What a terminal bore this film is. It makes no sense at all. The two males would have never hung out together. They drive, argue, drink wine, meet females, drink wine, argue, drink more wine. What's the point? Stupid movie, with no characters I gave a damn about.
I wager the starter of this thread is a young guy with limited life experience. Probably expected a comedy action movie with its R rating. This movie had too much dialog for him. This movie rang true for me. I have known the main characters a couple times. Right now I know a Miles and a Jack. I have known a Maya. I've been Victoria's new husband. I have even known the Hitching Post's bartender and Stephanie's mother. Incredibly, I think I've had some of the conversations in this movie. These are real people expertly written and very well cast and acted. I guess my life has been a little lacking, though, because I have not ever known a Stephanie.
I enjoy this movie every time I see it, even though I always hope Miles will change his mind and not steal from his mom and then bail on her birthday brunch.
It was popular enough to start a whole new interest in wine, especially Pinot. Sales and interest in both went markedly higher after this film came out and still hold strong; 12 years later.
Why would that have anything to do with whether the movie is any good, or not? Even if you owned a vineyard, it still would not mean the movie is great.
One of the most engaging films ever made, with a splendid cast delivering the perfect mix of melancholy and humour. Anyone who has lived will have encountered people such as this, which makes it all the more honest. The dialogue was fabulous, so much so that if I missed a line I'd not hesitate to rewind.
Can't wait until next year when I'll watch it again for the fourth or fifth time.
Even if I had ever encountered characters like the ones in this boring movie, I would want to run away and hope that I never saw them again. There was not one single character that I gave a flip about.
That's false, in my case, at least. I can't stand Adam Sandler movies, and I've never bought wine in a box. What either of those things have to do with a movie being any good or bad is a mystery that not even Sherlock Holmes could solve.
I completely agree with you. I also find it amusing that all of these people claim you have to be intelligent to like this movie and their entire rebuttal is rude ad hominem attacks against the OP.
The pure fact is that different people like different movies for different reasons. Just because the OP didn't like the film does not make him a moron. It means nothing other than he simply didn't like the film.
Sideways is the sort of film that I actually like. I love wine. I love the beautiful countryside shown. I love subtle nuances in character display and dialogue. I love intelligent humor and yes, Sideways had all of these things. But for some reason, I didn't enjoy. I couldn't care about any of the characters. I didn't find the acting to be anything extraordinary. I simply was not entertained by the film.
Of course when I tell people that, rather than accept the fact that all people are different, people resort to calling me names and insulting my intelligence. However, if that is the only way you can defend a movie, by being a jerk to someone that didn't like it... it doesn't say much for the opinions of the people who like the movie.
Who are these people liking Sideways because there's wine in it? Wine tasting is a cover for Miles' descent into alcoholism. The countryside brings them nothing but misery (those ostriches hurt!).
That's sort of like saying you should have liked You've Got Mail because you like bookstores.
Of course you can still not like it, but it also is probably too quick to judge if you have no frame of reference for these characters. These are single adults of a certain age trying to hold onto their self-worth. If you're 25 or younger, or if you're one of those people who's always felt comfortable with their level of success, or someone who instantly dislikes a person for their mistakes (and the people on this board who didn't like it seem to fall into one of these categories), then you simply don't have that reference.
But one thing's for sure, it isn't about wine or California any more than it's about Eastern Orthodox weddings.