MovieChat Forums > Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) Discussion > RDJ says its the best film he´s ever don...

RDJ says its the best film he´s ever done on Joe Rogan.

I agree with him.


It may be the best film the entire line cast has done


It's a great film indeed. Definitely one of my favorite RDJ and Kilmer performances. Both are awesome in this


This is an amazing film, and I might agree with RDJ.

The only ones that come close are Zodiac, A Scanner Darkly, Tropic Thunder, and maybe Good Night and Good Luck (I haven't seen it, only heard that it's amazing). But none of those films *quite* have that special "something" that KKBB has. It's just got an extra edge. It's funny, thrilling, great characters, you care about them, feel for them... It's more dramatic than something like Tropic Thunder, more interesting and quirky than Zodiac, and more driving and forceful than A Scanner Darkly... Yeah, it's just magic.


Showed it to my wife and sister-in-law today. They both hated it. I am pretty stunned that they both called it a bad movie. They found the mystery difficult to follow which I somewhat agree with but I think the unlikely friendship between Perry and Harry is what makes the movie great and also the dark humour.


The mystery is no harder to follow than in any other detective story. Yeah, that's wild that they didn't like it. I agree with you, too, that the real heart of the film is the central buddies of Perry and Harry.


The mystery is cockamamie and adds up to nothing remotely sensible.


I like The Big Sleep, though, so if you've ever seen the film (or read the book) you'll see why I stand by my statement. Although, I'll grant that I could just as easily phrase it, "The mystery is no easier to follow than in any other detective story," too.


Huh, that's quite the commentary on detective stories then! I have never read a crime novel, but I've seen a few detective films (Klute, Knives Out, The Maltese Falcon), so I thought I understood the genre but maybe not.


Some of them get really convoluted. I didn't find KKBB's plot too hard to follow, although it certainly is twisty and while I don't think it's sensible - as you put it - I think it works on its own internal logic and is pretty close to how a lot of pulp/noir detective stories operate. This is part of the film's parody/homage thing it has going on.

I haven't seen Klute, but I love The Maltese Falcon and enjoyed Knives Out a lot, too.


His statement is not based on this film alone but rather the surrounding factors in his life at that time. The film was a touring point in his career, het got married in 2005, he stop using heroin in 2005 and a lot changed for him in that year.
