Has anybody watched this movie?

I am a huge fan of Malkovich and Stanley Kubrick and I have been desperately searching for this film for three years and I can't find it yet. Please, whoever has watched it might tell me all the detailes? I got a bit disappointed because I read so many French bad reviews which said it contained so many homosexual scenes and coarse references,is that true?


Colour me Kubrick was one of the best movies I've ever seen, I saw it at the Tribeca film festival and it was without a doubt a classic. Forget the French reviews, go see this movie!


I saw it at the Cannes Film Festival. The opening scene is great, but the rest of the film doesn't live up to it.

It portrays Alan Conway as a homosexual, out to bed young boys through his impersonation of Kubrick.

That may have been the case, but I recall interviews with Conway who primarily used the con to get free theatre tickets, dinners at restaurants etc. Here it's a bit more seedy.

Worth seeing for Malkovich alone though.


I saw it today. Although it was slow at first it got better towards the end and became brilliant as a result.


This movie is terrible! It gave me a headache... more like Colour me Boring! I was pretending to shoot myself during the film!


Did you happen to watch the movie between lunch break and nap time? I know I always get a bit cranky when i need a sleep... ;-)



lunch-1, actually, Alan Conway did indeed bed several young impressionable actors and cinema students on his "I Am Stanley Kubrick" stunt. The whole thing was exposed because of one of his victims had of him and wrote Kubrick telling him that he was being impersonating by an imposter and ruining his reputation.

What is incorrect about the movie is that Conway was not the "queen" he is in the film. He had a bit of an effette demeneur about him, but it was subtle, more like pseudo-posh etiquette behavior, and he always dressed in conservative suits and combinations, and not the wild orchild as he was in the film.

"There is no Seyser Koze!!!" Gabriel Byrne blunder while filming The Usual Suspects.


I agree with one of the former posters, the first scene was cracking me up, but i was losing interest in the middle. Average movie, disappointed.



Yes it does but forget the *beep* reviews of French.Malkovich's performance is fantastic as usual.Watch this movie,fioroncon.You won't regret it!!!



It was OK. Quite funny, and Malkovich is outrageously camp. But it often seems like a private joke made by Kubrick's inner circle to stick it to a very disturbed individual. The director was in attendance, and seemed to think it's main legacy was to scotch rumours of Kubrick being gay. I'd never heard those rumours myself, but it does lend the film a slightly nasty, homophobic slant. And Brian Cook was adamant that the film was entirely true to the real-life events - they had to put "true-ish" in the subtitle for legal reasons. Sounds like a lie to me. Otherwise, it's utterly inconsequential. Some nice in-jokes, though.

=Doctor Fact is Knocking at the Door. Someone, please - LET THE MAN IN=


Sorry to have to say it, but this film was just awful.

Dead boring, every 20 minutes we weer schocked that only 20 minutes had passed.

I have written a review, have a look at it.

It was just appalling.


If you go to DVDActive.com they just announced the american release for the DVD.

Extremely Anticipating:
Spider-Man 3
PotC 3



Im sorry but this movie is no good. The opening shows how Conway fools the people by posing himself as Mr. Kubrick. It continues on and on like that and repeats itself several times for the first hour. In the last 30 min. they find out who he is but he fools them again by posing like he has mental problems. In the end he ends up in a alcohol rehabillitation clinic, and thus the movie ends. It also explains that Mr. Conway got away with it as well. So what did you learn from this movie? nothing.
The acting was pretty annoying. I usually like John Malkovich pretty much, but his role in this film was somewhat annoying.
I'm sorry but this movie was terrible. never before have I wanted to just turn off the TV and go to bed. If you still want to see, rent it or borrow it from a friend.


This movie was produced in 2005, but is just about to come out? What gives?
