For me the most frustrating ones are those where you already know someone will make a mistake and you want to shout at them to be more cautious. It's like watching Titanic and every time hoping the ship won't actually sink.
The Tenerife disaster (I just watched the episode) is horrible. I get frustrated by the mistakes being made. Sure it all begun with the terrorist but if everyone involved in the actual crash were attentive nothing bad would have happened. Disclaimer: I'm speaking of a layman here, I have no experience in actual aviation. Anyways, using my layman common sense: Pan Am, just say you're taking C4 instead of vaguely going on about "third"/"first" whatever exit. The taxi-ways have names and numbers, I suppose for a reason, use those or ask if they really want you to take the 3rd one which is in an impossible angle. ATC, make sure you know exactly where Pan Am is and confirm which taxi-way they are aiming for. And KLM, KLM... Wait for permission to take off for f-cks sakes. You just killed all your passengers and plenty of others.
The "Kid in the cock-pit" one gives me rage as well. Ditto Ethiopian Airlines. And the one where they use a passenger jet full of people in an air show, is that wise? There are plenty more but these came from the top of my mind. Bonus rage-mention to the Iran Air one where the Americans shoot down a plane full of civilians and get medals of honor for that.