This got 0% at Rotten Tomatoes
Just thought you might like to know that this scored a whopping zilch.
shareJust thought you might like to know that this scored a whopping zilch.
sharehaha. this film sucks. thanks to the producers.
Pray for us.
Ok, is it just me or are people really failing to take in to account that when you get older your taste in movies change if you go back and watch half the stuff that you thought was great when you were a kid you'd wonder what you were thinking. As far as kids movies and shows go there’re very few when you take in to account the number of them out there that are classics that you can enjoy then and now. Children’s movies are meant to appeal to children, if when you’re older you can still appreciate at them that all the more fun for you. But when people who are clearly not the target demographic start complaining you have to wonder just what it is that has there panties in such a bunch that they have to go out of their way to complain about it.