Total Garbage

Black and white, table conversations (some of which you'd ignore if sitting near in real life), predictable actions, silly dialog... Who need this crap?

My own life can get boring, which is why I love film. I don't need to rent tedium.

3 out of 10 stars

A fast forward special.


I thought it sucked too. A real vanity piece. People like to stroke their own egos by pretending it was good.


i couldnt agree more


i have to say i managed an hour of this film - i wouldn't put it up there with the worst movie ever, no way near - i am a big coffee drinker myself and if you have ever spent the day drinking coffee you will understand how much more difficult conversation and communication becomes - there is an element of reality to this film - conversations on too much coffee can be as nonsensical as those when being drunk

i have to also add that if i was to change one thing i would have made the sketches almost in the style of the 'fast show' so that you would keep revisiting the same sketch and continuing each individual story and then swop to another one and continue that story (as if some how one day i would have that kind of power over films :P )

that is just how i view it - i normally have patience with all the films i watch and i have sat through some really bad stuff because of this - but i will admit that for me this film did lack what i was hoping for


All i want is everything;
everything, that's all i want - SSJ & AJ


Honestly, this film is definitely being over rated by the majority of the people on this forum. I wouldn't go as far as to say that this film was a piece of 'total garbage' as stated in the title of the topic, but it was not a good movie. Now before someone starts complaining about how I didn’t understand it I would like to clarify that I completely understand the style and context of where the film is coming and that I know that this is not meant to be the same as other conventional films. I’m also quite familiar with both caffeine and tobacco, so it’s not that I can't relate to the movie either.

Mainly what I didn’t like about the film was the general bland context of the story. Yes I know that the film wasn't meant to be some action packed blockbuster, but just in general the conversations seemed to be unoriginal. I mean we've all seen/heard/read about Elvis conspiracies, the dangers of smoking, the effects of coffee drinking, so none of their conversations in the film really brought anything new but instead were just a bunch of clichéd topics that have been done to death. Not that I’m saying that this is completely bad considering the context of the film is about ordinary daily life, but the director really could have come up with at least some original material instead of just using the same clichéd conversations over again throughout the skits. On similar note I also found that a lot of the acting seemed very awkward and forced and made the characters and situations seem unbelievable.

Also in all honesty i just found it to be rather boring and shallow. I mean sure some of the conversations were interesting (like delirium and cousins) but most of them lacked any serious depth and failed to offer any real insight into human relationships or daily life. Also the boredom factors in seeing how the film is made up entirely of ordinary conversations. I mean these conversations are no different that what you would hear any where else and you could easily walk into any cafe or restaurant and find similar conversations being made. In fact I’m sure that all of you have had much deeper and more meaningful conversations in your own lives then seen in the movie. In fact the only reason why most people are even interested in watching the conversations in the movie is probably because of all the celebrities in it, and everything is more interesting when done by celebrities’ right?

So basically this is what it comes down to. I feel that this film is about a 5/10. On a positive note it is funny and interesting at some parts, and its concept of filming everyday life in coffee shops is unique from any other film. But in contrast to this the content of the film is rather weak, and could really have used some work before going into production. Honestly I think if this film was redone and made some revisions it could turn out really good, but for now it’s definitely far from being any kind of master piece.

Ps. Also to those of you who have been complaining about the black and white being stupid and pretentious, I think it should be noted that it wasn’t shot in b & w just for the sake of being artsy. If you know anything about film making, smoking often looks very grotesque in color films and using B & W gives the smoke a softer and more sensual effect. Since there is smoking in every scene, the movie was most likely selected to be in black and white to make the smoke look better and to make the scenes more astatically pleasing. This technique was also used in the film 'good night and good luck' so to make all the smoking in the film look more pleasing to the audience.


I liked that this movie was different. I didn't hear any of the hype that I guess a lot of you have heard, so I rented it and watched it without any build-up or expectations. I figured it would be just a bunch of people sitting around, smoking and drinking. Hey, I was right! Besides, there is nothing more annoying and rage-provoking than hype rooted in pretentiousness, pomposity and "artsiness".

Come on. "No Problem"? That skit was hilarious!!! *I* thought it was funny. I laughed out loud! And Tom Waits and Iggy Pop ("Jim") was HEE-Larious. Especially when they lit up (me having quit a few months ago myself). And then there was the one with Alfred Molina and Steve (Coogan?). ("My grandma mentioned 'Booogie Nights'.") ha ha ha. And Steven Wright is always awesome in whatever he does. Especially if it's with Roberto Benigni, 'cause they're kind of opposite-like and such. And Meg White is pretty witty and sexay, and I would really like to go out on a date with her. I would be very respectful toward her, of course, because she could probably afford to have me killed. Even without the threat of death--

Admittedly a lot of the movie did kind of suck. Whatever. Eh, come to think of it, a lot of it did rely on hype and pompous thinking to make anyone feel related to some of the characters. I liked the Bill Murray scene only for RZA and GZA calling him "Bill Murray" constantly and also mentioning ODB (why? Because who doesn't love Ol' Dirty Bastard?). And being all healthy, then at the end, going out to smoke the wackiness.


I am dead serious when I say this, this is on my top five list of favorite movies of all time. Anybody who doesn't like it needs to run back to the *beep* Eli Roth forums and discuss a good way to torture theirselves.

