I just watched the "Missing over New York (deadly delay)". To me this was horrible to watch because it could so easily have been prevented.
As a maritime officer (masters ticket, though I have only been sailing as 2.nd officer) I have received training in distress radio communication (GMDSS), and I was shocked that the pilots did not raise any Urgency (Pan Pan) nor Emergency (Mayday), I am sure they have similar training.
I am sure the captain would have raised an Emergency, as he asks the co-pilot about that several times, but he doesn't speak English, so why the hell is he flying internationally.
In general of the series, I am a bit disappointed in the pilots abilities to declare Urgencies and Emergencies. They seem to just causally describe their predicament, and hope that ground personal picks up on their situation.
In the maritime sector once you have declared e.g. an Emergency (MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY this is MS titanic we have collided with an iceberg), you basically have to preface every radio communication with the word MAYDAY (MAYDAY This is MS Titanic, we have launched all lifeboats, and we are sinking).