MovieChat Forums > Hitch (2005) Discussion > The chances of a guy like Alebrt to be w...

The chances of a guy like Alebrt to be with a girl like Allerga

Is one on the million!lol! Maybe less than that!


I'm a girl, and while I agree looks aren't everything in the end, but it'll definitely get your foot in the door with us. It's sad but it's true.

A girl would give a hot guy and a not so hot guy a chance to go on a date. If the hot guy makes a mistake during the first date and he will likely still get a second chance, while the not so attractive guy probably won't.


In the entire span of human history has a rich, famous, attractive, in no way undesirable woman ever married a fat, unattractive, unremarkable man? I'm not aware that it has ever happened.


No it isn't. She mentioned the things she liked about him (found adorable) on the boat with Hitch - plus, she had been burned and maybe just wanted a nice guy who would treat her right? They clicked. You'd be surprised how many beautiful women go for men like him.

Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?


Meaning, her being a client of the firm where he's a junior partner gives him access to her and actually interacts with her (limited and whatnot).

So he can actually talk to her and take his chances.

Not the same as trying to go for someone you don't get to interact with (say have him have a crush on Beyonce or Britney, neither of whom he has access to in any way/shape/form).

So since he already has access to her, with some help from Hitch he could very well have a realistic chance.
