I think you're exaggerating.
It was so-so, not awful. If you were expecting a tierd, run-of-the mill sstock company Hollywood comedy with worn-out plot points, that's exactly what you got.
I wasn't totally appalled. Just mildly irritated. The only gag that actually worked in the entire movie was Tim Allen's character falling over while he was running extremely fast. If they could have done something in that calibre earlier on (throughout the whole movie in fact), it would have been an okay movie. Unfortunately that occured in the last 9/10ths of the story, and I guess most people bailed by then. Shame, 'cause it was a pretty cool gag. Only one that made me chuckle.
Now, if you want REALLY bad famliy movies, try NEVERENDING STORY 3, BATMAN & ROBIN, SANTA CLAUS CONQUERS THE MARTIANS, OLLY OLLY OXEN FREE (aka THE GREAT BALLOON ADVENTURE) or MY DOG SKIP (or any other of those 90s versions of a "boy and his dog" stories). Seriously, they are putrid. You will heave your guts out after those ones. They should have "hazardous Matierial" stickers plastered all over them. If fact they all need to be dumped at sea in the Marianas Trench, with weights so that they sink straight to the bottom. Really.