Any tips for high school?
I'm in Junior High and in 4 months, I'll be in high school. We watched this movie in Health class this week and I'm even more afraid of High-School than I was before.
Any tips that could help me at all?
I'm in Junior High and in 4 months, I'll be in high school. We watched this movie in Health class this week and I'm even more afraid of High-School than I was before.
Any tips that could help me at all?
I was always excited for a new school. It means new adventure, and another chance to prove and show the world who you are (or who you can be). High school was less drama for me because it was a lot bigger (my class was 768 there were over 1,200 kids by my graduation) also I graduated 3 years ago. I met a lot of fun people, however my previous friendships grew stronger. I also was clean during my time there, I didnt go out to party with the rest of the jocks and 'preps'. However, as an art kid, we did have our fun times watching movies, going to cafes just to hang, and whatever else we sought to pass the time. I also joined so many clubs just to be a part of something awesome, which i suggest you try.
Moral: have fun, try things, and meet people. However, be smart. Grades, clubs, and labels can help you excel. I wish I volunteered more because I could apply for so many scholarships ( usually the bigger prized ones look at leadership).
The basic advice given by most of these posters is very good: don't be afraid to be yourself, and try to find at least one friend you can count on no matter what; if possible try to find a teacher whose advice you can go to as well if need be too. That worked for me in the friends department especially; my own high school years were good if ones that are long over.
Anybody want a peanut ?
- Fezzik, " The Princess Bride " ( 1987 )
Not to freak you out or anything..but Rape, Sexual Assault can happen anywhere, at anytime, by anyone..usually by someone you know...
...just saying
I just came across your message from 4 years ago. So how was high school?