What's so terribly wrong with Chinese or Russian airlines? Air China has only had one accident during its 26 years of existence and although Taiwanese China Airlines has had a relatively troubled history, it's been 12 years since its previous crash. And Aeroflot has also had a rather stellar track record eversince the break-up of USSR (of course, this pertains to the actual flag carrier and not necessarily its various domestic branches/subsidiaries... same with Chinese smaller/domestic carriers, I suppose).
Some episodes do use an awful lot of padding, spending a lot of time obsessing over issues that are really non-issues and going onto barely relevant tangents. For instance, in the episode concerning the Singapore Airlines crash in 2000, nearly 10 minutes are spent on figuring out on which runway did the accident occur, when in reality it was, of course, immediately obvious (they even engage in ridiculous play-acting, having an involved expert speculate whether or not the stormy winds could have blown some loose construction site debris onto the parallel runway 5 L when, in fact, all of the debris as well as the wreckage was on the closed runway 5 R. Additionally, they also examine radar returns and CVR recordings in order to establish what's clear from the get-go). Guess there just isn't enough story to all accidents, so they have to resort to tactics like this.
"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan