I've gone through the first seven seasons on Netflix a few times now and have come to a few conclusions:
1. Carell was an absolute master throughout his run. Can't think of single episode where he was a buzzkill.
2. Jim was an ass. He allowed himself considerable, unchecked latitude when dealing with Dwight and the others but was always up on his cross moralizing to them. I loved the episodes that put him in his place (Charles Minor eps, Koi pond ep, and snowball fight with Dwight ep).
3. Pam probably had some flaws but I couldn't see them since she was so smoking hot. Yep, I'm a sap.
4. Andy was a great addition until the writers started putting him into ridiculous situations just to highlight Ed's musical talent. Helms has great comedic talent yet he's always singing and hamming it up in, of all places, an office. 'Andy's Play' being a perfect example of this. I didn't watch seasons eight or nine but can imagine his character only devolved further.
5. Angela...(see item 3)
6. I think Rainn portrayed Dwight true to the original concept the longest of the main players even though the writers eventually started turning his character into a farce. I wish they would have included Rolf more as his sidekick. That dude was perfect for Dwight.
7. Creed was my outright favorite. He was such an enigma. Indisputable King of the non sequitur.
As I said earlier, I haven't seen S8 or S9 the exception being the series finale. I tuned in when it was first broadcast and the one thing that stood out the most to me was how the entire cast seemed to be just phoning it in. The entire episode seemed like a table read to me. Like the cast were just ready to call it a day and get on to something else.
The show was greatest S1 - S5 with S6 and 7 mostly good but starting to show cracks in the overall series arc.