3 gaping plot holes with the ending
1. With the amount of time Linguini spent in the kitchen with Remy controlling his movements, watching what Remy was having him make, you would think by the end of the movie that Linguini would have learned how to cook some of those things and he wouldn't have been hopelessly lost without Remy, unless he was a complete idiot.
2. The health inspector says to Skinner over the phone it would take him 3 months to go to Gusteau's to conduct his inspection, unless "somebody cancels their appointment." However, he shows up pretty much the next day, meaning, unless he was just speaking figuratively to Skinner, that every single person who he had an appointment with for the the course of those 3 months cancelled within a day, which has snowball's chance in Hell of happening. And since when do restaurants schedule appointments for the health inspector to conduct their inspections? Don't health inspectors usually show up unannounced, to catch those in violation with their pants down? That's pretty much what he does at Gusteau's, which leads me to...
3. The health inspector has Gusteau's shut down, upon discovering that rats have been in the kitchen. So, Linguini, Collette, Ego, and the rats start their own new restaurant, that has its kitchen run by rats. But if the health inspector comes in unannounced to catch them with their pants down, like he did with Gusteau's, the place will only stay open a year, if not a month, before it gets shut down, too. What a depressing ending.