directed (besides the shaky cam effect, which I'm not a fan of) and well acted, but it doesn't stand out. It felt like one of those "ok" movies that you sorta just forget you ever saw it after awhile.


I thought it was ok. Good director, but a terrible script with no pay off and it had wooden acting.


Disclaimer: I have the utmost respect for your opinion and appreciate you sharing.

It's always interesting to me how different some our opinions can be. No disrespect at all, I have as much respect for your opinion and right to share it as someone that agrees with me.

This is hands down in my top five movies of all time. I love the cinematography, music, dialogue, conspiratorial themes, the possible legitimacy of such a subject and outcome. I think this movie is visually mesmerizing with the African landscape and Kenyan people.

While this particular example may not be entirely factual to true events it is definitely something that has happened and will happen again to some extent in reality. The corporate drug manufacturers with billions of dollars at stake, the humanitarian activists opposing them, the turning point in which an activist's investigation reveals what they were looking for but at the same time puts them in inevitable fatal danger.

For me, this is one of those movies that I watch and think there cannot be someone out there that dislikes this film. It is fascinating to me that for every movie there is someone with an absolute fondness for it but also an opposing viewer with an equal aversion to it.

Again, no disrespect intended, this is more just an astounding observation that we are all so different and that what seems flawless to one is reprehensible to another.

Simply out of curiosity, indulge me if you would, what is one of your favorite movies? Please don't feel the need to explain yourself for why, I don't intend to openly disagree or ridicule. It would be interesting to know, since we are so far apart on our opinions of this movie, if we are close on another.

I absolutely appreciate the response if you choose to answer.

Thank you.

The end.


Great story and acting! Love Ralph Finnes



It stunk.


i'm kind of in the middle about this movie. it's not horrible, it's not great. weisz didn't deserve the oscar, her character didn't really have an emotional journey. i wouldn't call this the film that shows off her acting chops. personally i think the reason the movie is a big deal is the subject matter. people (especially liberals in hollywood) want people to think pharma are the big bad. so minus trying to shove a moral message down our throat, i didn't find it too bad. i do agree about the conflicting opinions of tessa though. she was a manipulative bitch but she SAID SHE WAS in one of her letters. at least she owned it.


you must be a really stupid, sad man. i do hope you come closer to sound sense some day.
