What's with the tea?

Here's a new drinking game. Watch this film, and at any reference to a cup or pot of tea, consume. Guaranteed you're out cold by the end of the film (assuming you're consuming alcohol). Or perhaps you and your friends could rotate and someone different drinks each time tea is mentioned. You'll all have good buzzes by the end of the movie.

It seems like a "cuppa" is supposed to make people forget their troubles--"your fetus has been aborted...sugar in your tea?" "Your husband's ill and you're overworked and depressed...biscuits?"

Oh sure...the English love their tea, but by the end of this movie, GALLONS were consumed--those people must have peed like race horses.


Tea....just where do i start?

Im English and i love a cup of tea. when i get in from school, put the kettle on and hav a cuppa whilst watching Deal or No Deal.

every morning the first thing almost every Englishman ( and woman) will have is a cuppa.

if anyone comes round - cuppa?

tea solves every issue - im sure world peace can be coordinated if all world leaders had a chat with a cup of tea in hand.

thats the end of my mini rant

i think i need a cuppa...


Totally agree, I have my pre-bed cuppa in my hand now...bliss. So much better than coffee!


i like ur style :)


I didn't even notice an unusual amount of tea drinking.

As for drinking tea in hot weather- that's quite sensible, as it increases your core temperature, makes you sweat, and cools you down in the long term.

And is it possible to have fish and chips WITHOUT tea? I certainly don't fancy it!


I spent my gap year in China and I was v worried about the fact that I'd have to spend a year drinking Chinese tea which I didn't think I'd like instead of the good old PG tips etc but it turned out that I loved all the tea out there . . . the choice was endless! If anyone has the chance to try flower tea with ginseng, do it. But then I went to India and had chai . . . and oh my god . . . it's delicious too. But too be honest nothing beats a fabulous cup of "regular" tea. But I was going to say that I agree with davidbamford, I didn't notice an unusual amount of tea drinking either! It seemed perfectly normal to me! I can't cope when I go to someone's house and they *don't* offer me a cup of tea the second I walk through the door . . . I mean come on, that's just rude!!

"You people. If there isn't a movie about it, it's not worth knowing about, is it" - Dogma



That sounds like far too many, ff, nearly 1.5 mugs per hour. You need to cut down.

The vending machine at work spits out some awful stuff, so I'm limited to 1 or 2 cups of homemade stuff per day.

"Please don't eat me! I have a wife and kids. Eat them!"



Haha, not a good look, especially at work.



It used to be over 40 mugs per day neil but I kept pissing me sen so I had to cut down

how the hell has your poor bladder survived????


It works though! When I'm feeling down, or sad about something, a cup of tea does the trick. When you're having a serious chat, or just a chat in general... a cuppa is perfect. I remember when my grandmother died, and after being told the first thing I asked was if anyone wanted a cup of tea. It sounds ridiculous, but I guess it's just a habit of how to deal with things.

I love this film. Vera Drake is such a lovely character. It always makes me reach for the tissues!


yup a good cuppa is definatly theraputic [sp?]


Oh, yeah. It's totally accurate. Tea's fantastic stuff.

I often go around asking people if they'd like a cup of tea and then saying "Take your knickers off for me."

On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. It is a silly place.


Very accurate indeed, that cuppa fetish thing.

Ray Davies, of rock group The Kinks, himself a working-class Londoner, who was a kid at the time the film is set, and grew up to become a hell of a fine social commentator, with a knack for three-minute, often biting, but human social vignettes not dissimilar to Mike Leigh's work, recorded the following in 1971, on the Kinks' 'Muswell Hillbillies' LP :


Granny's always ravin' and rantin',
And she's always puffin' and pantin',
And she's always screaming and shouting,
And she's always brewing up tea.

Grandpappy's never late for his dinner,
Cos he loves his leg of beef
And he washes it down with a brandy,
And a fresh made pot of tea.

Have a cuppa tea, have a cuppa tea,
have a cuppa tea, have a cuppa tea,
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Rosie Lea
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, Rosie Lea.

If you feel a bit under the weather,
If you feel a little bit peeved,
Take granny's stand-by potion
For any old cough or wheeze.
It's a cure for hepatitis, it's a cure for chronic insomnia,
It's a cure for tonsillitis and for water on the knee.


Tea in the morning, tea in the evening, tea at supper time,
You get tea when it's raining, tea when it's snowing,
Tea when the weather's fine.
You get tea as a mid-day stimulant
You get tea with your afternoon tea
For any old ailment or disease
For Christ sake have a cuppa tea.


Whatever the situation, whatever the race or creed,
Tea knows no segregation, no class nor pedigree
It knows no motivations, no sect or organisation,
It knows no one religion,
Nor political belief.



Over here (in the US) it's more likely to be Starbucks. Many times if my friends are upset or need to talk, we'll do so over coffee.


I don't think you or i will ever get. English really really love their tea. I know, My grandpaps is a Brit and i always have to make his frikken tea.

Lawyer:You sir are a moron
Homer:A Mormon,but I'm from earth!


Whats the thing with Tea anyway?

My family drank gallons of the stuff and I still do, at least 10 cups a day, it is a British tradition and why do some Americans always take the piss out of us for it?

Its just a way of life I cant imagine what my upbringing would have been like with NO FRIGGIN TEA!

I once ordered a cup of tea in a restaurant in Philadelphia-they brought me a little Teabag and a cup with a slice of lemon ARGHHHHHHHHH!

No matter how hard I tried sqeezing all the Tea goodness out of that little bag I still got a fluid which looked like Dilute Cats wee. I said to the waitress 'Has this been sitting in Boston harbour for a few years?"

They had no Idea!.

Before some Americans get annoyed this was 30 years ago so they have possibly become civilised since then :-)


hehe, you're asking to wrong person. I'm quite impatient and back in the day when i used to be a hectic tea drinker, my cuppas where as weak as they come. With a two thirds of milk. I'm south African. Tea is still a favourite in all of our cultures. I know the Americans are quite fond of their coffee, I can't blame them, I'm a nescafe girl myself.

I guess it gives people something to do. like "Hey I'm bored, lets put on the kettle". Better and healthier than 'hey I'm bored , lets chow down a packet of chips" . My only conclusion is that Britain is a cold place and tea is hot, thus it seems quite accommodating. It's cold here in winter, but not as bad as the ol' U.K. My family drinks it like running water too. My sisters' have it pretty bad, i guess the tea gene just skipped me :)

Susan Sarandon on Femac: You've got mail, unlike the prisoners at Guantanamo bay.Get informed!


Yeah, Brits without tea is like.... I don't know. I'm not British though, but I'm crazy 'bout my tea as well. However for me it is not the tea in itself, it could just as well be coffee. To me, drinking these things is a symbol of good company. Whenever I meet a couple of friends of mine, we have the kettle (for tea or coffe, it doesn't really matter as long as it's hot) running all the time. Great thing for relaxing and starting a good conversation.

They blew up Congress!!! HAHAHA!




Did you also notice that Lily was drinking her tea from the saucer, not from the cup (to allow it to cool down), something one used to see far more often. As far as the excessive tea consumption is concerned, don't forget this film is set at the beginning of the 1950's, and tea rationing only ended in 1952, from 3oz per person per week. I suspect that this 'over-consumption' was a reaction to this. In actual fact, although a number of foodstuffs had been taken off-ration, they were still extremely difficult (and therefore expensive) to get hold of, which is why there is such a thriving black market economy, and system of bartering, as depicted in the film (some of the items that Lily offers Vera, such as sweets and sugar, might well have still been on ration, as not all rationing ended at the same time). Rationing finally came to an end in July 1954, some 14 1/2 years after it was introduced, and some 9 years after the end of the war.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...
