MovieChat Forums > The Office (2005) Discussion > Let's list the flaws and inconsistencies...

Let's list the flaws and inconsistencies within the show

I'll start with a few off the top of my head

1. In the season 1 episode "The Alliance" we learn that Meredith is an accountant. After season 1, she obviously isn't an accountant.

2. Again in "The Alliance" we learn that Meredith's birthday is the firth birthday coming up but it's not for about a month, or a few weeks or something. Then in season 4, when Jim is put in charge of the office for the day we learn that it's birthday month. There are 3 birthday's in one month ending with Meredith's. And speaking of Birthdays

3. Wow, "The Alliance" is just causing a lot of problems here. We kind of get the impression from that episode that they never really did birthday parties in the office. Michael just wanted to do something special to lift the spirits of his employees. Then in Season 4 we get a montage of Michael surprising employees on their birthday's and it's implied that this is what Michael has always done. I guess it's possible that he only began the birthday tradition after season 1, but I don't think that was the implication.

4. Pam and volleyball. In Season 4 we learn that she always faked PMS to get out of playing sports in gym including volleyball. Then in season 5 we learn that she played volleyball in high school and college and went to volleyball camp most summers.

What else do we have?




Pam's Mom (as mentioned before, but it was so inconsistent that I had to mention it again; not that it's played by another actress; it's more because Mom wouldn't have such a change of character - "hey, Mom, you're dating my boss, remember the one that brought sex dolls into office when you visited me when I was still dating Roy")

Speaking of character change, I'm amazed nobody mentioned Andy??
Guy was a Hitler in his first few episodes, and after 5 week of Anger management class he turns into a confused puppy and remains that way all the years? What, did they lobotomize him in that class? Or the focus polls results were "We want Ed Helms' character to go completely out of character, we like him more that way" so the producers went that way without explanation?

Cool music


There were quite a few inconsistencies about how long characters like Pam and Jim would say they worked there.
In season 2, Jim tells Pam he told Michael that he had had a crush on her when she first started working there and she says she kind of thought he might of when she first started. So this is basically him saying he worked there first.
Then in season 4 on the roof, he asks her if she remembers what she said to him on his first day right before she walked him to his desk. No he's saying she worked there first.
I also remember noticing her giving different amounts of time she'd been with Roy in certain episodes.

Another one I remember is in the season 3 Benihana Christmas episode, Michael rides his bike from the elevator to the office.. yet in a later season episode when Oscar brings his Lance Armstrong replica bike to work, Michael tries to ride it and implies he hasn't ridden a bike since childhood because he says his last bike had training wheels on it. He then crashes it right into a parked car.

Then in the 7th season episode, Andy's Play.. everybody, including Dwight, is totally blown away by Andy's performance. Dwight is basically in awe and bragging to another audience member that he works with Andy. They all tell him how great he is and genuinely seem to mean it after the performance. Then in season 9 when he's quitting to try at show-business everybody tells him he's terrible, including Dwight.


A couple of inconsistencies stick out in my mind:

Michael apparently didn't go to college but during one episode (can't remember) he joins the employees with his Cup of Noodles and says he lived off of them in college.

Dwight wants the tea kettle from the Christmas episode in season 2 because it helps with his sinuses when he gets sick, but in a later season he explains that he never gets sick when he's attempting to get a raise.


DOn't know if this was mentioned but, in "Viewing Party" Dwight mentioned that the youngest (in the Schrute family) always raise the oldest so he's been raising children since he was born, but then in "The Farm", he was the oldest of the three siblings.

Also, why weren't any of his siblings at his wedding?


Two problems with Andy's parents' appearance in the season four finale (outside of them being played by different actors) : they seem to think enough of Andy to show up for Andy's proposal to Angela, while later episodes would show Andy as their least favorite child, and Andy introduces his father as "Andrew" instead of "Walter".

In season 9, when the (overly caffeinated) employees tear off the carpets in the bullpen, Oscar seems to be surprised when he sees that there's hard wood floors under the carpets, despite knowing that since Dwight fired the gun in late season 7.

Also, due to the first season having been shot in a different location, the building in that season is completely different (outside of the Dunder Mifflin office space, of course) : it is bigger and has a more spacious parking lot (as seen in "Health Care" and "The Alliance") . Also, in deleted scenes which are supposed to be canon, it is seen that the building has a balcony where Devon goes to smoke, and a completely different staircase.

Some of the employees only appeared in earliest episodes and have been phased out, with no reference to them having ever worked there. For instance, in "The Fire", Dwight mentions an employee called Marjorie. And when a group of fans asked the producers whether a background character they identified as Marjorie was who they though she was, they were told that was Luanne, another employee who was rarely seen and never heard. Later episodes acknowledged neither Marjorie, nor Luanne.

And let's not forget the inconsistencies due to the deleted scenes being used in flashbacks despite having been cut from the episodes being flashed back to. Two examples come to mind: "The Banker" flashes back to "Beach Games", where Michael tells Phyllis to drink water so that the hot dog would slide down her mouth more easily, in the original episode everyone ignored the innuendo, in the flashback the employees replied with a collective "That's what she said"; later, a Halloween episode shows all of Jim's previous lazy "costumes", including the one from the infamous "haunted house" scene, which only makes sense to those who have seen the episode when it aired for the first time.


I just noticed this inconsistency on “Beach Day” : Jim and Karen both talk with David Wallace and tell him they want to interview for the corporate position. Then on the next episode, Jim asks Karen what position she interviewed for “ my assistant”?
Karen evades the question.

Thank goodness Karen leaves at this point 🙄.
