what makes me laugh about this movie is the fact that every single line will smith says is just pure crap.... all guys really know what the story is when it comes to pulling birds.... basically ..if your a good lookin guy ..and your not fat ..then the odds are in your favor... FORGET what hitch tells ya!!!!!!!!!!!!
"any guy can pull a woman with the right line"....that is just pure crap...lol
this is why you see women with complete ass.holes that are good looking and they give the excuse of "oh hes unpredictable" or "he keeps me on my toes"....
Marilyn Monroe dated (and married) very plain, perhaps ugly men.
I myself (a smoking hot fox) like a lot of women thought I had a 'type'. This might not necessarily be another person's idea of good looking. I then became friends with someone who was not my 'type'. But after a drunken kiss some months later - woah! big time sexual attraction. Dear reader, I married him. He quickly became the best looking guy I'd ever known. Chemistry has not been mentioned, which does not always have anything to do with looks. I've kissed a few princes who became a frog after snogging them, when I discovered they had zero sex appeal!
Thank you for explaining to me what Joe DiMaggio & JFK did for a living. I had no idea!
So you think Joe DiMaggio was good looking? Hmm. How about Arthur Miller? Robert Slatzer? Elia Kazan? Milton Berle?
My entire point (put politely and eloquently, unlike your own) was that Marilyn did not choose men for their looks despite being beautiful. She openly said she chose men for their intelligence & charisma, and ultimately searched for a father figure. She dated JFK & RFK for their power, not looks. I never stated that she 'scraped the bottom of the barrel'. That was not my opinion at all.
Please. Normal guys can get "stunning women." It's all about the confidence. Honestly, looks isn't what I look for the most. I more look at a guy's personality, like if he's funny, or if he doesn't take himself too seriously.
Donnie: Oh, please, tell me Elizabeth, how exactly does one suck a fu*k?
"However, a not-hot guy can get a lot of women into the sack if he is a manipulative predator who is basically looking to exploit people's weaknesses. Even beautiful people have them. That is what the pig stockbroker character was wanting to do. That is what "fast seduction" is about."
you have no idea what the seduction community is about.
while looks, money etc does count the main thing is confidence. Women arent like guys. With guys, if an average or slightly ugly woman approaches you, most likely a guy will blow her off. Now some women are shalow, as you can find with any1 but women are less visual creatures than men. Take barack oboma for exapmle. Say hes not famous and just an everyman. hes not too attractive, but he has a certain charisma about him. That right there, gives him points that could possible make up for being average and not rich.
Also let me pose this question, if a bunch of average guys keep saying "shes out of my league and too hot for me"; then the 1 guy that does approach that sexy girl might get her. because he actually had the balls to talk to her
Here is the reality of the situation. Younger women date for looks as do younger men so good looking young men and good looking young women generally date for looks and turn their noses up at anyone fat or ugly, though fat seems to be more of an issue than ugly in my observation as looks are subjective and weight is not. There are exceptions of course to the rule, the rich, famous, powerful or professionally funny can compensate for weight and looks with some women, not all but some, however the level of money, power, fame, and especially humor needs to be comparatively extreme. What I mean is that a guy who is reasonably funny to his friends and reasonably good looking has the same shot as a good looking guy, where as if he is fairly unattractive he needs to be almost professionally funny to have the same shot. That said as women age and mature they grow out of the "looks" phase and start looking for a husband and possibly father. Again those with money, power, fame or a sense of humor have an edge as they will naturally make better husbands, However those who are "good looking" also generally have an edge over the average guy because they have had more experience and have more confidence with women having more success as a younger man. The exception here is of course the "shot gun" guy who though average or unattractive hits on everything that moves. If you throw 50 balls and the other guy throws 1 even if he is a much better pitcher than you, you'll probably both still hit the target. Basically the result is that when you start out behind your disadvantage compounds, this is true in a lot of areas of life not just women.
Someone though asked why it is that a guy should care about looks and that complaining that they don't get the good looking girls is just as shallow as the good looking ones not going out with them. and from the superficial simple view it is but when you look at it realistically it’s not. In our society though women are moving towards equality in many areas there is one they have made very little progress in and that is dating. Though it is no longer taboo to expect a date to pay half at the first date, it is still up to the man to make the first move. Women expect they guy to ask them out, to send them drinks, to attempt a conversation, and risk rejection which is more common than reciprocation of the advance. Meanwhile the woman makes little or no emotional risk at all. In this exchange, because the man is taking the risk or at least greater risk he therefore automatically choses the greatest reasonable return. At best his knowledge is limited of her from contact as acquaintances (don't even get me started on the friend zone and the very special circumstances and difficulties it brings) which is roughly the same amount she may know about him if she knows anything, he may have been very well invisible to her, when he makes his advance and she makes her choice to accept or reject his advances. The fact is most of what people know about each other is what they see and most of "attraction" is physical till you take the time to get to know each other.
Men approach women based on the idea of getting the most for what they risk, visual stimulation and attraction is key to gauging that. Women then accept and reject based primarily on the same visual system of stimulation and attraction using different cues. The confidence of the man, one of if not the determining factor, is based on his feelings of adequacy to her, the greater the difference in attractiveness the greater the effect on his confidence level the only mitigating factors being his experience and external self-worth such as money fame or power. Humor does not in fact function to mitigate and counter act any feelings of inadequacy but rather hides them. Humor is often used as a defence mechanism and way of hiding oneself by those who employ it, as such they are generally very skilled at using it to compensate for low self-confidence or fear. Those who have developed a talent for humor generally have more success with women simply because they are more able to hide their lack of confidence better.
As for the movie its BS because while getting a woman on a few dates is easy developing a successful relationship is hard and where most "average" guys fail because of either inadequacy and fears of abandonment which spawn paranoia and jealousy in him, because of his actual inadequacy to her needs or because of his in experience in relationships. There are also many ways the woman can screw up the relationship, but we are talking about why hot girls and average or below average looking men don't end up together very often.
If you wonder what God thinks of money look at who he gives it to
Well, this is an old thread, but with an interesting content, so I'll give it a shot.
I think the OP, while being wrong, also entirely misses the point of the film.
Hitch, the movie, is not about average (or ugly) guys getting hot chicks, it's about breaking the ice between a guy and his secretly loved one.
Hitch, the character, is like a medicine man for the lovesick - and only helps guys who genuinely want to be with their special someone, but for some reason are unable to. Just by ”breaking an entry” and/or paving the way, while - as repeatedly stated - building confidence in his usually timid clients.
Confidence, humor, personality (and a working penis, later on) are just about everything a guy needs in order to get to know the woman he likes. Sure it may not work in the end - he also may discover that she's not the one he imagined she is; no big surprise, we tend to idealize our persons of interest.
Generally, all one needs to prove is one can be both a ”bad boy” (mostly figuratively) and a good man, while not being dumb as a bag of rocks.
A pretty darn fugly guy CAN still score with an awesome chick: the odds (astronomical at face value) DO get better once you factor in one or more - if not all - of those traits.
Regarding one's age, of all thinkers, comedians or philosophers, an American sports guy (Chili Davis) coined a great line: “Growing Old is Mandatory - Growing Up Is Optional”.
After reading through every post, I think vladoots hits the nail on the head--especially about average/below average guys having charm and confidence. Even if we all are drawn in by looks, eventually personality wins over anyway.
I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves.
op is 5 years old.. but just felt like making a comment.
...good looks helps, be nicely groomed and reasonably fit looking. if you find good looking girls attractive then its vice versa.
...if you arent channing tatum type, and you are after a really hot girl then you have to ask yourself if you are being realistic. if you know the girl then work with what have, be confident... confidence is important. if you dont have confidence then get some quick. girls like guys that are sure of themselvses as long as you arent arrogant.