Has anybody watched this movie?

I am a huge fan of Malkovich and Stanley Kubrick and I have been desperately searching for this film for three years and I can't find it yet. Please, whoever has watched it might tell me all the detailes? I got a bit disappointed because I read so many French bad reviews which said it contained so many homosexual scenes and coarse references,is that true?


It was great, this and "being john malkovich" are my absolute FAVOURITE JM films, I mean between the two films alone I can say that I am a big Malcovich fan.

I saw Colour Me Kubrick at the Vancouver International Film Festival.

You need to stop getting all your movies from Hollywood, stop renting from Blockbuster and support your local film festivals ...


I love many Hollywood movies, and this movie was hilarious. Malkovich was brilliantly crazy and the musical references to Kubrick's movies were hilarious as well. The messages in the movie were implicit rather than explicit, so that may be why some people ae not geting anything out of it. They should watch more closely. One of the scenes in the movie is one of the funniest laugh-out-loud moments of the decade. Even thinking about the scenes and plot in the movie, and Malkovich's performance, makes me laugh. If more independent movies were this good... but they aren't.


Yeah "local" film festivals. Okay, show me a film festival in Tallmadge, OH, and I'll get right on that.



How far from Cleveland is that? More than an hour's drive?



About an hour.


