-Scared to death of a masculine guy like Roy, Robert, Charles etc. -Literally sought another job at a different branch because he couldn't deal with rejection. -Only bullies the weakest people, sometimes with mental disabilities(Dwight's autism). -Becomes the bullied when faced with someone who doesn't fall for his 'charmes'. -Pam is the man of their relationship. For a while he was the most p4ssy whipped beta male in sitcom tv.
There's more but enjoy this for now.
JAM is a farce. Awful writers. The characters were the opposite of what they intended them to be.
I never saw Jim as an alpha male, he seems pretty ordinary, maybe even weak. Dwight tried to be an alpha male but failed. Robert appeared to be one until Mrs California was introduced then he came across as weak, it didn't really fit with his character. I don't think there are any alpha males on the show but if there is one it would be Stanley.
I don't think there are any alpha males on the show but if there is one it would be Stanley.
Is this a joke? Charles Miner stared him down for his insolence and Stanley had a terrified puppy eye look on his fat face. He's lazy, whiny and gets nothing done but expects everything to fall in his lap(much like jimothy).
Not sure why you thought that. Remember, anybody can look alpha in front of Michael, that guy is a retarded little manchild with no balls left(literally as per Jan).
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"Alpha" is generally used by people who need aggressive simplicity in their lives, and therefore assign stringent roles on others, which usually results in them being angered when they find out people are a little more complicated than that. LOL.
Jim was certainly not portrayed as an alpha male. How could he be when you have those examples to go by (and bully is a strong word to use for pranks on Dwight..who btw also attempted to do the same to Jim with less successful results)
He was portrayed as a sort of everyman in the midst of more animated characters like Michael, Dwight, Angela ect. Someone who was decent at his job when he tried, but was uninspired to do anything more with his life (until they made him more ambitious over time).
He was punked out by Roy. He couldn't handle being boss for a day when Michael did his nature experiment in season 4. Most times Jim tried to become more than just a normal employee, he couldn't handle the pressure.
Dwight was the alpha male of the show (except when it came to Michael of course.) Hell even Andy was more alpha than Jim.
He was a main character for the show yes..alpha male as a character no.
Greg Daniels, who was the producer of the show and adapted it from the UK original, saw Jim and Pam as just normal people, audience surrogates. So they were written exactly as intended, and very successfully to boot. Of course Jim wasn't an alpha male, he was never intended to be. I think he just wanted to be a normal employee, he obviously disliked management. I don't think he liked his job much and was worried he may end up spending the rest of his career in a job that bored him.
I concur with the consensus here: Jim was never intended to be an "alpha" male lol.
I think you're confusing "popular" with "alpha". They are not one and the same. And yes, I'm saying Jim was conventionally popular (among viewers, for example)—while maintaining my own personal opinion that he WASN'T all that, lol.
Lastly, I agree w/ the other comment that said he was an everyman, if anything.
I don't think Dwight was being bullied at all. Their feud went both ways - Dwight heaped a lot of crap on Jim, too, so he deserved it (and if Dwight was suffering from autism it was a ridiculous, madcap spectrum of it that was certainly not deserving of any sympathy or understanding).
They just ignore Dwight's actions honestly. The fact is Dwight screwed Jim out of 20% of his earnings in either S1 or S2 and then the ppl on here want us to ignore that and feel bad for Dwight when Jim pranks him later in the episode or in the next episode. Similarly a lot of Jim's "bullying" pranks were just him leaving clues or notes or a trail and then Dwight takes the bait because he wants to get people fired, or increase his power. If Dwight wasn't a complete dickhead he wouldn't have been interested in the bait to a lot of Jim's pranks in the first place.
They just ignore Dwight's actions honestly. The fact is Dwight screwed Jim out of 20% of his earnings in either S1 or S2 and then the ppl on here want us to ignore that and feel bad for Dwight when Jim pranks him later in the episode or in the next episode. Similarly a lot of Jim's "bullying" pranks were just him leaving clues or notes or a trail and then Dwight takes the bait because he wants to get people fired, or increase his power. If Dwight wasn't a complete dickhead he wouldn't have been interested in the bait to a lot of Jim's pranks in the first place.
Again, Dwight has a mental illness so he has an excuse(unless you want to count Jim being a sociopath too, which I don't). But people like you do the opposite, you only see Jimothy as some kind of victim when he was almost always the aggressor. How did he screw jim's earnings? That cuckold had about as much will to do well at his job as Pam did with art school. Again you blame the autist for Tuna's shortcomings.
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He's been doing it for some time and still can't get it right. Too late to do anything about it now. Quite sad really. Snicker.
Just as I predicted, few days back you said that ignoring me works best. Look at you now taking the bait again and again because I rip on the office mattress, just like I predicted😀 You simply cannot handle someone telling the truth about your fictional crush, Benny. It forces you to look at reality, which is to get pushed around by your hog of a wife who abuses you. That is what's sad, pal.
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As the others have said, he wasn't an alpha but I see where you're going with this and I agree. They portrayed Jim as far more of a ladies man and a smooth talker than the actual Jim would have been given his degree of handsomeness (a 5 or a 6?), dry personality (sarcasm isn't charm) and financial status (40,000 in an average year?). When the ridiculously beautiful purse saleswoman, whom Dwight & Michael fawned over, visited the office and Jim left with her that night after a few exchanges, it wasn't believable. It's also hard to imagine the beautiful intern Cathy throwing herself at Jim the way she did. Karen followed Jim to Scranton and later admitted she cried her eyes out for weeks over him - another example of a very regular guy being far more of a draw than is realistic. Jim is, in a funny way, reminiscent of Blossom who was far more successful with the opposite sex than a true to life version of them would have been.
The only character who seemed to call Jim on his BS was Ryan Howard. He nailed Jim when he put him on suspension and told him he knew how much time he spent goofing off with Pam and just didn't care about his job. Ryan also told the documentary crew, when he was still the temp, that he predicted Jim's big vacation would be a weekend in Philly based on Jim working at the same place for five years and eating a ham sandwich everyday.
Somebody who's never posted here before, comes straight to this thread, ignores everything else, and agrees with Turk? Very suspicious. If not you seem to have a problem with women. Or both.
Somebody who's never posted here before, comes straight to this thread, ignores everything else, and agrees with Turk? Very suspicious. If not you seem to have a problem with women. Or both.
lol as usual Benny boy cannot handle a world where more than one person doesn't agree with his libtarded views so the paranoia sets in. I've wrecked your safe-space around here and you're still not able to deal with it.
Yes, sane people do not like your overrated fictional characters JAM.
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I think you are making some fair points I.e. how did the ordinary Jim land Karen and Katy. He doesn't seem like a smooth talker or particularly charismatic
You mean like when Roy threw his glass into the bar mirror and then proceeded to tear the rest of the bar apart with his brother? lol I mean, who would you really rather be, a "Roy" or a "Jim"?
Oh gawd yes! Had Roy and Pam married , he would definitely have been a domestic abuser. Pam was a prime candidate in the early days of the show: low self-esteem, defer to the overpowering male, meek , etc.
"Alpha" is not something you 'try to be'. You can try to be and become a PUA, but that's not the same thing as 'alpha'.
'Alpha' is genetics mixed with certain personality traits, maybe even a hint of sociopathy or psychopathy. Alpha males are natural 'pack leaders' in animal packs, although in some specieses can have Alpha females just as well for pack leadership.
Basically what 'alpha' means, has nothing to do with 'misogyny', 'aggression' or 'insecurity' (animals don't have these traits, except aggression, but that's not the same as alpha - in animals, aggression is never the problem, it's the outcome of the problem).
"Alpha" in animals is the top dog, the top male that gets all the women - it's the pre-selected male that no other male can defeat. There's no aggression necessary - an alpha can control situations with assertiveness, body language and energy. I don't know why this concept is so difficult for women to understand, but for some reason, women associate discipline and assertiveness with 'aggression'.
This is why both parents are needed to raise a kid - woman can raise the kid from zero to about two years old, then man takes over and uses consistent discipline to create a balanced human being.
In humans, alpha is basically someone that can naturally pick up women, because they're assertive, dominating amongst human groups (not necessarily violently or even physically, but socially), and usually have powerful ambition(s), which leads to real-life results, like climbing in a career (accumulating wealth in the process) or choosing a dangerous job (firemen, policemen, etc).
Alpha isn't necessarily intelligent, but has enough confidence and 'street smarts' to be able to lead other men and never fall for women's shít-tests (wimpy non-alphas always fall for them, trying to please women, and have fear of displeasing women).
A non-alpha can't become an alpha, but they can become a PUA - they have to learn externally, what alpha already has internally.
Alpha doesn't 'try to be' anything, alpha is just its natural, confident, ambitious and usually so-called 'charismatic' self. Tom Cruise is an alpha, but these things get confusing, because women's mate selection works so differently from men's. Men are attracted by looks, youth and fertility (and signs thereof), and other easily-explained things, that can even be faked to a high degree (or make-up wouldn't exist).
Women are not attracted by a simple visual thing like that, so even women themselves are sometimes confused as to what they're attracted to, and can't put it to words or intellectualize it.
What draws women to alphas, is that being alpha is ONE (among many) form of 'high status'.
If men are attracted to 'looks', then women are attracted to 'status'. The better the looks, the more powerful the attraction. The higher the status, the more powerful the attraction.
By 'status', I don't mean any official achievement, but merely a man being in a high place in 'hierarchy between men'. In other words, 'better than average man' in women's eyes.
What makes it complicated, is that not -everything- attracts woman. A nerdy chess club president doesn't turn on a woman's attraction. It doesn't even register as male on the radar.
A nerdy millionaire (let alone billionaire or richer), however, makes that radar bleep so hard it almost makes the woman blind and deaf.
Alphas are not the only things that attract women (you have to think of caveman biology that still exists in people - alpha is the one that is capable and daring enough to not only talk to women and smile and treat them any way he wants (so woman can't easily control the man, so woman can look UP to the man, instead of looking DOWN to an easy-to-control beta), but also do dangerous things like protect the woman and their offspring from bears and other dangers of the nature. )).
There are many other forms of 'high status', and when you think of that cavewoman image, it's easy to understand.
If you think what caveman wants from a cavewoman, it's basically reproduction, offspring, intimacy, and sex.
If you think what a cavewoman wants from a caveman, it's protection, utility, going to explore into the world and bring precious/useful/nourishing things into the cave.
Nothing has changed ever since, when it comes to forming pairs and bonding, except there are just new and shiny -ways- to show high status, and now even that can be faked to a degree (though not as easily as women can fake looks with make-up).
Typical examples of forms of 'high status' that modern cavewomen always fall for, are:
- Outlaw biker
- Wealthy man
- Useless celebrity
- Preselection (man selected by other women, so he must be valuable)
- Alpha
- Exciting foreigner
- Alcoholic Guitarist that drinks all the woman's money
- Violent man (even all the way to beating women)
- Imprisoned man (especially for violent crime, even rape)
- "Professional man" (Doctor, fireman, policeman, institutionalized brainwashed murderer, etc.)
This is why you see gorgeous women with really ugly and even fat and nerdy-looking guys. To a woman, looks are just a visual thing - a woman looks at a man like she would look at a painting - but she doesn't get aroused by looks.
This also becomes more complicated, because both men and women project a LOT. Men project that because Men look at LOOKS, women do, too. But women don't.
As this is a complicated thing, women can even believe they fall in love with someone because of their looks (and on the emotional fantasy-level this may be true for awhile).
But no woman has ever been aroused by looks.
Women project all kinds of status to a 'handsome man' in the women's imaginations - so 'he must be a doctor' or 'he must be wealthy' or 'he must be a famous kickboxer'.
When the woman finds out the same man is shy, can't talk to women or look women in the eyes, lives in his mom's basement, and is penniless.. attraction disappears.
A cavewoman needs to be protected by the man, and needs to bring resources on the table. When you look at what kind of men women choose, you can easily see that these two things are very powerful in how woman chooses her sexual partners.
"A man has to be strong" is part of this genetic programming.
This is why women FEAR weak men; it's primal, it's sub-conscious, and it's caused by a woman's innate understanding that the weak man could never protect the woman against an attacker, intruder or an animal.
So the woman would be helpless if that situation arose, so this realization creates automatic fear. It looks so insane and completely illogical from the male perspective; how can a woman fear a nerdy wimp that couldn't hurt a fly, but doesn't fear a clearly unstable psychopath with fat percent zero with angry-looking face and huge muscles and tattoos everywhere, who has just been released from prison, where he was held for beating up men and women?
Well, that latter man has the power to protect the woman, so woman feels safe, -even- though she should know that sooner or later, that man will direct his aggression towards the woman itself, and the wimpy nerd would -never- rise his fist in anger against the woman.
But women go by 'feels', not 'logic', so they try to paint these most harmless guys as something violent and 'insecure misogynists', because their feelz told them so..
(You can see it even in this thread)
Roy is originally an alpha (you can look at the UK version to see the same characters, portrayed a bit better - Dwight-equivalent is a birdlike dweeb, that talks tough - and Jim-equivalent is basically a nerdy 'everyday guy' that a woman would never choose in real life (except for friendzone)), but this show made him also a wimp after the whole 'Jim-attack' situation and 'losing Pam'.
Suddenly he's completely sub-servient to Pam - how could any woman look -up- to this guy after that? He makes himself a doormat.
As this show is not real life, it's hard to classify the characters very accurately - they keep changing unrealistically, whereas in real life, people don't change that much.
Their motivations are at the mercy of 'whim-of-the-week' of the writers, instead of having a solid basis, like they would in real life.
Therefore, analyzing things like 'why Pam likes this or that guy' can't be solidly based on evo-psychology, genetics, DNA, or anything that guides people in real life pretty powerfully - the whole mating ritual doesn't work the same way in TV shows as it works in real life, so proper and solid analysis of these characters, their behaviour, or even alpha-status is not really feasible.
Roy is meant to be an alpha character, charismatic and someone that can naturally 'pick up' women, without ever intellectually knowing how or why it all happens - he just instinctually knows how to do it, and then does it (I have known men like this in real life, and talked with them about PUA stuff, and they always said 'I never thought of it like that' - yet, they always knew what to do in a situation where women were involved, and just did it).
So basically there are no alphas besides pre-attack version of Roy in this show (except maybe Daryl and some other warehouse workers that we see rarely), but in the UK version, the Roy-equivalent is a pretty good interpretation of what an alpha could look and act like (Roy is a bit wimpier, and a bit more over-the-top version before he becomes a total beta - his chubby looks also don't match as well the alpha stereotype).
Now that I think of it, Daryl has a very alpha vibe to him, and his behaviour is usually confident and alphalike to an extent, he's just not shown a lot in mating ritual-type situations.
You say that women seek out men who will provide resources, but also say that women go for prisoners and guitar-playing leeches.
Most women want to be self-sufficient in finances and skills, not live under a man’s thumb.
It’s laughable that you think most women would go for Roy over Jim. Jim is the easy winner. He’s more attractive in looks and temperament. The only women who go for bar-trashing, unevolved, reactionary types like Roy are fellow trailer trash who are probably violent themselves. The only reason Pam was with him is because she had been with him since high school and was afraid of change.
I haven’t seen very many ugly, out-of-shape guys with gorgeous women outside of TV and movies. The only situations where I’ve seen that is when the couple has been together a long time and the guy had started out attractive but gained weight over time.
There are gold-diggers who go after the money of rich schlubs, but it’s the money they’re after. The man is just an obstacle.
Women are aroused by a masculine body. Just look at the book covers of all those smutty best-sellers.
The ideal man for most women would be good looking, mature, level-headed, emotionally stable, intelligent, good with kids, sympathetic to the needs of others, confident, and hard working in whatever he does.
There’s no such thing as your notion of an ‘alpha male’. No man can get every woman he wants. A man *absolutely* has to have intelligence to be a respected, effective leader.
Incels like you create this fantasy world because you refuse to face the fact that it’s that giant chip on your shoulder, nasty entitled attitude, and probably laziness that has prevented success in your social lives.
I so agree ! I watch this over and over and he is not even a beta to me. He allows Pam to cuckold him, he allows others to walk all over him. I CRINGE every time I see him cowtow to Idris Elba’s character, “ Charles Miner”!!
And he’s a paper salesman, instead of using his college education for a loftier job. Finally, when he gets the chance to enhance his and Pam’s life ( Athlead) he wimps out because of little Pammie’s feelings ! I know , I know it’s more than that but you know what I mean.