what makes me laugh about this movie is the fact that every single line will smith says is just pure crap.... all guys really know what the story is when it comes to pulling birds.... basically ..if your a good lookin guy ..and your not fat ..then the odds are in your favor... FORGET what hitch tells ya!!!!!!!!!!!!
"any guy can pull a woman with the right line"....that is just pure crap...lol
this is why you see women with complete ass.holes that are good looking and they give the excuse of "oh hes unpredictable" or "he keeps me on my toes"....
now why do i sound like a real dick head???? coz i think this movie portays us guys to be total idiots.... instead of calling me names ..why not give your point of view like an adult coz its plain to see your obviously 12 years old!!!!!!!!!
You'd be suprised with what chicks like in a guy. Granted the movie does portray the situation alot easier then in reality, but provided you approach the situation from a correct angle, regardless of what you look like (i.e. fat/ugly), you have a shot. Your clothes, shoes, words that are coming out of your mouth needless to say have to be perfect to have a chance however. Those that are better looking have less to worry about, but effectively despite good looks, he needs to be relatively 'woman-smart' to get into another girls pants.
i do alright ....coz i aint really ugly or fat and im generally easy going..but im no brad pitt ...lol its just i find this movie offensive to real life dating scene.....and as i said before ...a guy like albert brennarman wouldnt stand a chance in real life...every guy knows this ......
I actually think this movie is pretty accurate. What a lot of women look for is a guy with a sense of humor. The guy doesn't have to be good-looking, but if he makes you laugh, then that's golden. I personally think it's more about the personality of a guy than his looks, because he becomes better looking when you like his personality. So if a guy has a quality that stands out that I like, then he doesn't need to look like Brad Pitt.
Donnie: Oh, please, tell me Elizabeth, how exactly does one suck a fu*k?
There's this whole society of these guys who call themselves PUA (Pick up artists), it's amazing, these guys aren't the best looking ect but manage to pull beautiful women. A journalist wrote a book about it.
They did a docu on channel 4 if I remember correctly.
The book's called 'The Game' by the way.
"The tips at the end of shoelaces are called "aglets". Their true purpose is sinister."
"because he becomes better looking when you like his personality."
That is so true. Once I start to like someone, I start to like his physical features. When you like a person's personality, and you start being happy around him, pretty soon even the quirkiest physical traits will make you happy as well.
"Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing." -Data
I think its incredibly accurate, i'm not particularly obese or disfigured, i assume im ok... but iv seen men who you'd assume have no chance pull extremely attractive women. i used to be like you and was incredibly shocked when all these guys pulled a load of girls, then i grew up a little and realised that if you dont have the shy, selfconcious personality that usually accompanies the less attractive, and are outwardly confident and a nice guy then you have every shot in the world.
I agree. It's not that inaccurate. The OP sounds like he's in high school, cuz that's really the time when looks is all that matters. Women mature just like men and, in the end, they don't want some stupid, jerk guy just cuz he looks good. They want someone who they will be happy with, just like (decent) men do.
"For the last time honey, there are no pirahannas in- MY BUTT!"- Tarzan
I don't know about you, but, I've seen tons of ugly, balding, overweight guys go out with beautiful women. This is possible because girls are not JUST attracted to good looks. Personality is what really draws in women. You can look like Brad Pitt, but, have a *beep* personality and I'll guarantee you that most women would not want to date a douche despite his good looks. While this is not the case for all men, most guys are more about physical attraction. If you're truly 30 years old, then I'm afraid you haven't really been exposed to "real life" situations.
i made this point as a light hearted stab against the dangerous world of pulling... i wasnt aiming the point about guys being stupid ....or women being friendly.... i was stating that you dont see a extremly good lookin woman with an ugly (but really nice guy) or a fat guy who's got a great personality ....you just dont see normally see that.....thats why i said this movie is a crock of crap depticting men to be bozo's and need to pay for help to find a woman....i thought most of the men would agree but i guess you guys go to pubs and clubs where this happens..i know i dont
as i said originally ...you see as sholes only with good lookin women who treat them like garbage but yet the women wont let them go.....now why is that? why not meet a guy whos good crack....good personality...treat ya well..and wont hit ya ...
all you lot started insulting me for a post thats 100% accurate......and its the last time im gonna bother with messages for this thread
Albert seemed very well dressed to me, something most women do care about. He also had a potentially well paying job at a firm with prestigious clients, so he was responsible and skilled in money matters. He was also a fun loving guy, obviously, enjoying both sports and other activities. A guy that will dance at all has a huge feature over many guys. He also had a lot of integrity. He was emotionally open, something many women want, and many men cannot offer.
However, a not-hot guy can get a lot of women into the sack if he is a manipulative predator who is basically looking to exploit people's weaknesses. Even beautiful people have them. That is what the pig stockbroker character was wanting to do. That is what "fast seduction" is about.
The OP is SO wrong about everything, that's amazing. Looks are not all that matter to most girls. Gold diggers exist, but most women don't care that much about what you look like. What matters the most is confidence and humor. If you lack confidence, they automatically know it. You can't fake confidence. And that's what makes men blow it usually.
Simply put, this is not true at all. I think it says more about your lack of confidence. I have seen ALOT of hot girls with some pretty medicore looking guys, and most of them weren't even rich either. Women are attracted to more than just looks.
But I mean there are standards on which we all agree. We need to take showers and shave once in a while. :P But I agree with what you said though, confidence is the key and men need to have a FRIGGIN' BACKSPINE!!! Most men don't.
You can be bald and still have chicks. However, if you try to hide your hair loss, chances are that women won't be attracted to you.
If your got a hot wife and your ugly, your rich. You ladies can say differently but 99% of the time thats how it is. But its probably the same both ways.
maxol.....you called me powderpuff and fairy...seems you have a gripe against homsexuals.... and your an idiot to boot! read my original post again... i made a simple statement about this movie depiciting us guys all bumbling idiots who need to pay a guy to help us pull........ i also said a good lookin guy has the odds better stacked in his favor over a 16 stone guy (no matter how funny or geunine the big guy is ,,,hes playing second to the good looking guy straight away ) i know having a great sense of humor helps......i am guy and i understand this.....but my point just was if women could see that a bit more ...we'd all be doin bettre than the extremly good lookin guy who pulls easy (coz he can) any time im ever out ...i never see a fat guy with a really good lookin woman ...
you can have all the friggin confidence in the world but if your butt ugly ..you aint gonna pull....i agree with the above poster
Well if you weight 300 pounds, it just means that you don't take care of yourself. So why would ANYBODY want to be with you? I mean, health matters, a girl won't want to be with a guy who will have a heart attack sometime soon you know. It just wasn't the case with Albert. He was overweight, but not disgustingly fat. He looked healthy, was fun to be with, etc. If most guys were like Albert in the movie, we'd never be single again.
Stay with your ugly ladies then, if that's really how you think. Me, I'd rather go for the hot chicks even though I am neither rich nor famous. And yes, I manage to go out with many of them. But well, arguing on a website with a bunch of non-confident guys is a waste of time, so just never mind and go for the chicks who are so desperate that they would go out with anybody. I am sure you can pull this off.
I thought a lot of Hitch's methods were good and would have worked to get a woman to like the guy but that doesn't neccesarily mean romantically. The movie didn't deal with what happens when the woman really likes or loves the guy but only as a friend.
The OP is really behaving like an obnoxious fool. Just because you think that happens, does not make it a reality. Don't generalise on basis of your opinion. You are talking as if you know what is in every womens' mind.
Girls only fall for two things given the choice, good looking guys or filthy rich guys. It's true that two people can fall in love despite the physical appearance. But something gotta attract the woman in the first place, it's either the guy face or his money. It's just that simple. In fact, it's exactly the same for man. I'm sorry to tell you the beauty inside you mean nothing if the woman don't wanna know you.
I'm an average looking, poor man, and I married a lovely woman. I don't know about Hitch's belief of "any guy can get any girl", but I lean more toward that belief than the other extreme of "Rich or Good looking and thats it." I'm living proof that that isn't necessarily the case.
Attracting and dating women is like applying for a job; if you want the BEST job, the better your resume, the higher the chance. But that doesn't mean someone with an average resume won't have a chance, they just have to market themselves better to earn that chance, and when they get to the interviews, they have to impress them. Think of the person's looks as the school you're from; of course someone from an ivy league will be at an advantage but it doesn't mean someone from a state school won't have a chance. In the end it's the work experience (personality in this case) that matters; your character and how you communicate.
If you want to get the best looking girl and you're only average, expect to work hard for it unless she's attracted to you; after all looks are subjective. As long as you're average and above, the best thing to do is just work up the courage and try; you won't know until you do it. I just think this way because I live in NYC and I know too many people who really look just average and are able to attract women that every man can only dream about. So if you just want to talk about looks, usually women are fine with average and above and the higher your looks the less work you have to put in to attract her...that's the rule of thumb.
If you're fat and/or ugly that's a whole different story. You'll probably need to lose weight or get plastic surgery if you really want someone attractive. You need to find a way to get yourself to at least average.
I find this entire thread rather funny. In fact, these posts seem so paradoxical, at least to me. Maybe this is because I'm a girl.
Self proclaimed "average looking" guys, like a lot of the disgruntled guys who posted above me, come to some sort of general consensus that attractive women will never go out with them. Well, if all you care about are looks, what do you expect others to care about? Your dazzling personality? Your winning virtues?
All humans are shallow, some more than others. Stop beating yourself up because you don't look like some airbrushed underwear model and just go out there. If you approach an insanely beautiful girl and act like <<you're so hot/i want to do you>> attitude you're never going to get at anything. They'll think you're a guy who doesn't know how to take charge and who thinks they are inferior in appearance. Just act normal, and if they take one look at you and rebuff you, they're not worth it. You don't want to be that guy who always feels he needs to impress that girl.
I shudder at the thought of pickup artists. They make attraction or love predictable, uninteresting. The type of girls they pick up probably aren't far from easy virtues anyways.
Looks fade. In the end we'll all look like shriveled prunes, or in some cases, unnaturally botoxed prunes. Of course I like hot looking guys but come on, I outgrew that phase by the time I was fifteen. (the hot rebel phase) I hope this post wasn't discouraging. Keep looking, people. Give it some time. Good luck to you all!
"Well, if all you care about are looks, what do you expect others to care about? Your dazzling personality? Your winning virtues?"
I totally agree. While I hear so called 'average looking' guys complain that good looking girls don't notice their good qualities or want to go out with them, they haven't considered that maybe they should be looking for good qualities in girls, other than looks? I mean they can't really complain that girls are shallow and only want to go out with good looking guys when they're being just as shallow.
Also I think it's far more common to see couples with a good looking girl and an average looking guy, than one with a good looking guy and a average looking girl.