MovieChat Forums > Zoom (2006) Discussion > I actually loved this movie..

I actually loved this movie..

I thought it was super cute.

It was hilarious too.

The beginning was a little rough, so many people might have dropped out there.

But overall I loved this's adorable with Ryan Newman. And the cast is kind of .. well friendly looking. Leonardo DiCaprio lovers, I apologize, but sometimes I think that he comes out a little rough and kind of bad acting.

Well that is just my opinion..

Flaming won't be neccesary</3.




I actually really enjoyed this movie as the piece of family entertainment that it is!!

If you go to see a tim allen movie you should really know what to expect by now, and some of the reviews are just overly harsh and written by people thinking way too much about a kids film!


yeah its good but ryan is so adorable


Just wondering, why did you mention Leonardo DiCaprio in your post?
hes not in the movie....

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


i loved this movie too, and kate mara was also hot.



You spelled John Kerry wrong...


LOL, I think he actually meant Jim Carrey. LOL. Okay, lay off the caffeine dude.


You people are draft.


Draft -- as in farts a lot? Ohhh, you mean DAFT, as in dumb.



You have terrible spelling and grammar. Shows how smart you are.


Although he makes a valid point.


I have to say I enjoyed this movie too, I wasn't expecting a multi-million dollar epic like the Fantastic Four or X-Men films, if I were then I would probably be disappointed but really who can say a film about super heroes, kid super heroes could ever be serious?

I think too many adults are commenting on a film clearly meant for kids, which is why the rating is so low.

Did anyone else catch the Toy Story 2 reference/homage?


I'm glad to see that I am not the only one who liked it, it was good family fun plus Tim Allen is really hot even with the beard


I liked the movie, but it was painful to watch at some points, especially for poor Chevy Chase. I also got a little tired of Courtney Cox's stumble bum bit, and felt totally let down about Concussion. THIS was the guy who killed the rest of the original team and blasted his way through dimensional barriers to return to earth? He got slapped around by the kids pretty good too.

I did like certain parts, like when Zoom was running across the desert and tripped and crashed. THAT was hysterical.

I also like the kids. All were funny (especially Princess; when were they going to learn to NOT piss her off?) and I liked the interplay between Houdini and Wonder (great super heroine name).

I think the problems were caused by some bad editing, and the whole thing seemed a little rushed to me. I'll still get it when it comes out on dvd next week though, mostly because my wife hasn't seen it and she's a big fan of Tim Allen and Chevy Chase.

And did anyone else know that "Concussion" was also a "meteor freak of the week" on Smallville? That's twice he's played a super villain.



x Lemonade's original post is his/her own opinion. You could say stuff like that if this was for Monster-a-go-go. But it's not!

Zoom: 8/10




Gotta say I agree. Granted I'm a sucker for super hero movies like this one, Sky High and all the comic book movies coming out within the last few years but like they say, tis a kids movie on a much smaller budget then most and all in all did fine. Likeable characters, decent plots, great actors by the looks if it intentionally acting bad (ie Rip Torn) and some great lines like "I speak greek not geek". Granted some parts are pointless and it was put very out of order but in the end its a kids movie, most kids wont know the difference and it was over all a nice movie.


I liked it too.

I think it was sweet.


well that post made me dumber

watch for vipers and poison snakes


Wasn't the post, for that you gotta look internal.


that is not possible
